Hagrid's Surprise

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Harry, Ron, and Hermione, walked silently through the Hogwarts grounds. Night had fallen, and there was a mysterious glow coming from Hagrid's cabin, located near the edge of the Forbidden Forest. They had come here to ask Hagrid questions about what lay behind Fluffy, the three-headed dog guarding the Philosopher's Stone.

As they approached Hagrid's cabin, they were surprised to see a dark figure sitting near the door. It was Bellarose Lestrange, who seemed to be waiting for something with an excited expression on her face.

Harry: "Bellarose, what are you doing here?"

Bellarose looked up, surprised to see the trio.

Bellarose: "Hagrid has something special to show me, and what about you?"

Harry: "We... we also came to ask Hagrid some questions."

Hermione nodded in agreement with Harry. Ron, on the other hand, had a suspicious look.

Ron: "Why are you really here, Bellarose ? "

Ron's words seemed to hurt her, Hermione briefly saw the pain in her friend's eyes. She opened her mouth to intervene but remembered the promise she had made to her not to talk about their secret alliance. She held back, knowing it was better to let Bellarose answer for herself.

Before Bellarose could respond, Hagrid arrived, wondering why the trio was present in addition to Bellarose. He still welcomed them inside his cabin.

Ron spoke up, forgetting his initial reason to come here.

Ron: "So why did you invite Bellarose here so late?"

Hagrid seemed a bit confused, momentarily at a loss for words. He carefully placed logs into the fireplace and then turned to Ron.

Hagrid: "Well, you see... She often helps me tend to injured creatures in the area, and I thought Bellarose might be interested in what's going on here. It's a rare event, you see. She already got permission from Mandam Sprout and i also told Dumbeldore."

At that moment the sound of soft crack followed by a gentle humming was coming from the cooking pot inside the fireplace. Hagrid put some glave, took an egg from the pot and rushed to a table in the center of the room. He delicately place the dragon egg on that table in an improvised nest.

Bellarose and Hagrid watched the egg with anticipation, eagerly awaiting the moment it would start to hatch. The rest of the trio watched in amazement, momentarily forgetting their questions about Fluffy and the Philosopher's Stone.

Bellarose, after putting some globe she gently cradled the egg in her hands and began to stroke it, warming it with her touch. The cracking sound intensified, and cracks appeared on the surface of the shell.

Meanwhile, Harry and Hermione took the opportunity to ask their questions to Hagrid. Bellarose was so focus into watching the Hatching process that she didn't really hear what they were saying.

The moment had come, the egg finally burst open, revealing a small black dragon with shiny scales. The dragon's piercing eyes settled on Bellarose and then on the other people in the cabin.

Hagrid was overjoyed you could hear the emotion in his voice.

Hagrid: " isn't it beautiful ?"

The Dragon looking back to Bellarose trying to get a little closer. Looking at the scene Hagrid said jokingly. Bellarose, her heart filled with joy smiled, she faintly heard ron talked about a brother but was to busy admiring the dragon.

Hagrid: " He seems to think your his mommy."

While saying that he gently scratch the dragon neck with love.

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