Checkmate or Sacrifice

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When they entered the room, they were immediately struck by the impressive size of the magical chessboard stretching before them.

The chess pieces were as large as people, and they seemed alive, ready to battle. As the group approached the chessboard, the pieces began to move, creating an impressive spectacle of real-time strategy.

Ron, being the most experienced in wizard's chess, took the lead. He carefully examined the board, assessing the different pieces and their arrangement. 

Ron: "Alright, guys, here's how it's going to work. I'll take on the role of the knight, and I'll guide our progress through the chessboard."

Hermione, Harry, and Bellarose nodded, trusting Ron's expertise in this area. They positioned themselves behind him, ready to follow his instructions.Ron began giving orders to the chess pieces on the board, strategically moving them forward. He planned each move carefully, anticipating the responses of the opposing pieces.

The opposing pieces, while moving to block their progress, seemed determined to prevent them from reaching their final goal. The board turned into a true battlefield, with pieces clashing against each other in fierce combat.

Harry, Hermione, and Bellarose watched in admiration as Ron showcased his skills in wizard's chess, but also with concern for the brutality of the pieces. The giant chess game continued, growing more intense as the pieces neared their final objective. Ron continued to issue orders.

Eventually, the situation reached a critical point. The opposing pieces were dangerously close to Ron. Ron considered his options, knowing that a sacrifice would be necessary to achieve victory.

He made a difficult choice, he announced his move sacrificing Bellarose, maybe it was because he was scared, or maybe it was because he didn't fully trust her.

Bellarose, having anticipated this possibility and was willing to sacrifice herself for the good of the group, stepped confidently toward the piece that threatened her. She smiled slightly to reassure her friends, knowing it was the price to pay for winning.

The giant chess match continued, and eventually, the group achieved victory but at the cost of a sacrifice. Bellarose lay unconscious on the ground, with Ron and the others quickly joining her.

Hermione was about to reprimand Ron for this move. However, when she met her friend's gaze ans she saw the remorseful expression in his eyes she couldn't. Ron already regretted his hasty decision and realized the impact of his actions on Bellarose.


Bellarose slowly woke up in the infirmary, the pain in her body reminding her of reality. She felt numb, as if a heavy weight was pressing down on her. She blinked her eyes to try to fully wake up.

Beside her, she saw two familiar faces leaning over her. Nymphadora and Hermione Granger looked worried, their eyes filled with relief at seeing her regain consciousness.

"Bellarose, you're awake! How are you feeling?" Hermione asked with concern.

Bellarose coughed slightly, trying to speak despite the pain coursing through her. "it's hurt... But I'll be okay." Her voice was weak and hoarse.

Tonks placed a comforting hand on her forehead, gently brushing her hair away from her face. "You were brave back there, I'm proud of you. Ron told us what happened at the chessboard."

She closed her eyes for a moment, appreciating Tonks' gesture. "I knew it was the only option for us to move forward. Ron did what he had to do. What happened after I passed out?"

Hermione spoke to explain what had happened after Bellarose had fallen unconscious. "After you fell, Harry opened the door leading to the final challenge. Inside, he discovered that the Stone was hidden in a very special object, the Mirror of Erised."

Bellarose listened attentively, although still weakened by the pain.

Hermione continued, "This mirror shows the deepest thing your heart desires."

Bellarose found it hard to believe what she was hearing.

Hermione added in a serious tone, 

Hermione : "It wasn't Snape who wanted to steal the Stone. It was Professor Quirrell. He was working for Voldemort and wanted the Stone to bring his master back to life. But Harry stopped him. Quirrell tried to force Harry to give him the Stone by using force, but he was consumed when Harry touched him."

Bellarose was shocked by these revelations. She found it hard to imagine everything that had happened in her absence. "Quirrell is dead?"

Hermione nodded. "Yes, he died while trying to kill Harry, but was repelled by the protection of Harry's mother, which was still present."

Bellarose felt both relieved and concerned about everything that had unfolded in her absence.

Madam Pomfrey, the infirmary matron, entered the room with a determined look. She approached the group with a stern gaze and announced in an authoritative voice, 

Pomfrey: "Visiting hours are over; everyone must leave. Miss Lestrang needs rest."

Hermione and Tonks got up and prepared to leave the infirmary. They all said goodbye to Bellarose, wishing her a speedy recovery.

Bellarose's friends left the infirmary under Madam Pomfrey's watchful eye, and the door closed behind them. She found herself alone, lost in her thought, and even though she was in pain, she eventually managed to fall asleep.

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