Rising Tensions

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The potions class taught by Professor Severus Snape was about to begin, and the students were taking their seats in their usual classroom. Pansy Parkinson was particularly tense that day, still bitter about being outperformed by Bellarose in the previous Transfiguration class, determined to regain her pride.

She headed to her seat, giving Bellarose, who was sitting nearby, a sharp look. The animosity between the two young witches was palpable, and the potions class was unlikely to improve things.

Harry and Ron two boy from Gryffindor, seated a bit further away, were quietly chatting and exchanging jokes. However, their conversation was abruptly interrupted when Professor Snape entered the classroom, his usual icy expression leaving no doubt that he was in a bad mood.

Snape: "Potter! Weasley! Is this how you intend to start my class? You are here to learn, not to chatter like fools!"

Harry and Ron lowered their heads, blushing under Snape's furious gaze, and turned to their cauldrons, muttering half-hearted apologies.

He began to explain the potion they would be preparing that day, the Wiggenweld Potion.

Snape: "Today, you will learn how to prepare the Wiggenweld Potion. It's a healing potion whose strength varies depending on the quality of the ingredients. It can be used to heal injuries or reverse the effects of a Sleeping Draught."

Pansy listened attentively, taking notes on every detail, determined to succeed in the lesson to regain her pride. She couldn't stand the idea of Bellarose outperforming her in another subject. Bellarose, on the other hand, focused on her notes, trying to follow Professor Snape's instructions precisely.

Snape: "The instructions are on the board or in your book 'Magical Potions' by Arsenius Jigger, page 42. If you have any questions, the answer is in the book. Now, silence and get to work."

Two mandatory ingredients were visible on the board: Salamander Blood and Diluted Honey, along with a description of an optional ingredient.

The two students worked in silence on their potions, following the strict instructions. At first, they progressed at the same pace, measuring each ingredient carefully and stirring their mixtures with diligence.

However, after a while, Bellarose encountered a difficulty. She found herself stuck on a part of the recipe, desperately trying to understand which was the optional plant, hesitating between two. Her hands trembled slightly as she struggled to choose the right one. Pansy, on the other hand, had noticed this mention in the book from the beginning and instantly recalled the appropriate plant. She prepared it quickly and added it to her potion, significantly improving its quality.She remained completely focused on her potion, paying no attention to Bellarose's situation.

Bellarose remembered a mention in her Herbology book about a Greek plant called Dictamnus albus, and its characteristics matched those described on the board. However, the time she took to recall this affected the quality of her potion.

Pansy eventually succeeded in her potion first. She raised an eyebrow when she looked at Bellarose, who continued to work diligently to correct her mistake. When Bellarose finished and successfully completed her potion a few minutes later, Pansy looked at her with a superior air, mimicking the look that Bellarose had given her during the Transfiguration class.

The end of the potions class was approaching, and even Bellarose had managed to correct her mistake and finish her potion successfully, although her disappointment at not being the first to finish was evident.

The bell rang to announce the end of the class, and the students began to gather their belongings. Bellarose looked upset and disappointed not to have been the first to succeed with the potion. As Pansy started to pack her things, Bellarose approached her, an expression of frustration on her face.

She packed her belongings slowly, looking dejected. Pansy, on the other hand, had already packed her things with a satisfied smile. She observed Bellarose and couldn't resist taunting her a bit.

Pansy: "Well, Bellarose, I believe it's 1-1 now, isn't it? Beginner's luck didn't work out for you this time, it seems?"

Bellarose raised her eyes, frustration evident in her gaze. She couldn't stand the idea of Pansy outperforming her.

Bellarose: "Don't rejoice too soon, Pansy. Next time, I'll beat you hands down. You better not get used to this victory."

Pansy raised an eyebrow, savoring the satisfaction of having managed to unsettle Bellarose.

Pansy: "We'll see, Bellarose. I look forward to the next lesson. Maybe you'll have better luck, who knows?"

The two young witches exchanged icy glares, clearly determined to outdo each other in the upcoming potions classes.


After the potions class, students had some free time. As it was a sunny day, Bellarose decided to head to the school's garden. She was looking for a quiet spot to relax and clear her mind after her defeat against Pansy. She settled near a tree, engrossed in a book about magical creatures that she had secretly borrowed from the Malfoy's without their knowledge.

A bit further away, Nymphadora Tonks, a Ravenclaw student with pink hair and an eccentric appearance, was conducting magical experiments with a group of friends. Bellarose name had come up in their conversation, and Bellarose couldn't help but listen with curiosity.

Tonks's friends seemed to glance in Bellarose's direction, talking about if this is really the daughter off Bellatrix. Bellarose felt her face flush with anger and decided to approach, not wanting to be left out of a conversation about her own family.

Bellarose: "Yes, Bellatrix Lestrange was my mother, but no I'm not like her."

Tonks turned to Bellarose, looking at her skeptically. She couldn't help but size Bellarose up, her scrutinizing gaze revealing no emotions.

Tonks: " You can say what you want, but it's hard to believe you're completely different from your mother."

Bellarose felt a surge of anger rise within her, but she suppressed it. She knew she had to be patient and determined. 

She remembered a conversation Lucius had with Draco about Andromeda, Narcissa's sister, who was considered a Blood-traitor for starting a family with a Muggle-born. The young woman in front of her resembled Nymphadora, Andromeda's daughter.

Bellarose: "If I'm not mistaken, you're Nymphadora Tonks. Know that I understand your suspicion, but I am determined to prove that I am different."

Tonks looked at Bellarose for a moment, not liking being called Nymphadora and responded more aggressively than she intended.

Tonks: "Listen, don't think you're going to gain our trust that easily. My mother told me how she was treated and i've seen people pretend to be someone they're not."

Bellarose lowered her head, feeling a tear welling up. Tonks couldn't help but notice her emotion. Struggling to hold back her tears, she abruptly stood up, but  before leaving replied.

Bellarose: "Fine, if that's how you see it, I won't force you to change your opinions. Maybe you're right, maybe I'm no better, but I intend to prove otherwise."

Tonks instantly regretted what she had said. In the end, she had acted just like the Pure-bloods, but she didn't have time to apologize as Bellarose had already left.

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