Training Worries

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The day was sunny at Hogwarts, and Hufflepuff's Quidditch team was about to start their regular training on the field. William, the team captain, was usually the first to arrive, but lately, he had noticed that Bellarose , one of the team's Beater, was always there before him.

As the other team members prepared for training, Cedric Diggory discreetly approached William, who was adjusting his equipment.

Cedric: "William, can I talk to you for a moment?"

William nodded and stepped aside with Cedric to have a private conversation.

William: "What's going on, Cedric?"

Cedric seemed concerned, and he hesitated for a moment before speaking.

Cedric: "I've noticed something, William and it's not just me Anthony too. Bellarose has been the first to arrive at our training sessions lately, and she often stays after everyone else to train more. I don't know if that's a good thing or if it means she's not satisfied with our performance."

William furrowed his brow, contemplating what Cedric had just told him. He had known Bellarose for some time now and knew she was a passionate player.

Cedric Diggory continued, appearing increasingly worried as he explained the situation to William.

Cedric: "What worries me, William, is that Bellarose seems to be really pushing herself. I heard she was still training last night after we finished, and it's been happening several times. I think it's related to that incident during the previous match against Gryffindor."

William remembered the incident. It was a tough moment for the whole team, and Bellarose had been deeply affected by the accident.

William: "Do you think she still feels responsible for that incident and is trying to make up for it by training so hard?"

Cedric nodded with seriousness.

Cedric: "That's what I fear. I think she's never really talked about it, but I can see that it haunts her. She wants to improve and prevent it from happening again, but I think she's putting too much pressure on herself, she is just a first year."

William was concerned by this revelation. He knew how talented Bellarose was as a Beater, but he didn't want her to get injured or push herself too hard.

William: "I'll talk to her after training, Cedric. I'll make sure everything is okay, thank you for bringing this to my attention."

Cedric seemed relieved that William was taking the situation seriously.

Once the training was over, William took Bellarose aside, away from the rest of the team, for a private conversation. He could see fatigue in Bellarose's eyes, but he knew it was the right time to address the issue.

William: "Bellarose, can I talk to you for a moment?"

Bellarose nodded, a tired smile on her face.

Bellarose: "Of course, Captain. What do you want to talk about?"

They moved a bit further away, out of earshot from curious teammates.

William: "Cedric told me about your extra efforts in training, Bellarose. He's concerned, and honestly, so am I. I know you're passionate about Quidditch, but I don't want you to put yourself in danger."

Bellarose looked down, seeming uneasy.

Bellarose: "I don't want to put the team in danger either. But during the match against, do you remember what happened? I directed a Bludger at one of their players, and he got injured. I don't want that to happen again."

William gently placed his hand on Bellarose's shoulder to reassure her.

William: "Bellarose, that accident was just that, an accident. It wasn't your fault. Bludgers are unpredictable, and no one could predict what would happen. You're an excellent Beater, and you did your best to react quickly. No one holds you responsible for that."

Bellarose seemed somewhat relieved by William's words, but the guilt still lingered in her eyes.

Bellarose: "I know it wasn't entirely my fault, but I can't help but feel responsible. I want to be better, faster, to protect our team."

William smiled gently.

William: "I understand your motivation,  and the team really appreciate it. But you also need to take care of yourself. Being tired like this is how accidents happen."

She took a deep breath and sighed.

Bellarose: "You're right I will take your advice into account.

William: "That's all I want to hear, Bellarose. We're a team, and we support each other. Now, let's go join the others."

After training, Bellarose and Cedric headed to the Hufflepuff common room. The hallways of Hogwarts were quiet at this hour, and the warmth of the setting sun gave way to a gentle breeze. They climbed the stairs toward their common room, walking side by side.

Cedric looked at Bellarose with concern as they walked.

Cedric: "Bellarose, I'm glad William was able to talk to you. You shouldn't carry all this weight on your shoulders, you know. We're a team, and we're here to support each other."

Bellarose nodded gently, her face still displaying a mix of emotions.

Bellarose: "I know, Cedric and i really appreciate everyone's concern. It's just hard for me to accept that this accident wasn't entirely my fault."

Cedric smiled kindly.

Cedric: "No one blames you for that, Bellarose. Quidditch matches can be dangerous, and there's always an element of risk."

They finally reached the door of the Hufflepuff common room. Bellarose stopped in front of the door and turned to Cedric.

Bellarose: "Cedric, I wanted to apologize for worrying you. I didn't want you to be concerned about me."

Cedric gently placed his hand on Bellarose's shoulder.

Cedric: "You don't have to apologize, Bellarose. We're friends, and it's normal to worry about each other."

Bellarose offered a grateful smile.

Bellarose: "Thank you, Cedric."

Cedric gave her one last encouraging smile before departing.

Bellarose entered the Hufflepuff girls' dormitory, letting the warmth of the shower water soothe the tension from the intense training. Water cascaded over her skin, carrying away the sweat and fatigue accumulated during training. She took the time to wash her hair, relax under the hot water, and mentally recharge.

Once the shower was done, Bellarose stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in a fluffy towel. She walked over to the dressing table near her bed and looked at her reflection in the mirror. The dark circles under her eyes were more pronounced than she had imagined, and her hands clearly showed the traces of the effort she had put into hitting the Bludgers. Blisters had formed, and she could feel the pain with every movement of her fingers.

Bellarose finnaly decided that they were right and she needed to take care of herself. She began by preparing a soothing face mask, mixing ingredients in a small bowl. She then gently applied the mask to her face, being careful to avoid her eyes. The soothing scent of the natural ingredients instantly relaxed her.

While the mask worked its magic, Bellarose took a jar of special hand cream from her nightstand. She spread the cream over her hands, massaging gently to relieve the painful blisters. The soothing sensations of the cream and mask gradually brought her back to a state of calm and relaxation.

Once she felt better, she put on her pajamas and slipped under the covers of her bed. She extinguished the light with a flick of her wand, feeling relaxed and ready to recover from the intense training day. Worries and concerns slowly faded from her mind, and she drifted off to sleep.

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