A Flying Surprise

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The sun was shining brightly in the azure sky above the majestic Hogwarts castle. It was a perfect day for a flying lesson. The first-year students gathered near the Quidditch pitch, excited about riding a broomstick for the first time.

Madam Rolanda Hooch, the gray-haired and stern-looking flying instructor, stood before the young witches and wizards, observing each student carefully.

Rolanda: "Alright, everyone, stand beside your broomstick and with a confident voice, hold your hand above the broomstick and say 'Up,'" she ordered in an authoritative tone.

The students hurried to follow Madam Hooch's instructions, but Bellarose, with her heart pounding, was particularly nervous. She positioned herself next to her broomstick, her hand trembling above it, and said in a clear voice.

Bellarose: "Up."

To her great surprise, the broomstick began to vibrate gently under her hand, and before she could react, it lifted slightly off the ground. Bellarose was floating in the air, a look of wonder on her face.

The rest of the lesson went smoothly for Bellarose, and she flew with ease, even performing some basic maneuvers. At the end of the class, Madam Hooch approached her once again.

Madam Hooch was impressed and, at the end of the lesson, approached Bellarose while she was hovering in mid-air.

Rolanda: "Miss Bellarose, you have a real talent for flying. If you're interested, I encourage you to try out for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. The team could use new talent like yours."

Bellarose's face lit up with excitement at the suggestion. Being a Quidditch player seemed like a perfect way to let off steam.

Bellarose: "Thank you, Madam Hooch! I will definitely try out for the team."

Madam Hooch gave her an approving smile.

Rolanda: "That's the spirit, Miss Bellarose. Show us what you're capable of on the field, and I'm confident you'll work wonders."

She raised her voice to address all the students.

Rolanda: "In the next flying lesson, we'll cover sweeping and turning techniques. Make sure to be prepared."

Bellarose nodded with determination, already eager to embark on this new adventure. She had found a new passion and was ready to soar to new heights in the world of Quidditch at Hogwarts.


Tonks was on her way to the Hogwarts library to return some borrowed books when she heard muffled voices coming from an adjacent corridor. Intrigued, she decided to follow the sound to see what was happening.

Turning the corner of the corridor, she stumbled upon a disturbing scene. Bellarose Lestrange, a Hufflepuff student, was cornered against the wall by Draco Malfoy, accompanied by his friends Crabbe and Goyle. Draco was looking at her with contempt and disdain, while Bellarose appeared both furious and helpless.

Draco: "So, Bellarose, did you really think you could escape us? You're a disgrace to our family; I don't even know why my parents accepted you into the family. You're and will always be a Lestrange."

Bellarose tried to retort, her voice trembling, tears on the brink of falling.

Belllarose: "I'm not like her, Draco."

Crabbe and Goyle chuckled unpleasantly, encouraging Draco in his taunting.

Draco: "Oh, really? Then why does no one trust you here? Why does everyone know who you are and despise you?"

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