The Legend Resurfaces

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Bellarose was engrossed in her studies at the Hogwarts library, focused on her parchments and textbooks. The atmosphere at school had become tense since Mrs. Norris had been found petrified, and rumors were rampant. Some students were beginning to suspect Harry of being the Heir of Slytherin due to his presence at the crime scenes. However, Harry, Hermione, and Ron were convinced that Draco Malfoy was behind it all.

Meanwhile, Pansy Parkinson, a Slytherin student and a friend of Draco's, approached Bellarose in the library. Her expression was cold and defiant.

Pansy: "Bellarose Lestrange, what's it like being the Heir of Slytherin?"

Bellarose looked up from her books, perplexed.

Bellarose: "What are you talking about, Pansy? I don't understand."

Pansy: "Don't play innocent! Draco said it you, and now Mrs. Norris is petrified."

The conversation quickly escalated as Pansy accused Bellarose of being the Heir of Slytherin. Bellarose shook her head, annoyed by the unfounded accusations.

Bellarose: "This is absurd, Pansy. I have no idea what you're talking about, and I have nothing to do with these attacks."

Pansy didn't seem convinced and continued to vehemently accuse Bellarose. Tension between the two students soared, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere in the library. Bellarose felt increasingly frustrated by the baseless accusations weighing on her and decided to end the conversation by gathering her things and leaving the library. As she left, she contemplated why Draco had mentioned her.


The next day, she began her day with a Transfiguration class taught by Professor McGonagall. The spell of the day was Vera Verto, a spell that transformed a small animal into a goblet of water. Pansy had apparently worked hard in preparation for the class, hoping to outperform her rival. However, Bellarose, determined not to be outdone, had also practiced extensively.

The moment came for the students to perform the spell. Pansy, with apparent confidence, cast the spell. To everyone's surprise, she succeeded on her first attempt, transforming a small mouse into a goblet of water. She raised an eyebrow triumphantly in Bellarose's direction. Bellarose, not one to back down from a challenge, concentrated her magic and cast the spell, which worked perfectly. The cat in front of her also transformed into a goblet of water.

Both girls seemed dissatisfied with the result, and their competition showed no signs of abating. However, the tension between them was interrupted when Hermione raised her hand to ask Professor McGonagall a question.

Hermione: "Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets?"

The class abruptly paused, and all the students turned their attention to McGonagall, curious to hear her response.

Hermione's question about the Chamber of Secrets caused unrest in the classroom. Professor McGonagall appeared surprised by the question but took a deep breath before answering.

McGonagall: "The Chamber of Secrets is an ancient legend associated with Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders of Hogwarts. According to the legend, Slytherin believed that magic should be reserved for pure-blood wizards, and he supposedly built a hidden chamber within the school. He sealed this chamber until his true heir would discover it."

She paused, letting the words sink in. Students listened attentively, some feeling uneasy about what they were hearing.

McGonagall: "The story goes that Slytherin's heir would have the power to open the chamber and release the horrors it contains. According to Slytherin's beliefs, these horrors would purify the school of anything unworthy to be at Hogwarts, especially Muggle-borns."

The atmosphere in the classroom was tense, and worried glances were exchanged among the students. Professor McGonagall continued:

McGonagall: "However, it's essential to remember that the Chamber of Secrets is just a legend, and there is no tangible evidence of its existence. The founders of Hogwarts were wise wizards who created this school to welcome all types of wizards, regardless of their blood status."

She paused again before concluding:

McGonagall: "We must remain vigilant and not let rumors and fears divide us. Hogwarts is a school where all students are welcome."

McGonagall then resumed the class, but the shadow of the Chamber of Secrets legend now hung over the school, sowing doubt and worry among the students.


Later in the day, the Gryffindor Quidditch team was getting ready for practice. They were ready to train hard for the upcoming season. However, as they approached the field, they were interrupted by the Slytherin team. Normally, this time slot was reserved for the Gryffindor team. Marcus Flint, the captain of the Slytherin team, approached the opposing team with a smirk. Bellarose, who always attended the training sessions of other teams to stay informed, witnessed the scene.

Marcus Flint: "Well, well, look who we have here. Too bad for you, today I have special permission from Professor Snape to use the field. We're here to test our new Seeker."

As Draco Malfoy stepped forward arrogantly to announce his position as the Slytherin Seeker, Bellarose couldn't help but notice the displeased look on Pansy Parkinson's face. Her eyes were shooting daggers in Draco's direction. She instantly understood why Pansy was so unhappy.

She knew that Pansy had trained hard during the previous year as a Chaser for the Slytherin team. And even though she wouldn't admit it, she had shown promising talent as a Seeker and had worked hard to earn that position. However, it seemed that Malfoy had become the Seeker for the Slytherin team not because of his talent but due to his family name and the gifts his family had given to the team.

Draco Malfoy: "You know, my father bought Nimbus 2001 brooms for the whole team. We're going to have an incredible season, I can guarantee you that."

The look Bellarose gave Draco was filled with disdain. The disdain she felt for Draco was higher than the anger she felt toward Pansy, and she couldn't help but make a remark to Draco.

Bellarose: "You're pathetic, Draco, incapable of doing anything on your own, always relying on Daddy. You don't deserve your position, and I can't wait to see you lose."

She didn't wait for a response and left, not even wanting to watch the training.

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