Ireland vs Viktor Krum

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As the exhilaration from the Quidditch World Cup began to fade, the night took on a more ominous tone. The campsite, previously alive with the joy and laughter of wizards and witches from all over the world, started to fall into an uneasy silence. Shadows lengthened, and an air of tension settled over the tents.

Bellarose, Pansy, and their friends had just finished discussing the highlights of the match when they heard the first screams. The sound sent chills down Bellarose's spine, and she immediately turned towards the source.

"What's happening?" Daphne asked, her voice filled with worry.

Before anyone could answer, they saw figures in dark robes and masks, casting spells that sent tents flying and people running in all directions. The once lively campsite was now a scene of chaos and panic.

"Death Eaters," Pansy whispered, her face paling. "We need to get out of here."

They started to move quickly, trying to avoid the chaos. The scene was a nightmare: families were scrambling to find each other, and spells were lighting up the night as wizards and witches tried to defend themselves or escape.

Bellarose grabbed Pansy's hand, pulling her through the crowd. "This way," she urged, trying to stay calm despite the panic rising in her chest.

As they navigated through the campsite, the group became separated in the confusion. Bellarose looked back, but she couldn't see her friends. "Pansy? Daphne? Where are you?" she called out, her voice drowned by the screams and explosions around her.

Suddenly, Bellarose found herself alone in the midst of the chaos. She tried to move towards where she last saw her friends, but was forced to duck and dodge spells being cast haphazardly.

Before she could react, a group of Death Eaters appeared in front of her. Their masks gleamed menacingly in the light of the spells being cast around them.

"Well, what do we have here?" one of them sneered, raising his wand.

Bellarose felt a surge of fear but stood her ground, her wand at the ready. "Stupefy!" she yelled, aiming at the nearest Death Eater.

The spell hit its mark, but it only served to anger the others. They advanced on her, wands raised.

"Crucio!" one of them shouted, and Bellarose screamed as pain shot through her body.

She fell to the ground, clutching her side. One of the Death Eaters stepped forward, a sadistic grin on his face. "Let's make sure she remembers this night," he said, slashing his wand across her face.

Bellarose felt a searing pain as the spell cut into her skin, leaving a deep, permanent scar along the side of her face. She gasped, her vision blurring with tears and pain.

As the Death Eater raised his wand to deliver the final blow, another stepped in. "No, we can't kill her. If she dies, they won't be happy."

The first Death Eater hesitated, lowering his wand. Bellarose's mind raced, trying to understand who "they" were, but the pain was too overwhelming.

She thought she heard familiar voices calling her name. "Bellarose! Over here!" It sounded like Pansy and Nymphadora, but she couldn't be sure.

Just as darkness began to overtake her, Bellarose caught a glimpse of Pansy's terrified face and felt a hand on her shoulder. "Hold on, Bellarose," a soothing voice said, but it was too late. She succumbed to the pain and fell into unconsciousness

When Bellarose began to regain consciousness, the first thing she heard was Ginny's furious voice.

"You told me she would be safe! You promised, Pansy!" Ginny's voice was filled with anger and fear.

Arthur Weasley's calm but firm voice intervened. "Ginny, shouting won't help. We need to stay calm and focused."

Luna's soothing tones followed. "She's right, Ginny. Bellarose needs us to be here for her now, not fighting among ourselves."

"But she promised!" Ginny cried, her voice breaking. "She promised Bellarose would be safe."

Bellarose could sense the tension in the room, even in her groggy state. She forced her eyes open, the pain in her side and face intense but manageable. She saw Pansy standing there, silent and looking devastated, while Daphne stood beside her, a look of fierce determination on her face.

"Don't blame Pansy," Daphne said firmly. "She did everything she could. None of us expected this to happen."

Bellarose managed to whisper, her voice weak, "Pansy..."

Everyone turned toward her, relief flooding their faces.

Pansy rushed to her side, tears streaming down her face. "Bellarose, I'm so sorry. I should have—"

Bellarose interrupted her, her voice still faint. "Are you okay, Pansy?"

Pansy looked at her in surprise, her guilt momentarily overshadowed by confusion. "You're asking if I'm okay? Bellarose, you're the one who got hurt."

Bellarose managed a weak smile. "I just... wanted to make sure."

Pansy nodded, her tears falling onto Bellarose's hand. "I'm fine. Thanks to you."

At that moment, Nymphadora appeared at Bellarose's other side, her face pale and eyes wide with fear. She gently placed a hand on Bellarose's shoulder, her voice trembling. "Bellarose, I was so scared. When I heard what happened... I thought I might lose you."

Bellarose looked at her, seeing the genuine fear and relief in Nymphadora's eyes. "I'm okay, Nymph," she whispered, her own voice shaky. "I'm still here."

Nymphadora squeezed her shoulder gently, tears glistening in her eyes. "You're incredibly brave, Bellarose. We almost lost you."

As Bellarose tried to focus, she noticed more familiar faces. Ron stood nearby, looking concerned and relieved. He stepped forward, his voice soft. "Hey, Bellarose. I'm glad you're awake."

Hermione stood a little further back, her face pale and her eyes downcast, too ashamed to come closer. Harry was beside her, torn between wanting to approach and feeling conflicted.

Bellarose nodded slightly, the pain and exhaustion overwhelming her again. She closed her eyes, comforted by the presence of her friends and the knowledge that they were safe.

As she drifted back into unconsciousness, she felt a renewed sense of determination. The scar on her face would be a permanent reminder of the night's horrors, but it would also be a symbol of her strength and the unbreakable bond she shared with her friends.

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