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King's Cross Station was bustling on this misty morning. Travelers, young and old, hurried through the station some to reach the famous Platform 9¾. Among them were Draco and Bellarose, two future students off Hogwarts. She was the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange and although the Malfoys never said it aloud, they had never truly accepted her.

The time had come to pass through the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. Narcissa hugged Draco one last time.

Narcissa: "Take good care of yourself, Draco, and remember to write to us from time to time."

Draco confidently stepped forward and disappeared through the wall as if he had been doing it all his life.

Bellarose, however, paused just in front of the wall, her eyes fixed on the spot where Draco had vanished. Lucius took the opportunity to warn her sternly.

Lucius: "You better not cause us any trouble, understood?"

She nodded without saying a word, and finally, with a resigned sigh, she launched herself through the wall, joining Draco on the bustling platform of the Hogwarts Express. He looked at her with a mixture of suspicion and indifference but said nothing. The two of them boarded the train bound for Hogwarts, where a year of magic, adventures, and mysteries awaited them.

Throughout the journey, She remained silent, lost in her thoughts. She knew her presence was tolerated but never truly accepted.The Hogwarts Express had set off, winding through the English countryside toward Hogwarts. Draco had settled in a compartment with his new loyal friends, Crabbe and Goyle.

Meanwhile, Bellarose found herself alone in another compartment, gazing out the window with melancholy. She couldn't help but feel the isolation that surrounded her, even at Hogwarts. Her cursed family name seemed to weigh heavily on her, even though she was not responsible for her mother's crimes.

As they chatted, Crabbe and Goyle began to ask Draco about Bellarose, who was sitting alone in a nearby compartment.

Crabbe : "Hey, Draco who's that girl who came with you to the train?"

Goyle added, "Yeah, she looks weird."

Draco tensed slightly at the mention of Bellarose's. He turned to his friends with a stern look and said in a low voice, "She's a Lestrange, guys. Bellatrix Lestrange's daughter, you know, the one who was a follower of You-Know-Who and crazy. It's better to keep her at a distance. You never know what could happen."

Crabbe and Goyle nodded in silence, understanding the implication. They continued their conversation, completely ignoring Bellarose, who remained alone in her compartment, aware that her reputation was a burden she would have to carry during her time at Hogwarts.

For the rest of the journey to Hogwarts, Bellarose immersed herself even more in her thoughts, wondering if she would find a way to be accepted among her classmates or if she would be condemned to remain an outsider, even in this renowned wizard school.


The Great Hall was dimly lit as students eagerly awaited the Sorting Ceremony. The first years were particularly nervous, their eyes scanning the hall adorned with twinkling lights.

Professor McGonagall, stood before the Great Hall, with the four large house tables lined up in front of her. Beside her, the Sorting Hat, an old and tattered hat, sat on a stool.

Bellarose couldn't help but look around. She observed Draco Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle who, impatiently, had gone forward without waiting for her. The three boys seemed indifferent to her presence, which didn't surprise her given the complex relationship between her and the Malfoys. She ooked up at the starry ceiling of the Great Hall, marveling at the magic of Hogwarts that surrounded her.

The time had come for the new students to be sorted into their respective houses. Bellarose Lestrange was among them, her heart racing. She had spent the past few months mentally preparing herself for this moment, knowing it would be crucial for her future at Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall began reading the list of names, and each called student stepped forward to sit on the stool and don the Sorting Hat. She watched with a tinge of jealousy as lucky students were already sorted into the different house.

Finally, the moment arrived. Professor McGonagall announced in a clear voice, "Bellarose Lestrange."

A hush fell over the Great Hall as all eyes turned to her when she stand up. She felt her heart race as she walked toward the stool, a strange mix of fear and excitement washing over her. She slowly sat on the stool, feeling the eyes of everyone upon her. The Sorting Hat was lowered onto her head, and immediately, she heard a whispering voice in her mind.

Sorting Hat: "Ah, a Lestrange a name that evokes whispers and dark memories. I sense in you the weight of that dark legacy, a complicated history. You could fit well in Slytherin."

Bellarose swallowed, her hands trembling.

Sorting Hat: "Yet, your thirst for knowledge and curiosity about the world around you could lead you to be in Ravenclaw."

Sorting Hat: "But I sense in you a deep determination to change, to break free from this dark past. A determination to write your own story and prove your own worth."

Bellarose eagerly awaited the Sorting Hat's decision, her heart pounding even louder.

Sorting Hat: "So, it shall be Hufflepuff!"

A murmur of surprise swept through the Great Hall as the Sorting Hat made its decision. Bellarose felt a mixture of relief, excitement, and fear. She rose from the stool and joined the Hufflepuff table.

She had been sorted into Hufflepuff, the house of loyalty, patience, and perseverance. It was the beginning of a new adventure, a chance to show that she could be different from what her family name suggested.

As she took her seat at the Hufflepuff table, Bellarose locked eyes with Malfoy, her cousin, who was staring at her with disdain from the Slytherin table. She gave him a determined look, resolved to prove that to join Hufflepuff was the right path, even if it meant distancing herself from her dark family heritage.

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