Pride and Prejudice

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As the students huddled closer, Hagrid began to usher them into a more open area behind his hut, where they were greeted by the sight of a magnificent creature that immediately commanded everyone's attention.

Hagrid's voice, brimming with affection and pride, broke the awed silence.

Hagrid: "This here is Buckbeak. He's a hippogriff, and he's one of the noblest creatures yeh'll ever meet. the frist thing you want to know about Hippogriff is that they're very proud creature and you do not want to insult them"

He warned the student, gesturing towards the creature that stood tall and proud, its fierce eyes scanning the crowd of students.

Bellarose's eyes widened as she took in Buckbeak's imposing form, a majestic blend of a giant eagle and a horse, with gleaming feathers and a gaze that seemed to pierce straight through to her soul. She felt an instant connection, a recognition of the creature's inherent magic that mirrored her own.

Hagrid: "Approachin' a hippogriff requires courage and respect. Yeh must always bow and wait for Buckbeak to bow back before yeh can touch him. It's all about mutual respect, see?"

Hagrid's explanation hung in the air, thick with anticipation and a hint of apprehension. The students exchanged nervous glances, the weight of the warning about Hippogriffs' pride and the need for respect settling heavily upon them.

Hargid: "Alright, who wants to be the first to try?" 

He asked, his eyes sweeping over the group of Hogwarts students, who suddenly seemed to find the ground extremely interesting.

In a synchronous motion that would have been comical under different circumstances, nearly every student took a subtle step back. All except two.

Harry, caught off guard, remained where he was, his previous encounters with magical creatures having never quite prepared him for a moment like this. His hesitation wasn't out of eagerness but rather a stunned pause, his bravery momentarily locked in a battle with surprise

Next to him, Bellarose's hand shot up, showing her genuine enthusiasm and love for magical creatures. Her favorite subject, her connection with magical beasts was not just academic but deeply personal, especially given her unique bond with her unicorn friend. This moment was an opportunity for her, not a challenge, it was about meeting another magnificent creature and experiencing the magic that always filled her with joy and wonder.

Hagrid, recognizing the sincerity and eagerness in Bellarose's gesture, smiled warmly in her direction.

Hagrid: "Ah, Bellarose! I knew yeh wouldn't miss the chance. Yeh have always had a way with magical creatures."

He said, acknowledging not just her raised hand but the well-known fact of her affinity for the subject.

As Bellarose stepped forward, a hush fell over the assembled students. She walked with a measured pace towards Buckbeak, her every step radiating the respect and admiration she felt for the majestic creature. Harry, realizing he was also inadvertently in the spotlight, squared his shoulders, his natural instinct to face challenges head-on reasserting itself despite the initial shock.

Bellarose reached the designated spot in front of Buckbeak, her gaze locked with the Hippogriff's piercing eyes.

Hagird : "Now , you have to let him make the first move. It's only polite, so step Up, give him a nice bow. Then you wait to see if he bows back."

Buckbeak's immediate bow, even before Hagrid had finished his instructions, drew a collective gasp from the students. The majestic creature, known for its discerning judgment and pride, recognized something within Bellarose before she had even completed the traditional gesture of respect.

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