Secrets of the Dragons

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The days following the selection of the Triwizard champions were filled with excitement and speculation. Bellarose noticed that the atmosphere at Hogwarts had shifted; the students were more curious, more eager, and everywhere she went, she heard discussions about the upcoming Tournament.

One evening, unable to sleep, Bellarose decided to take a stroll around the castle grounds. It was something she often did when she needed to clear her mind. The cool night air and the stillness of the grounds usually helped to calm her thoughts.

As she wandered near the edge of the Forbidden Forest, she heard the distant sound of voices. Curiosity piqued, Bellarose followed the sound until she found herself near a clearing. There, she saw the massive silhouettes of dragons, their scales glinting in the moonlight. Hagrid was there, and to her surprise, so was Madame Maxime, the headmistress of Beauxbatons.

Bellarose quickly ducked behind a tree, not wanting to be seen. She watched as Hagrid spoke animatedly to Madame Maxime, pointing out the different dragons. Madame Maxime seemed genuinely interested, nodding as Hagrid explained.

Bellarose smiled to herself. It was clear that the dragons would be used for the first task of the Tournament. She knew that Madame Maxime would likely inform Fleur about them, giving her an advantage.

Hagrid and Madame Maxime began to walk away, and Bellarose seized the opportunity to step out from her hiding place. As she did, she stumbled over a branch, causing a noise that made Hagrid turn around.

"Bellarose! What are yeh doin' out 'ere?" Hagrid exclaimed, looking a bit startled but not angry.

"I couldn't sleep, so I decided to take a walk," Bellarose replied, trying to sound casual. "I didn't mean to intrude."

Hagrid's expression softened. "Well, since yer here, I suppose yeh might as well see the dragons. Come on, then."

Madame Maxime raised an eyebrow but didn't protest. Bellarose followed Hagrid to where the dragons were being kept, feeling a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

As they approached the first dragon, a Hungarian Horntail, Bellarose's eyes widened. It was an impressive and terrifying creature, its scales black and gleaming, and its eyes fierce and intelligent.

"That's a Hungarian Horntail," Bellarose said, her voice filled with awe. "One of the most dangerous dragon breeds. It has spiked tails and can breathe fire over great distances. Its weakness is that it has poor maneuverability in tight spaces, making it vulnerable in enclosed areas."

Madame Maxime watched her with interest, a small smile playing on her lips.

Hagrid nodded, pleased. "Aye, that's right. Now, let's move on."

The next dragon was a Swedish Short-Snout, its silver-blue scales shimmering in the light. Bellarose continued her observations, glancing at Madame Maxime as she spoke. "Swedish Short-Snout. It's known for its blue flame and is generally less aggressive than other breeds, but its fire is extremely hot. Its weakness is its relatively short flame range, which means it needs to be closer to its target to be effective."

Madame Maxime nodded approvingly, clearly impressed by Bellarose's knowledge.

They moved on to the Chinese Fireball, a dragon with smooth, red scales and a lion-like mane. "Chinese Fireball," Bellarose noted. "Also known as the Liondragon. It can produce mushroom-shaped fireballs and is known for its agility in the air. Its weakness is that it tends to be more temperamental, which can sometimes make its attacks more predictable."

Finally, they reached the Welsh Green, a smaller but equally formidable dragon with emerald green scales. "Welsh Green. Its fire is less powerful compared to the others, but it's incredibly quick and agile. Its camouflage is excellent in grassy environments, but it tends to be more docile and less aggressive in nature, which can be exploited."

Hagrid looked at Bellarose with pride. "Yeh know yer dragons, that's fer sure."

Madame Maxime smiled at Bellarose, a knowing look in her eyes. "You are quite knowledgeable, Bellarose. It is clear you have a passion for magical creatures."

Bellarose felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing she had shared useful information. She also felt a sense of camaraderie with Madame Maxime, understanding that the headmistress would undoubtedly pass this knowledge on to Fleur.

"Thank you for showing me the dragons, Hagrid," Bellarose said, genuinely grateful. "It was incredible to see them up close."

Hagrid beamed. "Anytime, Bellarose. Now, yeh best be gettin' back to the castle. It's late, and yeh don' want to get in trouble."

Bellarose nodded and, with one last glance at the dragons, made her way back to the castle. Her mind was racing with thoughts about the upcoming task and how this information could shape the Tournament.

The next morning, Bellarose sat with her friends in the Great Hall for breakfast. She couldn't help but steal glances at Fleur, wondering if Madame Maxime had already told her about the dragons. Her thoughts were interrupted when Fleur approached their table, a determined look on her face.

"Excusez-moi, Bellarose, could we talk privately?" Fleur asked, her accent adding a melodic quality to her words.

Ginny and Pansy immediately tensed, their eyes narrowing at Fleur. Daphne, however, laughed lightly at the scene. "Go ahead, Bellarose. We'll keep an eye on your food."

Bellarose stood up, feeling the weight of their gazes, and followed Fleur to a quieter corner of the hall.

"What did you want to talk about?" Bellarose asked, trying to keep her tone neutral.

Fleur glanced around to ensure they were alone. "As you can imagine Madame Maxime told me about the dragons and about your knowledge. I was hoping you could help me understand their strengths and weaknesses better. "

Bellarose considered her for a moment. "I'll help you, but only if you're willing to answer some questions about yourself... i mean about your Veela part."

Fleur looked intrigued but nodded. "Très bien, Bellarose. I will answer your questions."

For now they returned to their respective tables, Bellarose couldn't help but feel a growing sense of connection with Fleur.

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