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Fang Zichen clutched his chest and took two steps back: "There is no door."
  Lu Zhengren's eyes widened: "You...you..."
  He never expected that this soldier-tiger talisman would be a meat bun if given out. There is no return to dog beating.
  When it was first given to him, Fang Zichen still refused to take it, saying that it was against the rules and that he was not good enough. It was too hot to handle and he did not dare to handle it. So his confidant gave him nine hundred taels, and Fang Zichen reluctantly accepted it and assumed the post of general on his behalf. Although his confidants said that he did it on purpose, even if he didn't say anything, Fang Zichen would definitely ask for control of the Northwest Army when he saw that he was injured. Such evasion was just to take advantage of the opportunity to get some money. This person is not a person who is greedy for power. , but now...
  Fang Zichen said: "I know you want to guard it, and this Soldier and Tiger Talisman is also yours, but I have already sent a letter to the emperor, and the emperor will send an order soon." "What do you mean
  ? Lu Zhengren asked.
  "You are getting old and have lost your courage. It is time to return to the capital for retirement. I told the emperor to give me the Soldier and Tiger Talisman." Fang Zichen said.
  Lu Zhengren almost laughed angrily: "Do you think the emperor is your father, and you just gave it to him if you asked him?" "
  Hey, you are right. Although he is not my father, he is my brother, and he and I are good friends. , if you ask him for a Soldier Tiger Talisman, can he refuse to give it to you?" Fang Zichen was stunned: "Are you insinuating that the emperor is stingy? Are you tired of living like this? But for the sake of our acquaintance, I will keep it a secret for you. If you don't tell him, you don't need to thank me too much. After all, we are all our own people."
  Lu Zhengren almost laughed angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, return the Soldier Tiger Talisman to me."
  Seeing how angry he was, Fang Zichen thought about it Thinking about it, he handed the Soldier Tiger Talisman to him: "Okay, here it is, but in two days, you will probably have to send someone to deliver it to me, so you can say goodbye to it properly!"
  Lu Zhengren: "... "
  The Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms were driven out of Daxia, and the news spread back to the capital.
  In addition to reporting on the battle situation, there are also private messages from Fang Zichen.
  Your Majesty, do you want to open up new territories?
  Do you want to unify the four countries?
  Do you want to live forever and no one dares to commit a crime?
  Xia Jinghong naturally thought so.
  How could the couch lying on its side allow others to snore? It would be okay if the countries such as Great Liang were not so ambitious, but the surrounding countries seemed to regard Great Xia as a fat piece of meat and were always eyeing him. Xia Jinghong was always afraid of Great Xia Shou. Can't live.
  Fang Zichen’s letter talked about the pros and cons.
  If we really fight, the people will be in dire straits for several years, but if we unify the four countries, there will be no more wars in the future.
  If we don’t fight, maybe next year, or the year after tomorrow, Great Liang has figured out explosives, and after a duel, they will probably raise their troops to invade again. Several countries have been colluding for decades, and they have never given up on occupying our country, Daxia. It may be the same in the future.
  Xia Jinghong sat all night, thinking about this matter. The next day he went to court and called the left and right prime ministers, and also called a few confidants. Although he had made a decision, he still wanted to hear everyone's opinions.
  "What do you all, my beloved ministers, think about this matter?"
  Everyone thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, I think what Master Fang said is very true, so I will accept the challenge." When they went to court the
  next day, when this incident came out, the courtiers were shocked.
  After all, those who support the war still make up the majority.
  Now that the time and place are right, if we can fight, we will fight.
  If we don't fight it down, we'll wait for someone to make explosives, and if several countries unite, Daxia will have nothing to fight back with.
  We can no longer fall into the same situation as before. If it weren't for the explosives, the enemy would have already invaded Ganzhou by now. Now, to 'seize the opportunity', we have to fight.
  Everyone has heard how powerful explosives are. This is what Mr. Fang figured out. It is said that the coalition forces were beaten to the point where they were unable to fight back. If you really want to conquer the Three Kingdoms, it will not take more than three years. It does not count as a waste of people and money.
  "This time the Great Liang, together with the Northern Qi and the Great Liao, invaded our Daxia Jizhou and injured tens of thousands of innocent people. This matter must not be tolerated." Xia Jinghong looked solemn: "I have decided to issue a declaration of war to the four great Liao countries. Let them also know that I, Daxia, am not someone to be trifled with."
  Xia Zheng was in his 23rd year.
  The Emperor of Daxia formally issued an edict
  to declare war on Daliao.
  Waging war against Great Liang.
  War on Beiqi.
  Wage war against the great dynasty.
  The whole country was in an uproar.
  Daliao sent out 180,000 troops to support the coalition forces to attack Daxia, but now none of them can come back, and they are all lost in Daxia.
  The news that Ershigu withdrew its troops but was still surrounded and suppressed by the Northwest Army quickly spread back to Daliao.
  The Emperor of Liao Dynasty was furious and felt that the Northwest Army was simply wanton.
  "Arrogant, simply arrogant."
  The courtiers were panicking.
  Daliao is just a small country, with a total military strength of only about 300,000, and now it has been reduced by half...

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