Operation Buckbeak

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The day had come. The execution of Buckbeak, the majestic Hippogriff, loomed over Hogwarts like a dark cloud. Students whispered in hushed tones, and the usual bustling energy of the castle was subdued, replaced by a heavy sense of dread. Dark clouds gathered in the sky, mirroring the somber mood of the school.

Bellarose moved through the halls, her mind racing with plans and possibilities. She hadn't slept much, her thoughts consumed with Buckbeak's fate and her determination to save him. Every step she took was fueled by adrenaline and an unyielding resolve.

In her dormitory, Bellarose meticulously checked her supplies. The Cornish Pixies she had secretly procured were securely contained in a small cage, chittering with mischief. She packed some fresh meat for Buckbeak, hoping it would keep him calm during the rescue.

As she descended to the Great Hall for breakfast, she tried to act normally. Her friends, Ginny, Luna, and Anthony, chatted animatedly, but Bellarose's responses were distant and automatic. Luna's perceptive eyes seemed to notice Bellarose's forced calm, but she said nothing, simply offering a supportive smile.

Just as Bellarose was about to slip away to put her plan into motion, she encountered Dumbledore near the entrance hall. He was humming softly to himself, seemingly unaware of her anxiety.

"Ah, Miss Bellarose," Dumbledore greeted, his eyes twinkling with their usual mysterious light. "A fine day for some fresh air, don't you think?"

Bellarose nodded, trying to keep her composure. "Yes, Professor."

Dumbledore leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "You know, today i was reminded that sometimes, the best plans are the ones executed with a little help from friends. Working together can yield surprising results."

Before Bellarose could respond, Dumbledore had moved on, leaving her pondering his cryptic advice.

As Bellarose reached the edge of the Forbidden Forest, ready to release the Pixies and create a distraction, she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Bellarose, you really think you're that sneaky?" Pansy said, stepping out from behind a tree.

Bellarose spun around, eyes wide with surprise. "Pansy! What are you doing here?"

Pansy smirked, crossing her arms. "I figured you'd try something like this. You're not as good at hiding your intentions as you think. Besides, someone needs to keep you from getting caught."

Bellarose hesitated, then nodded. "Alright, but we need to be quick. The execution is soon."

With Pansy's help, Bellarose sneaked towards Buckbeak's location. The tension was palpable as they moved silently through the trees, every rustle and crack of branches setting their nerves on edge.

Just as Bellarose was about to release the Pixies, she spotted Harry and Hermione trying to sneak around the execution site. Her heart pounded as she realized she needed to act immediately.

Reaching Buckbeak, Bellarose gently called out to him. The Hippogriff recognized her, nuzzling her affectionately. She quickly offered him the meat, calming him as Pansy stood guard.

Suddenly, Harry and Hermione appeared, their eyes wide with confusion and suspicion.

"Bellarose? Pansy? What are you doing here?" Harry demanded, his hand instinctively reaching for his wand.

"We're here to save Buckbeak," Bellarose replied firmly. "We can't let him be executed."

Hermione quickly assessed the situation and nodded. "Alright, let's work together. We need to move fast."

As they worked together to free Buckbeak, Harry's determination took on a new urgency. Once Buckbeak was freed, Harry turned to Bellarose, his expression intense.

"Bellarose, we need Buckbeak to save Sirius. He's innocent, and they're going to execute him if we don't act now," Harry said, desperation in his voice.

Bellarose frowned, confused. "What do you mean, save Sirius? He's a criminal."

"No, he's not," Hermione interjected urgently. "Sirius was framed. We need to rescue him, and Buckbeak is our only chance."

Bellarose hesitated, torn between her plan to save Buckbeak and this new revelation. "I can't just let you take him. I promised Hagrid I'd keep him safe."

As the argument heated up, a sudden chill filled the air. Dementors appeared, gliding towards them with terrifying speed.

"Expecto Patronum!" Harry shouted, but his Patronus was barely enough to hold them back.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Harry and Hermione climbed onto Buckbeak, using the opportunity to fly away and rescue Sirius. Bellarose and Pansy were left to fend off the Dementors.

Bellarose's heart pounded as she tried to summon her Patronus. Her previous training with Seraphina flashed through her mind, but the fear threatened to overwhelm her.

"Pansy, stay close!" Bellarose shouted, raising her wand. "Expecto Patronum!"

A faint, silvery light emerged from her wand, but it flickered and dimmed. Desperation clawed at her as the Dementors closed in.

Just then, Pansy stepped forward, her own wand raised. "Expecto Patronum!" she cried, her voice steady and strong.

A silver panther burst from Pansy's wand, charging at the Dementors and driving them back. Bellarose stared in amazement as the panther circled protectively around them.

The Dementors retreated, and the coldness in the air began to dissipate. Bellarose turned to Pansy, gratitude and awe in her eyes.

"Pansy, that was incredible. You saved us."

Pansy shrugged, a faint blush on her cheeks. "I guess all that practice paid off. Let's get out of here before they come back."

Together, they hurried back to the castle, the bond between them strengthened by the night's harrowing events.

Back in her dormitory, Bellarose finally allowed herself to relax. She sat by the window, staring out at the dark grounds, reflecting on the day's events. The adrenaline had worn off, leaving her with a profound sense of exhaustion and a glimmer of hope.

Pansy sat down on Bellarose's bed, her expression thoughtful. "You know, we should probably tell someone about what Harry and Hermione are trying to do. Breaking Sirius Black out of prison is a serious crime."

Bellarose sighed, torn between her loyalty to her friends and her sense of justice. "I know. But...I trust Hermione. Even though what they did today hurt me deeply, I believe she wouldn't do this unless it was the right thing."

Pansy raised an eyebrow. "You're really going to let them get away with this?"

Bellarose nodded slowly. "Yes. I think we have to. Sometimes, you have to trust that people are doing the right thing, even if it doesn't make sense at the moment. Besides, if Sirius is truly innocent, they're saving a life."

Pansy looked at Bellarose for a long moment, then nodded. "Alright. I trust your judgment. But if anything goes wrong, we might have to step in."

Bellarose smiled faintly, grateful for Pansy's support. "Thanks, Pansy. It means a lot to me."

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, the weight of the day's events slowly lifting. Bellarose realized that, despite the challenges and betrayals, there were people willing to help, even in the most unexpected ways. And for now, that was enough.

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