Hagrid's Discovery

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Hagrid walked heavily along the edge of the Forbidden Forest. He had heard that Bellarose was often seen near the Forbidden Forest at night, and he was intrigued and a bit skeptical due to recent events. He decided to see for himself what was going on.

As he approached the forest's edge, Hagrid discovered Bellarose sitting on a rock next to a unicorn. He stopped abruptly, surprised by the scene.

Bellarose, completely absorbed in her task, was gently brushing the unicorn's mane, her face displaying an expression of gentleness and respect. The majestic creature seemed to accept her presence without fear.

Hagrid observed the scene, his initial skepticism giving way to amazement. Unicorns were extremely sensitive and wary magical creatures, and they generally only accepted those with a pure heart. The fact that a unicorn was approaching Bellarose, despite her dark heritage, was quite surprising.

He approached Bellarose slowly, but as soon as he was a few steps, the unicorn took a defensive posture, positioning itself slightly in front of Bellarose as if to protect her. Bellarose looked up, surprised to see Hagrid.

Bellarose intervened quickly, soothing the unicorn with a gentle voice.

Bellarose: "It's okay, my dear. He won't harm you."

The unicorn looked at Bellarose for a moment, then stepped back, ending its defensive stance. It then turned its attention to Hagrid.

Hagrid, aware of the unicorn's reaction, stood still, showing that he posed no threat. The unicorn watched him for a brief moment, then seemed to relax, realizing that the half-giant was not a danger to Bellarose.

Hagrid: "Bellarose, I never thought I'd see a unicorn approach anyone like this."

Bellarose smiled gently, continuing to brush the unicorn.

Bellarose: "Unicorns are special creatures, Hagrid. They see beyond appearances. They can feel what's in people's hearts."

Hagrid nodded, understanding. Unicorns were indeed known for their ability to detect purity and goodness in individuals.

Hagrid: "You're right, Bell. It's a magnificent creature, you know."

Hagrid, while still observing the unicorn, suddenly felt nostalgic, thinking about Fluffy, his faithful three-headed dog.

Hagrid: "You know, Bellarose, I also have a special creature that's dear to my heart. Fluffy, my three-headed dog. He may look a bit scary at first, but he's got a heart of gold. A gentle melody soothes him instantly."

Bellarose smiled, intrigued by this revelation.

Bellarose: "Fluffy, you say? That's rather cute for a three-headed dog that loves music."

As Hagrid realized what he had just said, he looked concerned.

Hagrid: "Listen, I should never have told you that. You can't mention it to anyone."

Bellarose chuckled softly.

Bellarose: "I promise not to tell anyone, as long as you don't reveal our encounter with the unicorn, except Dumbeldore if he doesn't already know."

Hagrid agreed to the deal with a grateful smile.

Hagrid: "It's a deal, Bellarose. Our secrets will remain safe. But now, I'm curious, how did you manage to gain the trust of this unicorn, despite your dark heritage?"

Bellarose continued to gently brush the unicorn, contemplating her response and ultimately choosing to tell the truth, trusting the half-giant.

Bellarose: "I overheard you the last time you spoke with Professor McGonagall, and I came to try to save her, hoping it wasn't too late. Over the nights, I came back to check on her condition, and a certain friendship formed between us."

They continued to enjoy the peaceful presence of the unicorn, and then Hagrid remembered why he had come.

Hagrid: "It's time for you to go to bed. You shouldn't even be here, some students have seen you coming here."

She sighed and said goodbye to the unicorn before heading back to Hogwarts with Hagrid.

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