Clash of Value

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As Bellarose walked alone, appearing reserved and focused on her new life at school, she found herself in the Transfiguration classroom.

Suddenly, Pansy Parkinson, a Slytherin student, emerged from a corner of the hallway and crossed paths with Bellarose. Pansy stared at her with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, unable to understand why a Lestrange would end up in Hufflepuff.

In a mocking tone, she initiated the conversation.

Pansy: "Well, well, what do we have here? A Lestrange in Hufflepuff? That's an unusual combination, isn't it?"

Bellarose, prepared to confront her prejudices, did her best to remain calm.

Bellarose: "I didn't choose my house, but I'm quite glad it allows me to distance myself from my heritage. By the way, who are you?"

Pansy, not expecting this response, was momentarily taken aback before answering.

Pansy: "I'm Pansy Parkinson, a pure-blood like you, except I don't waste my time in Hufflepuff."

Bellarose, not appreciating Pansy's accusations, responded firmly.

Bellarose: "Heritage doesn't define who we are, Pansy. I'm here to show that I can choose my own path and that I'm not obligated to follow in my mother's footsteps."

It was the first time for Pansy to encounter someone of her status who, nonetheless, refused to conform.

Pansy: "Do you really think you can escape your family's legacy by mingling with this crowd of Muggle-borns?"

Bellarose looked at Pansy with conviction.

Bellarose: "I can't escape my heritage, but I can redefine it. I refuse to be bound by my parents' actions. I will fight for these ideals, even if it means going against my family's expectations."

Pansy remained perplexed, unable to grasp why Bellarose didn't seem to fit the stereotypes. She furrowed her brow, her expression a mix of disbelief and irritation.

With a tension between the two girls they headed to the Transfiguration class.


The Transfiguration class taught by Professor McGonagall was in session, and the students were seated in their places. Pansy and Bellarose were strangely sitting side by side, exchanging challenging glances from time to time.

Professor McGonagall, with her usual stern demeanor, explained the Transfiguration spell they would be learning that day: the Acusignis spell, which transformed a matchstick into a needle.

She gave clear instructions to the students on how to properly pronounce the spell and how to wield their wands to perform the transmutation.

The students got to work, attempting to transform their matchsticks into needles. Bellarose and Pansy, side by side, exchanged cold glares, each determined to succeed in casting the spell on the first try to prove their superiority to the other.

Bellarose concentrated intensely, repeating the spell in her head before saying it aloud. "Acusignis." She pointed her wand at the matchstick, hoping the transmutation would work. However, the matchstick showed no signs of transformation, stubbornly remaining unchanged.

Pansy, mocking Bellarose with a smirk, tried with great determination herself. "Acusignis." Her wand trembled slightly as she attempted to control the transformation, but the matchstick still refused to change into a needle.

The two young witches exchanged annoyed glances, both having failed in their first attempt. Nevertheless, they were determined to succeed. Bellarose decided to make another attempt, channeling even more energy into her spell. This time, the matchstick splintered and took on a silvery hue, but it wasn't yet a needle.

Pansy, seeing Bellarose's progress, was determined not to be left behind. She tried again, her wand sparking as she struggled to master the spell. This time, the matchstick turned into a needle, although slightly misshapen.

Professor McGonagall moved around the classroom, closely monitoring the students' progress. It was evident that even though this spell was for beginners, it was challenging.

Bellarose, with furrowed brows, refused to be discouraged. She concentrated even harder and finally succeeded in transforming the matchstick into a perfect needle. She looked at it triumphantly, casting a haughty glance at Pansy.

Pansy, her pride wounded, wasted no time and took a deep breath. She pronounced the spell with almost perfect precision, and this time, the matchstick transformed into an almost perfect needle.

A satisfied smile appeared on Bellarose's face as she saw that Pansy hadn't succeeded as well as she had. Pansy, having succeeded perfectly on her next attempt, didn't let her frustration show.

The Transfiguration class continued, and other students also attempted to master the Acusignis spell. Most of them faced failures, with their matchsticks stubbornly refusing to transform into needles. Frustration and disappointment were visible on their faces.

Hermione Granger, seated not far from Bellarose and Pansy, was one of the few making consistent progress. She approached magic in a methodical way, focusing on details and precision. After several attempts, she finally succeeded in transmuting her matchstick into a perfect needle.

At the end of the class, as the students got up to leave, Professor McGonagall announced, "Well done, Miss Granger, Miss Lestrange, and Miss Parkinson. You have managed to master the Acusignis spell today. However, remember that perseverance is the key to magic. Keep practicing and refining your skills."

As the class gradually emptied, students gathered their belongings and headed towards the door. Pansy, unable to completely contain her frustration at succeeding in the spell after Bellarose, hurriedly left the room, slightly bumping into Bellarose on her way out.

Bellarose staggered briefly, struggling to maintain her balance. A flash of anger crossed her face as she watched Pansy walk away quickly without a word of apology. Pansy's dark glare only fueled the rivalry that persisted between them.

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