Accusations and Alibis

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Bellarose was in the dark and deserted corridors of Hogwarts, heading towards the Hufflepuff common room. She spotted Ginny at the end of the corridor and was about to call out to her to ask if she was okay because she had recently noticed that the Weasley girl looked tired. Suddenly, red head turned sharply at a corner, out of Bellarose's view. The young witch quickened her pace to catch up with her, but when she turned the corner herself, Ginny had disappeared.

While frantically searching for her, she heard strange noises coming from another corridor. She rushed in the direction of the sound, her heart pounding. When she turned the corner, she came face to face with two figures frozen in terror. It was Justin Finch-Fletchley and Nearly Headless Nick, both petrified. Their faces expressed unspeakable fear, frozen. She recoiled in horror, realizing that something terrible was happening at Hogwarts.

Just then, Harry Potter appeared from the opposite side of the corridor, looking angry. When he saw the petrified students, he seemed as shocked as Bellarose. After a tense moment of silence, Harry broke the silence.

Harry: "Did you do this?"

She was shocked by the accusation.

Bellarose: "How can you ask me that? I just found them like you did."

Harry: "You were near the petrified bodies, that's still suspicious."

Bellarose: "I had nothing to do with it. Besides, if we're talking about suspicions, you can speak Parseltongue, not me."

Harry's anger flared up again.

Harry: "Why does everyone bring that up? You were talking to the other Hufflepuff. . ."

Harry was interrupted by Filch, who had just arrived on the scene.

Filch: "Caught in the act, I'll have you out this time, Potter, and you too, Lestrange. Mark my words."

And before Harry could defend himself, Filch was already gone. She took the opportunity to make a snarky remark.

Bellarose: "So, Harry, how does it feel to be accused without any evidence?"

Harry, who was watching spiders crawl out of a window, turned toward Bellarose with a dark look. Before he could say anything, Filch reappeared again with Professor McGonagall.

Harry: "Professor, I didn't do anything it was Bellarose who..."

McGonagall: "It's not within my jurisdiction, Potter, Lestrang follow me."

McGonagall escorted them to Dumbledore's office.

As they climbed into Dumbledore's office, they could see portraits of previous Hogwarts Headmasters. While Harry was asking the Sorting Hat about the legitimacy of his house placement, what caught Bellarose's attention the most was the onto the phoenix on the golden perch. 

She was fascinated by magical creatures, so seeing a phoenix up close was a dream come true. As she examined it, the phoenix burst into flames and turned to ashes. Bellarose watched the scene with a big smile, but she was interrupted by Dumbledore, who noticed that Harry had come over to look at the bird.

Dumbledore: "Harry, Bellarose..."

Harry: "Your bird, I couldn't do anything, and Lestrang watched it die with a smile."

Dumbledore: "It was time, it had been in poor health for a while. It's a shame you saw it on a burning day. Fawkes is a phoenix, Harry; they burst into flames when it's time for them to die and then they are reborn from the ashes. Bellarose knew that, she have quite the knowledge in this domain"

As Dumbledore continued his explanation, he occasionally glanced at Bellarose. He knew from Hagrid that the young girl was interested in magical and fantastic creatures, and he also knew that an unicorn had befriended Bellarose. Throughout the explanation, she watched the phoenix being reborn from its ashes. Suddenly, Hagrid burst into the office and spoke frantically.

Hagrid: "It wasn't them. In fact, I'd be prepared to swear it in front of the Ministry of Magic."

Bellarose appreciated Hagrid's effort to defend her, remembering the reason for her presence here. Dumbledore reassured the half-giant, who left a bit embarrassed but relieved.

Harry: "You don't think it was me, Professor?"

Dumbledore: "No, I don't think it was you, nor Bellarose. But I must ask you, is there something you wish to tell me?"

Harry: "Except that I found her, no, sir."

Bellarose was becoming irritated by Harry's indirect accusations.

Bellarose: "No, sir."

They were dismissed by Dumbledore soon after that. Before splinting from Harry Bellarose said somethings.

Bellarose : "I don't know what i have done to you, but it's starting to get on my nerve. I helped you last year.  I don't know if you remember but i got hurt for you in the chess map. So the next time you accuse me of somethings like that let's be clear that i wont be as kind as today"

She then left leaving Harry speechless, he has heard of how ruthless she acted against Draco but today he saw it.


Hogwarts' Great Hall was spectacularly decorated for the holiday season. Garlands of sparkling stars hung from the enchanted ceiling, and long tables were filled with delicious dishes. Bellarose sat at the Hufflepuff table, enjoying a Christmas feast with her friends. Suddenly, an owl hooted at the entrance of the Great Hall, catching the attention of all the students present. Bellarose turned her head and saw a beautiful gray owl with black and white spots heading towards her with a carefully tied package attached to its leg. She recognized the owl as belonging to Nymphadora.

The bird landed in front of Bellarose, and she carefully untied the package. Inside, she discovered a pair of Quidditch gloves in a surprising color – they were the exact shade of Nymphadora's hair. A smile spread across Bellarose's face as she realized the sender of the gift. Nymphadora, always full of surprises, had remembered that Bellarose loved her hair color and had found a way to make this Christmas special for her. The gloves were beautifully crafted and seemed tailor-made for her.

The young witch slipped the dark pink gloves onto her hands and admired them with delight. She felt incredibly grateful for the special friendship she had developed at Hogwarts and beyond. Bellarose returned to her Christmas meal, her heart light and a smile on her face, knowing that she had incredible friends and would have an unforgettable Christmas at Hogwarts.

Later in the day, as Bellarose continued to enjoy the Christmas festivities, she overheard students talking about a student who had been partially transformed into a cat. Bellarose immediately thought of Hermione, remembering that they had brewed the Polyjuice Potion together.

Worried for her friend, Bellarose decided to go to the infirmary to see for herself. She got up from her seat at the Hufflepuff table and headed to the infirmary with determination. The cold December air swept through the dark corridors of Hogwarts as she made her way.

Upon entering the infirmary, Bellarose felt her anxiety grow. The room was quiet, except for the hushed whispers of concerned students. She scanned the room, looking for Hermione among the beds.

And then she saw her. Hermione Granger, partially transformed into a cat. Her brown hair had been replaced by soft fur. Hermione looked surprised when she saw Bellarose, which quickly turned into embarrassment. Bellarose approached Hermione gently and knelt beside her. She could see that her friend wanted to speak but was self-conscious. The young witch took Hermione's hand in hers to comfort her. Hermione eventually broke the silence.

Hermione: "I thought it was her hair, but it was a cat's hair."

Bellarose: "It happens, as long as you're okay in the end, that's what matters. Do you know how long you'll be like this?"

Hermione: "About a month."

Bellarose: "Okay. And did the other two manage to learn anything new?"

Hermione: "Only that the last time the Chamber was opened was 50 years ago, and a Muggle-born student was killed."

Bellarose nodded and then sighed, disappointed that they didn't have much more information.

Bellarose: "Anyway, the most important thing is that you get better."

Bellarose stayed with Hermione for a while before Madam Pomfrey announced that visiting hours were over.

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