Bellarose fury

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Hermione approached Bellarose in the Hogwarts library, where she was deeply engrossed in her studies. Hermione had a worried look on her face, and she greeted her with a hesitant voice.

Hermione: "Hey Bella, I wanted to ask you something important. It's about the Chamber of Secrets."

Bellarose looked up from her books, intrigued by Hermione's serious expression.

Bellarose: "What's going on ?"

Hermione: "There are rumors circulating about the Chamber of Secrets being opened again, and you know about the rumor of you being the heir."

Hermione realized how the accusation could sound and quickly added:

Hermione: "Of course, I don't believe it for a second,to be frank we suspect it to be Draco."

She thought for a moment, nodding in understanding of the reasoning.

Hermione: "So my question is, do you know anything about it, given that you lived with the Malfoy?"

Bellarose shook her head before responding.

Bellarose: "I don't know any more about it even though i lived at... the... manor... wait"

As she spoke, a vague memory surfaced in her mind. It was somewhat blurry and hard to make sense of, but she recognized Lucius and Draco's voices. Hermione, seeing Bellarose's reaction, realized that she had just recalled something. She gave her time to process her thoughts.

Bellarose: "I remember hearing Lucius talking to Draco about it once, but I can't recall the details. And to be honest, I try everything to forget that period of my life."

Hermione seemed interested in this information, even though it was vague. At least it was a lead. However, there was still a problem.

Hermione: "I suppose he wouldn't tell you."

Bellarose: "He's very protective of his family, and he probably won't tell me since for him i never was part of his family. However, he's quite chatty with his idiotic friends, Crabbe and Goyle. But the things is they're strangely loyal and won't say anything, so unless we get inside their heads, I don't see how."

Hermione seemed to ponder over the words, and then an idea seemed to cross her mind.

Hermione: "What if we become Crabbe and Goyle using Polyjuice Potion to transform? That way, we could try to extract information from Draco by posing as them."

Bellarose raised an eyebrow.

Bellarose: "That's a brilliant idea, but there's a problem. To use this potion, we would need a sample of Crabbe and Goyle's hair, and they won't willingly give it to us."

Hermione smiled slightly, indicating that she had already thought about this issue.

Hermione: "Don't worry, Bella. I already have an idea to obtain their hair. All we need to do is prepare a plan."

They contemplated how they could execute their plan. The idea they eventually arrived at was to have Ron and Harry transform into Crabbe and Goyle, while Hermione would become Millicent Bulstrode. Bellarose agreed, finding the plan solid. However, Hermione noticed that Bellarose didn't seem to consider transforming herself.

Hermione: "And what about you, Bella? Why don't you participate by transforming into one of them?"

Bellarose hesitated for a moment before responding honestly.

Bellarose: "There are so many rumors about me right now, from who my mother is, to supposedly me being the heir. If I get caught transforming into one of them, it would only escalate things. And it's not just me who would face the consequences but you three too."

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