Nights raids

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Bellarose had now spent about two months with the Tonks family, and despite her rough start, she was starting to feel more and more comfortable with the family. On that day, she was sitting on a chair in the small kitchen while Andromeda was styling her hair. She was sharing stories about her daughter Nymphadora, who had recently started working in the field with her mentor Alastor Moody. Bellarose remembered her only encounter with Moody. The man was fearsome and had clearly shown his hatred towards the Lestranges and the Malfoys. That night, Bellarose had struggled to find sleep, tormented by that. Fortunately, Nymphadora had come to comfort her and had slept by her side.

Today the Ministry of Magic was currently conducting a series of raids, but Bellarose was not aware of the reason behind these operations. Officially, the Ministry claimed that there were Muggle objects that had been enchanted and exposed to the public, which was indeed the case. However, Alastor Moody and Nymphadora had an another objectif it was to find certain documents.

Bellarose was listening carefully to Andromeda's stories about Nymphadora and trying to relax as her hair was being styled. The peaceful atmosphere of the kitchen was interrupted by Andromeda's warm laughter. In between laughter, seeing that Bellarose was a bit tense, she said with a smile,

Andromeda: Don't worry about Dora she's in good company. She can sometimes seem a bit eccentric, but that's just her way of looking at life. She has a big heart and an iron will.

Bellarose: "Yes, I've noticed, it's juste hard to imagine her working alongside Moody he seems so... intense."

Andromeda: "Oh yes, Alastor is quite the character, that's for sure. He's one of the most feared Aurors, but he also has a great deal of experience. He takes the security of our world very seriously, sometimes a bit too much."

Bellarose thought back to her first encounter with the Auror in question and shivered.

Bellarose: "I met him once, and he didn't hide his distrust of my family. He seemed really determined to hunt down the Death Eaters."

Andromeda: "Yes, Moody had be tough a lots during the war, that's why he's so vigilant. He wants to make sure history doesn't repeat itself. But don't worry, he has nothing against you, my dear. It takes time for him to trust new people."

Andromeda's words were comforting, and a gentle smile appeared on Bellarose's face.

Bellarose: "I'm really trying to fit in here, but all my life I've only known the cold manor of the Malfoys. It's still a bit confusing for me, but I'm grateful for the warm welcome you've given me."

Andromeda placed an affectionate hand on Bellarose's shoulder.

Andromeda: I'm happy to have you here, Bella and I'm sure Dora feels the same way.

Before Bellarose had a chance to respond, she smiled warmly as she handed her a mirror.

Andromeda: There, I've finished the hairstyle.

Bellarose gently took the mirror and looked up to see the result in the reflection. She was pleasantly surprised by what she saw. Andromeda had managed to create an elegant and neat hairstyle while preserving the natural beauty of her long black hair.

Her hair was tied in an elegant French braid that started at the top of her head and cascaded down her shoulder. A few strands delicately framed her face, accentuating her beauty. The braid was adorned with small silver beads, adding a touch of magic to the hairstyle. The hair was perfectly smooth and shiny, a testament to Andromeda's hairstyling talent.

She looked at herself in the mirror carefully, appreciating Andromeda's work. She knew that every detail of this hairstyle had been carefully thought out. By doing this, she deliberately distanced herself from the appearance of her mother, Bellatrix Lestrange, and her characteristic hairstyle. It was a way for herself to define her own identity, distinct from her original family.


Meanwhile, Nymphadora and Alastor were on a mission at the Ministry of Magic. Their objective was to locate and retrieve a document they had information about, suggesting it might be hidden among the ministry's archives. She stood by Moody's side, ready to act with determination. Moody, with his magical eye constantly on the lookout, surveyed the ministry's corridors with suspicion. He knew the importance of this mission to Nymphadora and understood that the document they were searching for could contain vital information against the Malfoys.

In his deep voice, Moody began to speak.

Moody: "Be cautious if what I've you sais is true, the information we're looking for is likely well-guarded. If you notice anything unusual, report it immediately."

Nymphadora nodded in understanding. She had learned a lot from Moody since becoming his apprentice and deeply respected the Auror's experience.

Nymphadora: "I'm ready. We'll have to find this document."

They moved silently through the ministry's corridors, searching for signs that might lead them to the document's hiding place. Tension hung in the air as they approached their goal. They were in front of a small, neglected storage room within the archives, which seemed untouched for years.

Moody pointed his magical eye at the door, checking for magical traps or special protections. After confirming that the way was clear, he carefully pushed the door open. The room was dark and dusty, with the some barely penetrating through the dirty windows. Shelves filled with old scrolls and disorganized documents stretched as far as the eye could see. They knew they had to be quick and precise.

Moody headed for a particular section of the archives, relying on his instincts as a seasoned Auror. Nymphadora followed closely, searching for clues on the parchments they were looking for. After a moment of intense searching, Moody called out to his apprentice, pointing to one of the parchments.

Moody: "We've found them. These are the ones we were looking for."

Nymphadora approached and read the parchment carefully. It bore the signature of Bellatrix Lestrange, formalizing Bellarose's adoption by the Malfoys.

With a grave tone, Nymphadora asked:

Nymphadora: "It's a step forward, but what do we do about the other two parchments?"

Moody examined the other two parchments. The first was the document requesting the Tonks to relinquish their guardianship rights over Bellarose, but it remained unfilled. The second was still sealed. He thought for a moment and then began to speak.

Moody: "If this seal is genuine, then I have an idea of who it's from. As for the content, I believe it must be a response to the adoption request, likely a refusal of adoption. Bellatrix Lestrange has committed serious crimes, and the Malfoys, even if they were acquitted of the crimes committed under You-Know-Who, could never have had custody of Bellarose without you knowing. The problem is that since this parchment is still sealed, it wasn't revealed as it should have been."

Nymphadora nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Nymphadora: "We should take all three parchments with us. They might help us to..."

Nymphadora didn't finish her sentence because her intention was something she hadn't discussed with anyone, not even her mother or Bellarose.

Moody nodded, and together, they carefully gathered the parchments, securely storing them in a protected pocket.

Moody: "I wish we had found evidence againstt the Malfoys, but beacause this parchement is still sealed they can claim they were unaware, so we won't be able to punish them even if it's true. Magical laws can be complicated, and the Malfoys have connections."

Frustration could be heard in his voice.

When they heard some nose they left the archive room with the parchments safely in their possession. The truth about Bellarose's adoption by the Malfoys was more complex than she had imagined, and she was determined to uncover the whole truth, whatever it might be.

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