A Warm Welcome

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Bellarose is getting ready to spend her holidays at the Malfoys' all while dreading the cold and hostile atmosphere of their house. That's when Nymphadora Tonks, who was supposed to have started her internship to become an Auror, approaches her.

Tonks: "Hey Bellarose, how are you?"

She was surprised to see Nymphadora here, knowing she didn't have as much free time at the moment.

Bellarose: "I'm fine, thank you. But why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be busy becoming an Auror?"

Tonks chuckled softly while tousling Bellarose's hair.

Tonks: "I managed to get a few days off to talk to you about something."

She looked at Bellarose seriously.

Tonks: "I spoke to my mother about your issue with the Malfoys. She thinks you might want to try something different this year, and she'd be okay with you staying with us if you want."

Bellarose looks at her, surprised by this unexpected proposition and having trouble speaking.

Bellarose: "At your place? Really, Tonks? But what will the Malfoys say?"

Tonks smiled warmly.

Tonks: "They won't be thrilled, that's for sure, but my mother has already given her consent. You're my cousin, after all, and she'd be happy to have you."

Bellarose is touched by Tonks and her family's kindness.

Bellarose: "I don't know what to say, Tonks. It's so generous of you, but I don't want to cause any problems."

Tonks shakes her head confidently.

Tonks: "Don't worry about that. If you want to come with us, come. No problems will come our way. If the Malfoys try anything, my mentor will take care of it. We're going to have a great vacation together, Bellarose, you'll see. It's still your choice in the end, so do you want to come?"

Bellarose smiles, deeply grateful for Tonks's generosity and the opportunity to escape the tense atmosphere of the Malfoys.

Bellarose: "Of course, I want to come."

Bellarose is so moved by Tonks's kindness that she warmly embraces her, letting a few tears of relief flow in her friend's arms, and between sobs, she thanks her.

Bellarose: "Thank you... thank you... thank you."

The two young witches head towards the end of the school year with a new plan in mind, hoping to spend unforgettable holidays together.


Bellarose stood in front of the Tonks' front door, her heart pounding. The journey had been nice with Nymphadora by her side Bellarose had shared her adventures from Hogwarts. Draco, not realizing that she hadn't followed him off the train, had been scolded by his parents for the first time in a long while. Just before getting off, Hermione, Ron, and Harry had even come to wish her a good holiday, with Ron apologizing once again for his behavior.

She was nervous about meeting Nymphadora's parents for the first time. The idea of being welcomed into a new family, far from the cold atmosphere of the Malfoys, filled her with both hope and apprehension. Nymphadora, beside her, noticed her friend's stress and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Tonks: "Breathe, Bellarose. Everything will be fine, you'll see. My parents are wonderful people, and they'll be delighted to meet you."

Bellarose tried to take a deep breath to calm her nerves, but her hands were trembling slightly.

Bellarose: "I know you're right, Tonks, but it's so different from what I'm used to. What if I make a bad impression?"

Tonks gave her an encouraging smile.

Tonks: "Listen Bellarose, my parents are open-minded and understanding. They know you come from a complicated family, must i remind you that my mother comes from the same family. All they want is to make you feel welcome."

Bellarose nodded, trying to convince herself that everything would be fine. Nymphadora opened the front door, and the two young witches entered the house. Inside, Andromeda and Ted Tonks were waiting for them, smiling and welcoming.

Andromeda: "Nymphadora, dear, welcome home. And is this Bellarose, I presume?"

Nymphadora: "Yes, Mom. Bellarose, these are my parents, Andromeda and Ted Tonks."

Bellarose suddenly felt shy in the presence of these unfamiliar people, but she did her best to smile.

Bellarose: "Nice to meet you."

Andromeda gave her a warm smile.

Andromeda: "The pleasure is mutual. Don't be shy you are welcome here."

Ted Tonks nodded in agreement.

Ted Tonks: "Exactly we're glad to have you with us."

The warmth and kindness of the Tonks family began to ease Bellarose's worries. She felt Nymphadora's hand still resting on her shoulder, providing support at every moment.

Bellarose: "Thank you very much, Mrs. and Mr. Tonks. I'm truly grateful for this."

The tension in the air began to slowly dissipate, and Bellarose began to feel more at ease in the presence of her cousin's family. She knew that these holidays promised to be memorable, surrounded by the love and acceptance of the Tonks family.

As night fell, Bellarose lay in bed, desperately trying to find sleep. The day's events were looping in her mind, and she was amazed by the warm and loving welcome of the Tonks family. She had never experienced such kindness, and it deeply touched her. Contrasting it with the icy atmosphere of the Malfoys, this day had been an eye-opener for her.

As she tossed and turned in her bed, seeking sleep that eluded her, the door opened gently, and Nymphadora quietly entered the room. She approached Bellarose's bed, immediately noticing the troubled expression on her cousin's face.

Tonks: "Bellarose, can't you sleep?"

Bellarose sat up slightly, not wanting to disturb the other members of the family.

Bellarose: "No, I can't help but think about everything that happened today. It's so... different from what I'm used to."

Nymphadora sat on the edge of Bellarose's bed, offering a sympathetic smile.

Tonks: "I understand. It's normal that all of this feels strange to you. But know that my family truly appreciates you, and we want you to feel at home here."

Bellarose nodded, trying to convince herself that everything would be okay. Nymphadora gently took Bellarose's hand and squeezed it with tenderness.

Tonks: "I'm glad you feel comfortable here, Bellarose."

As Bellarose continued to talk about her concerns and hopes, she began to feel more and more tired. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she finally let herself succumb to the overwhelming emotions. She cried softly in the comforting arms of Nymphadora.

Tonks: "Shh, everything will be okay, Bellarose. I'm here for you, and I'll never leave you alone again."

The warmth of Nymphadora's friendship and compassion eased Bellarose's fears, and she finally felt able to relax. She fell asleep peacefully in her arms, feeling safe and loved for the first time.

Nymphadora decided to stay by her side for the night, watching over Bellarose.

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