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Brother Zhao shook his head: "It's okay."
  Who could have expected this kind of thing, and it wasn't intentional, so how can you blame others.
  Fourth Master He breathed a sigh of relief and was about to throw the gander into the bamboo pen, but the boy pointed at the tumor on its mouth and asked Brother Zhao: "Dad, there is a bump on the goose's head. Where did it hit?" Huh? My head is swollen!"
  Brother Zhao laughed out loud: "Silly son!"
  Because he was trying to make it with his hands, Brother Zhao just picked a small one. Uncle He weighed it, and it was more than four pounds. a little.
  This duck is sold in the town for about ten cents per catty, but in the village and from the countryside, it is cheaper, nine cents per catty, which is about the same as pork.
  Brother Zhao gave the money and took the boy back. The boy held on to his clothes, not daring to let the clothes stick to his skin, otherwise he would rub his chest and it would hurt.
  Fourth Uncle He just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the good boy say to Brother Zhao: "I will tell my father when he comes back."
  He was not thinking about Fang Zichen, he just wanted to say that he was injured and in pain, which made Fang Zichen feel distressed. I felt sorry for him, kissed him, and coaxed him, but when these words fell into Uncle He's ears, the taste changed.
  He looked at the geese pecking at the grass in the bamboo circle with pity in his eyes. This old guy, he's afraid he won't be able to keep it.
  The day Fang Xiaozi comes back, that day may be the day he dies.

Chapter 124
  : Roast duck is not easy to make. There are only a lot of ingredients written by Fang Zichen, such as cumin, cauliflower, cinnamon, cloves, licorice, and pepper. It is difficult to buy them. Some medical centers No, he went to several houses before he could get it together.
  Make a pot of medicinal herbs and spices, pour the ingredients into it and cook together.

  When killing the duck, Guaizi volunteered to help him catch the duck legs. Brother Zhao took a bowl and put it on the ground. He held the knife and wiped his neck. Blood gushed out and flowed into the bowl.
  Chicken blood and duck blood are both good things, and the wealthy people despise them because they think they are dirty, but for the villagers, they are also a rare food.
  When the duck blood solidifies, keep it and cook it with cabbage or stew it with tofu, both are delicious.
  After all, he came from poverty, and Brother Zhao was not willing to waste it.
  The duck stared hard at its legs, and several children gathered around to watch the fun. The duck struggled a little at first, but then kicked its legs suddenly. The boy could hardly hold on to it, and his face turned red with such force that he even turned somersaults due to the duck's kick. , Fortunately, Liu Dali came to help in time.
  As winter approaches, the duck has just grown new hair, which is short and difficult to pluck out. In addition, the boy is not helping, so it takes until evening before the duck is cleaned up.
  The children had just helped out, either fetching water or sweeping the yard. Brother Zhao gave each of them a piece of candy. The little ones thanked them, licked the candy and sat in rows on the threshold.
  After the ingredients are cooked, you have to wait until it cools down before putting the cooked duck in. It can be taken out after soaking for three hours, and then placed in a cool and ventilated place to 'dry'.
  The process was tedious and time-consuming, and it was really not easy. The first time Zhao Geer did it, he followed the steps written by Fang Zichen. He didn't dare to neglect at all, for fear that if he didn't pay attention, he would make a mistake and waste dozens of copper coins.
  More importantly, Fang Zichen had a greedy look on his face when he told him about the roast duck.
  Although Fang Zichen was an adopted son from a wealthy family, his character and style were evident. It is not difficult to see that his adoptive parents and two older brothers were extremely pampering and loving towards him. Otherwise, they would not have been able to raise him to have such a big-hearted and self-centered personality.
  He gets whatever he wants, and has the best food and clothing, so he is picky.
  He can't forget about the roast duck, so he probably likes it.
  The government examination is not easy. He is away from home alone, so he must not be able to eat well or sleep well.
  Brother Zhao wants to do a good job and give him a surprise when he comes back.
  He didn't forget how excited and happy Fang Zichen was when the hot sauce was made last time. He held the hot sauce in his hands and kissed him several times with joy.
  He didn't dare to sleep to death. In the middle of the night, when the time came, Brother Zhao got up again. The night was a little cold. He put on some clothes, heated the charcoal he bought yesterday and stuffed it into the oven, and put the duck in. , after everything was done, I went back to my room to rest.
  Brother Zhao got up at dawn in the morning. He asked Guaizi if he wanted to go to town with him to sell hot sauce. Guaizi rubbed his eyes and nodded.
  The hot sauce is still easy to sell. Brother Zhao smiled and pointed to the end of West Street. He told the customers that he would no longer sell it here. He had opened a shop there.
  "Do you sell hot sauce alone?" asked an aunt.
  The head of her family likes spicy food. She works in a rich family's house and her family's conditions are pretty good. She often goes to Zhao Ge'er every three days to buy hot sauce, and she is familiar with it after just two visits.

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