A Twist in the Tournament

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The excitement around Hogwarts was palpable. The Goblet of Fire was to be unveiled, and the students were buzzing with anticipation and curiosity. It stood in the Great Hall, a grand and ancient artifact, surrounded by an age line to prevent younger students from tampering with the process.

Bellarose, Luna, Ginny, and their friends gathered among the throng of students, eagerly awaiting the moment when they could see the Goblet and witness the brave souls who would put their names in for the Triwizard Tournament.

"Look, there it is!" Anthony exclaimed, pointing towards the front of the hall.

The Goblet of Fire was indeed a sight to behold. Its blue flames flickered and danced, casting an otherworldly glow on the eager faces around it. Professor Dumbledore stood nearby, explaining the rules and the importance of the Tournament.

"Remember, only students who are of age may enter," Dumbledore said, his voice commanding yet gentle. "The Goblet will select one champion from each school to compete in three challenging tasks."

As he spoke, students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang began to step forward. Viktor Krum approached the Goblet with his usual stoic demeanor. He dropped his name into the flames, which turned red momentarily before returning to blue.

Next, it was Fleur Delacour's turn. Bellarose found herself unable to look away as Fleur approached the Goblet with an air of confidence and grace. Fleur dropped her name into the Goblet, and the flames flickered once more.

As Fleur made her way back to her seat, she caught sight of Bellarose. With a warm smile, she waved, causing Bellarose's heart to flutter. Bellarose couldn't understand why she was so captivated by Fleur. From what she had learned, Veela powers should only work on men. Yet, there she was, entranced by Fleur's every move.

Beside her, Pansy noticed Bellarose's rapt attention on Fleur. She felt an unexpected irritation bubbling up inside her but didn't understand why. "Come on, Bellarose, it's just Fleur. Let's focus on our own house's chances."

Bellarose tore her gaze away, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Yeah, you're right."

As the day went on, students continued to drop their names into the Goblet, hoping to be chosen. Fred and George Weasley, ever the troublemakers, attempted to cross the age line with a potion that supposedly made them look older. The result was comical; they were thrown back, sporting long, white beards. The hall erupted in laughter.

"Serves them right," Ginny said, giggling. "They never learn, do they?"

As the evening approached, the excitement grew. The moment everyone had been waiting for was finally here. Dumbledore stood before the Goblet, the hall falling into an expectant silence.

"The Goblet of Fire has made its decision," Dumbledore announced, his voice resonating through the hall. "The champions will be revealed now."

The blue flames of the Goblet turned a brilliant red, and sparks flew as the first piece of parchment shot out. Dumbledore caught it and read aloud, "The champion for Durmstrang is... Viktor Krum!"

Applause and cheers erupted from the Durmstrang students as Krum stood, his expression as stoic as ever, but a glint of pride in his eyes.

The Goblet's flames turned red once more, and another piece of parchment flew out. "The champion for Beauxbatons is... Fleur Delacour!"

The Beauxbatons students clapped and cheered as Fleur gracefully stood, her composure as elegant as always. She glanced over at Bellarose and gave her another warm smile, which Bellarose shyly returned.

The flames turned red for the third time, and the final piece of parchment shot out. Dumbledore caught it and read, "The champion for Hogwarts is... Cedric Diggory!"

The Hufflepuff table erupted in cheers, and Bellarose felt a surge of pride for her house. Cedric, always the picture of humility and grace, stood and acknowledged the applause with a warm smile.

Just as everyone thought the selection was complete, the Goblet's flames turned red once again. The hall fell into a hushed silence as another piece of parchment shot out. Dumbledore caught it, his expression one of surprise and concern. "Harry Potter."

The hall erupted in murmurs and gasps. Bellarose felt a wave of confusion. "But Harry didn't put his name in," she whispered to Ginny.

Ginny's face was pale. "Something's not right," she murmured back.

Harry, looking equally shocked and bewildered, walked up to the front of the hall. The students around him whispered and speculated, the excitement now tinged with suspicion and intrigue.

Dumbledore's voice broke through the murmurs. "These four students will represent their schools in the Triwizard Tournament. We wish them the best of luck and hope they will show the true spirit of friendship and bravery."

The hall was filled with applause and cheers, but Bellarose couldn't shake the feeling that this year was going to be more challenging and intriguing than any before. She glanced at Pansy, who still seemed slightly irritated, and made a mental note to talk to her later.

As the students began to disperse, Dumbledore gestured for Harry to follow him. Professor Karkaroff and Madame Maxime exchanged concerned glances before joining Dumbledore, Harry, and the other champions in the antechamber.

"What's going to happen now?" Luna asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"They're going to question Harry," Bellarose replied, feeling a knot of worry in her stomach. "They need to find out how his name got in the Goblet."

Inside the antechamber, the atmosphere was tense. Dumbledore, Karkaroff, and Madame Maxime looked at Harry with a mix of suspicion and concern.

"Harry, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" Dumbledore asked, his voice steady but intense.

"No, Professor," Harry replied firmly. "I didn't put my name in, and I don't know how it got there."

Karkaroff scowled. "This is highly irregular, Dumbledore. There must be some mistake."

Madame Maxime nodded in agreement. "The Goblet should not have been able to select a fourth champion. This is unprecedented."

Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, it is. But the Goblet has spoken, and the rules are binding. Harry will have to compete."

As the headmasters discussed the implications, Harry stood there, feeling a mix of fear and determination. He didn't know how his name had ended up in the Goblet, but he knew he had no choice but to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Back in the Great Hall, Bellarose watched the door to the antechamber, her mind racing with thoughts and questions. The Triwizard Tournament had already taken an unexpected turn, and she had a feeling that this was only the beginning.

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