Unwelcome Encounter

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After the raids at the Ministry of Magic, Nymphadora returned home late in the evening. Fatigue was evident in her eyes, but she was relieved not to have suffered any serious injuries during the mission. Her mother was the only one still awake when she entered. Seeing her daughter return in one piece, she sighed with relief. Even though she appeared strong in front of Bellarose, she constantly felt anxiety for her daughter during these perilous missions.

Nymphadora settled beside her mother in the kitchen, letting out a sigh of relief in turn. She was grateful to be back home safely. For a moment, they remained silent, simply sharing their comforting presence. It was Andromeda who broke the silence, her voice soft and filled with concern.

Andromeda: "Dora, I'm relieved to see you return safe and sound, but these missions make me nervous. I hope you're taking all the necessary precautions there."

Nymphadora: "Don't worry, Mum. I'm being careful. Besides, Alastor was with me, you know he wouldn't let me take unnecessary risks."

Andromeda: "I know you're competent, but as a mother, I can't help but worry about you. So, did these raids go well?"

Nymphadora turned to her mother, and it was clear she wanted to say something, but she shook her head.

Nymphadora: "They went smoothly. I heard that Mr. Weasley got bitten by a kettle."

Andromeda, surprised by what she had just heard, asked,

Andromeda: "You weren't with them for the raid?"

Realizing she had slipped up, her hair changing colors rapidly, tried to backtrack.

Nymphadora: "No, we were separated into several groups. I was with Moody, and we..."

Realizing that her mother didn't believe a word of what she was saying, and she sighed.

Nymphadora: "It's my hair again, I suppose."

Andromeda nodded with a slight amused smile, gently placing her hand on her daughter's face.

Andromeda: "I found it strange that Moody was involved in these raids. It's not really his style. But if you don't want to talk about it now, that's okay. I understand that when you made your decision to become an Auror, there are things you won't be able to tell us."

For the daughter, these words were both comforting and painful because she really wanted to talk about it as it was something that was close to her heart.

Nymphadora: "Thank you, Mum. I promise I'll talk to you about it as soon as it's possible."

Andromeda looked at her daughter with a mixture of love and understanding in her eyes. She understood that Nymphadora had her own secrets and things she couldn't share due to her role as an Auror, but as a mother, she couldn't help but worry.

After chatting a bit more with her mother, Nymphadora decided to check on Bellarose in her bedroom to make sure she was okay. She had the habit of doing so after each mission to see how she was doing.

When she entered the room, she was peacefully asleep in her bed, a small unicorn-shaped plushie clutched to her. Nymphadora couldn't help but smile at the sight. She knew how fascinated Bellarose had been with unicorns ever since she had told her about her friend in the Forbidden Forest.

She approached the bed gently and observed Bellarose affectionately. The young girl seemed so peaceful in her sleep, far from the worries of the outside world. She was grateful to have her in her life and was determined to protect her from any danger.

She made sure that she was well-covered and comfortable before leaning down to plant a soft kiss on her forehead. Then, she gently stroked Bellarose's hair and whispered softly:

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