The Morning After the Escape

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The morning sun peeked through the heavy drapes of the Hufflepuff dormitory, casting soft, warm light on the sleeping figures of Bellarose and Pansy. They had fallen asleep next to each other, exhausted from the previous night's harrowing events. Their breathing was steady, and for a moment, the tension of the past few days seemed to melt away.

A gentle shake brought Bellarose out of her slumber. She blinked her eyes open to see Anthony standing over her, a concerned look on his face.

"Hey, wake up," Anthony whispered, glancing around to ensure no one else was awake. "You two need to get up before anyone finds you here."

Bellarose rubbed her eyes and gently nudged Pansy awake. Pansy stirred, her eyes fluttering open with a hint of confusion. "What... where am I?" she mumbled.

"You're in the Hufflepuff dormitory," Bellarose whispered back, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. "We fell asleep here last night."

Pansy sat up slowly, the realization dawning on her. "Oh no, if anyone finds out I was here..."

Anthony nodded seriously. "Exactly. Let's get you out of here before anyone wakes up. I'll keep an eye out."

Bellarose and Pansy quickly gathered themselves. As they moved towards the door, Pansy stumbled slightly, still groggy from sleep. Bellarose caught her arm, steadying her.

"Thanks," Pansy muttered, a faint blush creeping up her cheeks.

Anthony led them through the quiet corridors of the castle, the early morning light filtering through the windows casting long shadows on the stone walls. They moved silently, every creak of the floorboards making them wince. When they reached the entrance to the Slytherin common room, Anthony gave a small nod.

"Alright, Pansy, you should be safe from here," he said, glancing around nervously.

Pansy nodded, her expression grateful but weary. "Thanks, Anthony. Bellarose, I'll see you later."

As Pansy slipped into the common room, Daphne Greengrass, her friend and dormmate, caught sight of her slipping back in.

"Where have you been?" Daphne asked, suspicion evident in her voice.

Pansy just gave her a tired look, too exhausted to explain. "Not now, Daphne. I'll tell you later," she muttered, heading straight for her bed.

Daphne's gaze shifted to Bellarose, who stood in the shadows of the corridor. Their eyes met, and for a brief moment, Daphne's expression softened. She gave Bellarose a subtle nod of gratitude, acknowledging her role in getting Pansy back safely. Bellarose returned the nod, a silent understanding passing between them.

Back in the Hufflepuff dormitory, Bellarose finally allowed herself to relax. She sat by the window, staring out at the dark grounds, reflecting on the previous night's events. The adrenaline had worn off, leaving her with a profound sense of exhaustion and a glimmer of hope.

The Great Hall buzzed with chatter during breakfast, but Bellarose barely heard any of it. She pushed her food around her plate, lost in thought. The fatigue from the previous night lingered, and she couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom.

Ginny slid into the seat next to her, a somber expression on her face. "Have you heard? Lupin's leaving."

Bellarose's fork clattered onto her plate. "What? Why?"

Ginny sighed. "Apparently, everyone knows he's a werewolf now. He can't stay."

Bellarose's heart sank. She needed to speak with Lupin, to understand why this was happening. Without another word, she rushed out of the Great Hall, heading straight for Lupin's office.

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