The First Task

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The day of the first task had arrived, and a tense excitement filled the air at Hogwarts. The stands surrounding the arena were packed with students, professors, and guests from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, all eager to see what challenges awaited the champions. Bellarose sat with Luna and Ginny in the Hufflepuff section, bundled in their winter cloaks against the crisp chill of the morning.

Bellarose's heart raced with anticipation. Though she wasn't competing, she felt a strange mix of nerves and excitement for the champions, especially Cedric and Fleur. She gripped the edge of her seat as Ludo Bagman's voice boomed through the enchanted loudspeakers, introducing the first champion to face their task.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our first champion, Viktor Krum of Durmstrang!"

The crowd erupted into applause, and Bellarose joined in, though her enthusiasm was more reserved. She respected Krum as a Quidditch player, but there was something about his brooding demeanor that kept her from feeling a genuine connection. As Krum stepped into the arena, Bellarose leaned forward, watching with keen interest.

The dragon he faced, a fierce Chinese Fireball, roared its challenge, its scales glinting like molten gold under the bright sun. Krum moved with a calculated precision, his eyes never leaving the dragon. With a swift movement, he cast a spell aimed at the dragon's eyes, a direct and brutal approach. The dragon roared in pain, thrashing wildly as Krum made his move to snatch the golden egg.

Bellarose felt a flicker of admiration at his bravery, but she also couldn't help but notice the harshness of his tactics. "Effective, but... so aggressive," she muttered under her breath.

Luna, sitting beside her, nodded dreamily. "Dragons don't take well to direct confrontation. They're proud creatures. Krum might have hurt its pride as much as its eyes."

Next up was Cedric, and Bellarose's heart swelled with a mix of pride and worry. "Come on, Cedric," she whispered, as if her words could reach him.

Cedric Diggory entered the arena with the confidence and grace of a true Hufflepuff. He faced a Swedish Short-Snout, a beautiful dragon with shimmering blue scales. Cedric chose a more strategic approach, using transfiguration to turn a rock into a dog, distracting the dragon long enough to make his move for the egg.

Bellarose cheered loudly as Cedric dodged a jet of blue flame, her hands clenched tightly in front of her. "Yes, Cedric! You've got this!" she shouted, her voice almost hoarse from excitement. When Cedric successfully retrieved the egg, the Hufflepuff stands erupted in cheers, Bellarose's voice among the loudest.

As the applause died down, Bellarose's gaze shifted to Fleur. She watched as the Beauxbatons champion took a deep breath before stepping into the arena. Fleur's dragon, a Welsh Green, seemed almost serene, its emerald eyes watching her carefully.

"Allez, Fleur!" Bellarose called out, her voice filled with encouragement. She admired Fleur's grace and poise as she moved into position, each step deliberate and calm. T

Fleur's initial plan, Bellarose knew, was to use a simple Bewitched Sleep spell to subdue the dragon. But as Fleur raised her wand and began to chant, she hesitated for a moment, her gaze fixed on the Welsh Green. Bellarose noticed Fleur's expression shift, a sudden spark of inspiration flashing across her features.

Instead of casting the sleep spell directly, Fleur began to weave a different kind of magic into her incantation. She combined it with a soft, melodic tune, a Music Charm, Bellarose realized. The notes flowed from her wand like a gentle lullaby, filling the arena with a soothing melody that seemed to resonate with the very essence of the Welsh Green.

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