Forbidden Forest Friendship

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Bellarose had overheard Hagrid and McGonagall talking about the creature that had attacked Harry and the unicorn. The horror of the situation haunted her, and she felt that she had to do something to help the poor creature. She had read about the healing properties of certain magical herbs, and an idea came to her.

In her dormitory at Hogwarts, she rummaged through her wooden trunk to find the necessary ingredients for creating a Wiggenweld healing potion. The herbs and magical ingredients were carefully arranged on her desk. She got to work, mixing and heating the components with intense concentration. Her magic wand was within reach, ready to intervene if necessary.

The potion took shape slowly, its scent filling Bellarose's room. She double-checked the instructions in the grimoire , making sure not to make any mistakes. Once the potion was finished, it had a silvery, shimmering color.

She took a glass vial and poured the potion into it, sealing it carefully. She knew that the potion alone might not fully heal the unicorn, but she hoped it would at least help alleviate its pain.

With the vial of potion in hand, she made her way to the Forbidden Forest. The night was dark, but the moon's glow illuminated her path. The air was cool and humid, filled with mystery and danger. Bellarose was a little scared, but her determination to help the unicorn pushed her forward.

After some time, she spotted the unicorn lying at the base of a tall tree, left for dead, its sides rising slowly with shallow breaths. She knelt beside the creature and took out the vial of potion.

Bellarose: "I'm here to help you, beautiful unicorn. This potion should ease your pain."

She gently poured the potion onto the unicorn's wounds, and the healing magic began to work. The unicorn seemed to relax a bit, its breathing becoming more regular. She placed her hand on the unicorn's forehead, trying to convey her support and compassion.

The night passed slowly, with Bellarose staying by the unicorn's side, watching over it and continuing to administer the potion. Bellarose was unconsciously  healing the unicone with magic which helped the unicorn stabilize. The creature seemed to sense Bellarose's kindness and responded positively to her presence.

The unicorn showed signs of improvement, its sad eyes lit up with gratitude, and it made an effort to get up carefully. Bellarose smiled.

Bellarose: "Take care, you're safe now."

The unicorn looked at her for a moment, then slowly disappeared into the Forbidden Forest. Bellarose watched it vanish into the darkness, a feeling of satisfaction and peace washing over her.

In the following nights, she discreetly returned to the edge of the Forbidden Forest to check on the unicorn's condition. She genuinely cared for the creature, and a special bond was forming between her and the majestic beast.

During each visit, she brought food and water for the unicorn, ensuring it had everything it needed to recover. The unicorn, growing more familiar with Bellarose, began to recognize her and greeted her with a gentle neigh.

she spent hours chatting softly with the unicorn, sharing stories about her own life at Hogwarts and listening attentively to the unicorn's silent tales. She felt that the creature had much to teach her about magic and nature.

The nights passed, and the unicorn showed increasingly evident signs of recovery. Its wounds healed, and its coat regained its shine. Bellarose rejoiced in seeing the creature regain its grace and vitality.

The bond between Bellarose and the unicorn grew stronger. The creature seemed to understand that she was its friend and protector, responding to her presence with evident affection. Bellarose, in turn, felt deep gratitude toward the unicorn for allowing her to share these magical moments.

One night, as Bellarose sat near the unicorn brushing the magical beast, she felt a special energy emanating from the creature. The unicorn rose gracefully and approached her, gently touching her forehead with its horn. Bellarose felt a surge of magical energy, as if the unicorn had bestowed upon her a part of its own essence.

Bellarose knew this moment was extraordinary, a magical connection between two compassionate souls. She felt that the unicorn had entrusted her with a special gift, magic related to the healing and protection of magical creatures.

The unicorn slowly moved away, returning to the edge of the Forbidden Forest, but the bond between it and Bellarose remained strong. She knew she had found a lifelong friend in this majestic creature and was determined to continue looking after it and all magical creatures in need.

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