Dumbledore's and Snape's Inquiry(Part 1 )

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The grounds of Hogwarts were blanketed in the frosty whites and muted grays of midwinter, the air crisp and tinged with the chill of the season. Bellarose found her friends gathered under a large beech tree, their laughter and chatter weaving through the leaves. She approached with a smile, greeted by the familiar faces of Ginny, Luna, Anthony, Cedric, and surprisingly, Cho Chang.

As Bellarose settled down on the grass beside them, she couldn't help but notice the easy camaraderie that seemed to have developed between Cho and the others.

Bellarose: "Looks like I've missed quite a bit. Since when did Cho start hanging out with us?"

Ginny shot her a playful look, nudging her gently with her shoulder.

Ginny: "Maybe if you weren't so mysteriously busy all the time, you'd know! Cho's been part of the gang for a few weeks now. You're out of the loop, Bellarose!"

The group erupted into gentle laughter, and Cho smiled warmly at Bellarose, welcoming her into the conversation.

Cho Chang: "Ginny's just giving you a hard time. It started with a chat in the library about Quidditch tactics, and things just clicked from there."

Luna, who had been fashioning a crown from nearby wildflowers, chimed in with her usual dreamy tone.

Luna: "And we discovered that Cho has an excellent sense for Nargle activities. It's quite useful, you know."

Anthony jumped in.

Anthony: "And with Quidditch season up ahead, having another enthusiast around is perfect. Ced's even been showing her some moves, right Ced?"

Cedric nodded with a playful, competitive glint in his eye.

Cedric: "Absolutely, Cho's picking up tactics faster than most. Watch out, Bellarose, she might just outfly you next match."

The comment drew a round of laughter, as the conversation shifted, Bellarose caught Cho's eye and leaned in with a mischievous grin. Lowering her voice so only Cho could hear, she teased her gently.

Bellarose: "So, you're the new star in Cedric's training sessions, huh? I remember hearing during our Hogsmeade trip that someone has a bit of a crush on him. Fif you manage to steal more than just flying tips?"

Before Bellarose could continue, Cho, blushing and caught off guard, quickly placed her hand over Bellarose's mouth, her eyes wide with playful alarm.

Cho Chang: "Shh! Not so loud!"

As Bellarose and Cho shared a light-hearted moment, the atmosphere was suddenly interrupted by the towering figure of Hagrid, accompanied by the stern presence of Professor McGonagall. They approached the group, their expressions serious.

Hagrid: "Bellarose, there's someone wantin' to have a word with yeh."

Professor McGonagall: "Miss Bellarose, if you could come with us, please."

The suddenness of their appearance sparked a flurry of whispers among the group. Ginny and Anthony exchanged mischievous glances, their voices laced with mock seriousness.

Ginny: "Looks like Bellarose is in for it now!"

Anthony: "Caught by McGonagall, that's got to be a new record for this term."

Bellarose rolled her eyes, suppressing a smile as she stood to follow the professors, waving off her friends' teasing remarks.

As they walked away from the group, Professor McGonagall's voice took on a more formal tone.

Professor McGonagall: "Headmaster Dumbledore wishes to speak with you, Bellarose. It's about a matter of some importance."

The weight of her words quickened Bellarose's pulse, curiosity mingling with a twinge of anxiety. What could be so important that it required Dumbledore's attention? As they neared the castle, Bellarose couldn't help but ask.

Bellarose: "Professor, may I know what this is about? Is everything all right?"

Professor McGonagall: "He didn't tell us."

Bellarose's heart sank.

Hagrid: "Bell, while yeh here, I've been meanin' to ask—could yeh maybe keep an ear to the ground about Buckbeak? His hearing's comin' up, and it's lookin' a bit grim."

Bellarose's thoughts immediately shifted to the grim fate potentially awaiting the noble creature. Her heart sank at the thought, but she masked her concern with a resolute nod.

Bellarose: "Of course, Hagrid. I'll do whatever I can, and i will take care of everything at the hut when your at the hearing so you don't have to worry about it."

Hagrid: "Thanks you."

Hagrid took Bellarose in bear hug. Just then, the office door opened, revealing Dumbledore, standing with a gentle smile, and Proffessor Snape who quickly look at them. Hagrid let Bellarose go quickly embarassed.

Dumbledore: "Ah, Bellarose, come in. We have much to discuss."

As they entered the office, Bellarose's mind raced with thoughts of Dumbledore's unknown request and why was Professor Snape here.

As Bellarose entered the dimly lit office, she noted the familiar, curious artifacts scattered around Dumbledore's space. However, her attention quickly centered on a solitary chair positioned unusually in the middle of the room. Dumbledore, with his hands clasped behind his back, gestured towards the chair.

Dumbledore: "Please, take a seat, Bellarose."

With a slight hesitation, Bellarose moved towards the chair and sat down, feeling oddly like a specimen under scrutiny. As she settled in, she noticed Professor Snape looming silently behind her, his presence like a shadow casting an additional chill in the already cool room.

Dumbledore took a moment before speaking, his eyes searching Bellarose's with a mixture of concern and earnestness that she had not often seen.

Dumbledore: "Bellarose, you have conducted yourself commendably this year, in contrast to some challenges in the past. Unfortunately, despite your behavior, there are external circumstances that compel us to scrutinize certain matters more closely."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in. Bellarose felt a tightening in her chest, sensing the gravity of what was to come.

Dumbledore: "Your lineage has drawn some unwarranted suspicion from certain members of the Ministry. They are concerned about loyalties... particularly concerning recent security breaches at Hogwarts."

Dumbledore's voice held a weight that filled the room, and Bellarose's heart began to pound with the realization that this was no ordinary inquiry.

Dumbledore: "So, I must ask you directly, and I need you to be truthful with me, Bellarose. Have you in any way assisted Sirius Black in breaching the security of Hogwarts?"

The question hung in the air, heavy and stark. Snape's breathing seemed louder behind her, and for a moment, the office was painfully silent except for the soft crackling of the fire. Bellarose's mind raced. The accusation was severe, and the implications of her answer would undoubtedly have significant consequences.

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