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It's different.
  There is a gap between rich and poor everywhere.
  These days, without any conditions, the natural wind blowing in the classroom is from the hall.
  Under normal conditions, there can be two ceiling fans in the classroom.
  If the conditions are better, the air conditioner is on 24 hours a day, keeping it warm in winter and cool in summer.
  No one dares to tamper with exam materials.
  In the past few years, fellow officials who visited the prefecture were greedy for money, and the charcoal fire was inferior. The examination room was filled with smoke, which made people cough and couldn't open their eyes. The steamed buns distributed were thickened with coarse grains and became hard after being cold. , I couldn't bite it. It happened that Xuezheng's son returned to his hometown for reference. He fainted from hunger in the examination room. Xuezheng checked and played in front of the emperor in the early morning. The governor of Xunzhou immediately stepped down.
  It's October in advance, and the weather is just right, neither hot nor cold. The candidates can write hard in a comfortable environment, and the court can save a huge sum of money. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.
  As soon as Fang Zichen said it, Brother Zhao understood roughly.
  After going home and getting the paperwork, Fang Zichen hurried back to town.

Chapter 98
  On the eaves of the backyard, Brother Zhao built a straw shed, and the firewood he usually chopped was neatly piled underneath.
  He wouldn't put too many flammable things like pine leaves and pine cones in the kitchen. Too much would make things messy, sparks would fly out, and it would easily cause a fire.

  He piled the pine leaves aside, went back to the kitchen, washed his hands, and scooped a ladle of water. He squatted down automatically like a conditioned reflex, and subconsciously shouted: "Good boy, come here and drink some water." "
  ... "..."
  In the kitchen, the yard was quiet.
  Where is the son? ? ?
  Brother Zhao was stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly darkened, and then he thought about it.
  Son... His son seems to have been forgotten by him on the mountain.
  His throat was so dry and burning that he was about to smoke, but he didn't even bother to drink water at this moment. He locked the door and ran directly to the pine forest in the west mountain.
  Brother Zhao was panting, and as soon as he reached the foot of the mountain, he saw the boy trying hard to drag two pine branches back.
  I carried a backpack before, but it was a bit heavy because it contained too many pine leaves. The good boy walked slowly and the downhill road was difficult. It was inconvenient for Brother Zhao to wait for him and he couldn't carry him, so he told him to let him go on the mountain. Wait for him to carry the basket to the roadside, then come back and carry him down.
  As a result, when we arrived at the foot of the mountain, we met Fang Zichen and heard him talk about the imperial examination. We all became anxious. We just went home to find Fang Zichen's household registration and documents, but we didn't remember the good boy.
  Now I see Guaizi, his eyes twinkling a little.
  While waiting for Brother Zhao, the good boy picked up some more pine cones. There was no place to put them, so he tucked the hem of his clothes into his pants. After picking up the pine cones, he threw them into his clothes until the front and back were full. I was so full of money that I sat down on the small stone to wait for Brother Zhao.
  There were a lot of mosquitoes in the mountains, and there were many bites on his face and hands. Brother Zhao didn't come for a long time. The good boy called him daddy a few times, but no one answered. Then he stumbled toward the place with his little mouth pouting. Walk down the mountain.
  When he was only a few months old, Brother Zhao began to carry him all over the mountains and fields to find wild vegetables, work in the fields, and go up the mountain to collect firewood. This state of affairs lasted until he was three years old. Now that he is older, and with his good memory, he is well-behaved. He knows everything.
  He didn't feel scared even if he was alone. He walked halfway up the mountain and was used to collecting firewood in the past. When he saw the fallen pine branches, he still wanted to drag them back and use them as firewood.
  When the good boy saw Brother Zhao, he smiled sweetly: "Dad, did you wait so long, Simo? The good boy has been waiting for a long time!" There were
  many pine branches and twigs, it hadn't rained for several days, and the road was dry. After a while, it was dragged on the ground, and it was filled with dust.
  The good boy was dressed in gray and looked a little dusty.
  Brother Zhao felt terribly guilty.
  How dare he tell the truth?
  I'm even more embarrassed to say that he just forgot about him.
  Having said that, it is estimated that his son's heart will be broken.
  He wiped off the sweat of the good boy, wiped his face clean, made an excuse, and said perfunctorily: "I'm too thirsty, I'll go home and drink some water first." "Yeah!" The good boy was only three years old, Naoren estimated
  . It's not as big as a piglet, so it's easy to deceive. The basket that is taller than him will be very heavy when filled with pine leaves. He understands, because he tried to carry it before, but it didn't move. He carried it upstairs. He also fell down and almost crushed him to death.
  It's so heavy, Daddy must be very tired.
  With this thought in mind, Guaizi suddenly raised his head and said loudly and solemnly: "Dad, Guaizi will have two bowls of rice when he goes home tonight!" The bowls at home are big, and
  he usually eats half a bowl plus a bowl of bone soup to make him full. He was burping, and now he wanted to eat two bowls. Brother Zhao couldn't help but find it funny and a little strange:
  "Why do you have to eat two bowls? If you can't finish it, it will be wasted."
  "Eat more, you will grow longer High." The good boy raised his hand and gestured, and said, "I want to be as tall as my father."
  Brother Zhao smiled slightly and asked, "Why do you want to be as tall as your father? Isn't it good to be as tall as your father?"

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