Aftermath and Recovery

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Bellarose slowly opened her eyes, the soft ceiling of the Hogwarts infirmary coming into focus. She felt groggy and disoriented, her head throbbing with pain from where she had hit it during the intense battle with Tom Riddle. As her vision cleared, she noticed a familiar figure slumbering in a chair next to her bed. Nymphadora, her cousin, was there, her vibrant magenta hair a stark contrast against the sterile surroundings. She couldn't help but smile weakly at the sight of her cousin.

Bellarose whispered softly, her voice still weak from her ordeal.

Bellarose: "Nymph..."

Nymphadora stirred in her sleep, her eyes fluttering open as she yawned and stretched. When she saw Bellarose awake, her eyes widened with relief, and she jumped up from the chair.

Bellarose repeated, this time with a bit more strength.

Bellarose: "Nymph."

Nymphadora rushed to her cousin's bedside, her face filled with concern, checking if everything was okay before hugging her.

Nymphadora: "Bell! You're finally awake. How do you feel?"

Bellarose managed a small, grateful smile.

Bellarose: "Like I've been hit by a Bludger, but I'll survive."

Nymphadora chuckled softly, her ever-changing hair turning a new shade of purple in amusement.

Nymphadora: "That's the spirit. You gave us all quite a scare, you know, but be ready, Mom will not be as lenient as me."

Bellarose's brow furrowed as she remembered the intense duel with Tom Riddle and the basilisk.

Bellarose: "What happened?"

Nymphadora: "Well, I just got here today, I was here to talk about some things with you when I heard you were unconscious. Since then, I didn't leave your side."

Before she could could inquire about the  subject, Madam Poppy Pomfrey entered the infirmary, her stern expression softening as she saw Bellarose awake and alert. She approached the bed and greeted her with a warm smile.

Madam Pomfrey: "Ah, Miss Bellarose, it's good to see you're awake. I'll need to do a thorough check-up to ensure you're on the road to recovery."

Bellarose nodded, understanding the importance of Madam Pomfrey's examination. She still felt weak and sore, and she knew she needed proper medical attention.

Nymphadora took this opportunity to slip out of the room quietly. She needed to find Dumbledore and inform him that Bellarose was awake and alert. She knew that the headmaster would want to speak with her as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Madam Pomfrey began her examination, checking Bellarose's vitals and asking her questions about how she was feeling. She answered to the best of her ability, grateful for the care and attention she was receiving.

Madam Pomfrey's face grew slightly more serious as she continued her examination.

Madam Pomfrey: "Miss Bellarose, I must inform you that you were unconscious for three days. The primary reason for this extended period of unconsciousness was due to significant blood loss. You were in quite a dire condition when you were brought here."

Her eyes widened at the revelation. She had known the battle had been intense, but she hadn't realized the extent of her injuries. She nodded, her voice filled with gratitude.

Bellarose: "Thank you, Madam Pomfrey, for taking care of me."

Madam Pomfrey nodded in return.

Madam Pomfrey: "You're welcome, dear. It's my duty to ensure the health and well-being of the students. I'll continue to monitor your progress closely to make sure you make a full recovery."

Beyond the Bonds of Blood: The Threshold of Hope | Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now