First Meeting

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Author note : Sorry for the delay forgot to publish it


The evening air was crisp as Bellarose made her way to the designated meeting spot where Pansy had agreed to meet her. The corridors of Hogwarts seemed quieter than usual, adding a layer of anticipation and nervous excitement to what was already an enigmatic venture. Bellarose's heart raced as she pondered what secrets the Veil Circle might unveil and how it could potentially alter her path in the magical world.

Pansy was waiting for her at the end of a dimly lit hallway, her expression serious yet welcoming. The area was secluded, away from the usual bustle of the school, by a statue that Bellarose had never really noticed before—a hooded figure with one arm extended, the hand open as if waiting to receive something.

Pansy: "Ready to see what few have the chance to discover?"

She asked, a hint of excitement in her voice that Bellarose had rarely heard.

Bellarose nodded, her curiosity piqued.

Bellarose: "Yes, let's go."

Pansy took the small, emblem from her robe, the same one she had shown Bellarose before. It shimmered slightly in the dim light as she placed it carefully in the open hand of the statue. Then, she spoke clearly and reverently,

Pansy: "Let us unveil the truths of life and death."

As soon as the words left her mouth, the statue began to move. The arm slowly lowered, and the wall behind it started to shift, revealing a hidden door that creaked open, leading to a dark passage. The emblem returned to Pansy's hand as if pulled by some magnetic force, and she pocketed it again.

Pansy: "Follow me"

Pansy whispered, her voice barely audible. They stepped through the doorway, and Pansy lit her wand with a soft "Lumos," casting a gentle glow that led them down the narrow passage. The walls were lined with ancient stone, and every few feet, torches automatically ignited, bathing the corridor in a flickering light that created dancing shadows.

After a short walk, they arrived at a heavy steel door marked with intricate engravings. Pansy took her wand, placed it at the center of the door, and held it there for a few seconds. After a brief pause, the door silently swung open, revealing the room beyond.

As they stepped inside, Bellarose was immediately struck by the grandeur of the space. It was a circular room, its walls lined with shelves brimming with ancient books and parchments. Dominating the center of the room was a large statue depicting a thestral and a unicorn intertwined in an embrace, their figures cast in a noble, almost lifelike poise.

The room was already occupied by several others, each adorned with a similar emblem. They were a diverse group, men and women of varying ages, all bearing expressions of keen intelligence and an aura of mystery.

A tall, distinguished-looking man stood from a large table set in the center of the room. He had an air of authority about him, and as he spoke, his voice resonated deep and commanding, yet warm.

Distinguished-looking man: "Welcome, Bellarose, we are the Veil Circle, dedicated to exploring the boundaries of what magic can teach us about the very fabric of life and death. Tonight, you will witness our pursuits and, should you choose, begin the journey to join us in our quest for world dominina..."

Before he could finish, a taller blonde woman swiftly moved towards him and gave him a light thump on the back of his head, interrupting his grand proclamation.

Taller blonde woman: "Magnus, What the bloody hell are you saying? Don't mind him, he's missing a few upstairs."

She turned to Bellarose with a reassuring smile, her tone friendly and slightly amused.

Taller blonde woman: "Ignore our little drama king here. We're not planning any world domination."

The room filled with a light chuckle, easing the initial tension Bellarose had felt. The blonde woman's interruption seemed to have broken the ice, making the atmosphere suddenly more welcoming.

Magnus rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish grin.

Magnus "Ouch, Seraphina! You didn't have to hit that hard. Sorry about that, everyone—I always wanted to do that at least once."

The blonde woman, now identified as Seraphina, rolled her eyes and .

Seraphina: "Well, you picked quite the moment for theatrics and i told you a million time to call me Sera."

She said, turning her attention to Bellarose.

"Sorry about that like i heard i'm Seraphina Rosethorn, but call me Sera it's shorter and far less formal. You might think of me as your guide here more than anything."

Bellarose smiled, reminded of another who preferred a less formal moniker. "Like Nymphadora prefers just 'Tonks' " she thought, appreciating the casual openness.

Sera continued, her tone shifting to one of warmth and leadership.

Sera: "As the current head of the Veil Circle, I aim to ensure that our explorations are as enlightening as they are safe. We delve deep into magical theory and application, but always with a strict code of ethics."

Magnus, still nursing a faux injury for comedic effect, added.

Magnus: "And I'm Magnus Penhaligon, a seventh-year and something of an enthusiast for the dramatic arts, as you might have noticed. But when it comes to magic, my dedication is as serious as it gets."

The introductions made the circle feel more accessible to Bellarose, who was now absorbing every detail of the room and its occupants. The walls, lined with shelves brimming with ancient tomes and artifacts, seemed to hum with an invisible energy, as if the very air was charged with the potential of undiscovered magic.

Sera gestured to a large table at the center of the room in front of the statue, around which various members of the circle were already congregating.

Seraphina: "Let's gather around. We have much to discuss tonight."

As they moved to the table, Bellarose noticed the thoughtful arrangement of seats, each with a view of the central statue of the thestral and unicorn.

As everyone settled, Sera began outlining the agenda.

Seraphina: "Our first topic of the night will be the potential admission of Bellarose if she want to be part of it. "

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