Arrivals and Allure

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The days following the start of the new school year were filled with excitement and anticipation. The Triwizard Tournament, a legendary event, was the talk of the school, and everyone was eager to witness the arrival of the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

Finally, the day arrived. The students gathered on the Hogwarts grounds, eyes scanning the sky and the lake for any sign of their guests. The air was crisp, and an electric thrill ran through the crowd.

Bellarose stood with Luna, Ginny, and her other friends, feeling a mix of curiosity and nervousness. "This is it," she whispered, her breath visible in the cool air. "They're really coming."

"There!" someone shouted, pointing towards the sky.

A massive, powder-blue carriage drawn by gigantic, winged horses was descending from the clouds. The horses' hooves barely touched the ground before the carriage door opened, and out stepped Madame Olympe Maxime, a giantess whose presence commanded immediate respect. She led a line of students dressed in elegant, sky-blue robes, their expressions poised and dignified.

"They look like they stepped out of a fairy tale," Luna remarked, eyes wide.

Ginny nodded. "I've heard they're exceptionally skilled in charms and enchantments."

As the Beauxbatons students walked past, Bellarose's eyes were drawn to a girl at the front of the group. Fleur Delacour. Her silvery-blonde hair cascaded down her back, and her striking blue eyes seemed to sparkle with an inner light. Fleur's beauty was almost otherworldly, and Bellarose felt an inexplicable attraction and curiosity.

"Do you know who that is?" Ginny whispered to Bellarose. "That's Fleur Delacour. She's part Veela."

Bellarose's eyes widened. "A Veela? "

Ginny nodded. "I've heard that her grandmother was a full Veela. It's said that they have a natural allure that can charm almost anyone."

Fleur's presence was magnetic, and Bellarose found herself unable to look away. There was something about Fleur that stirred a strange feeling within her, a mixture of admiration and a fluttering excitement she couldn't quite place.

Shortly after, the Durmstrang ship emerged from the depths of the Black Lake, causing ripples to spread across the water. The ship was an imposing, dark structure, and it glided silently to the shore. The Durmstrang students disembarked, their dark cloaks billowing in the wind, led by the stern and imposing figure of Professor Karkaroff.

The Durmstrang students moved with a disciplined precision, their faces set in determined expressions. Bellarose noticed Viktor Krum among them, instantly recognizing him from the Quidditch World Cup. The sight of him stirred memories of the match, and she wondered what role he would play in the upcoming Tournament.

As the foreign students settled in, Dumbledore gathered everyone in the Great Hall for a welcoming feast. The atmosphere was lively, with students exchanging curious glances and tentative smiles.

To Bellarose's surprise, the seating arrangement mixed students from all three schools. She found herself next to a younger Beauxbatons student with strikingly similar features to Fleur. "Hello, I'm Bellarose," she said, offering a warm smile.

"Gabrielle Delacour," the girl replied with a shy smile. "My sister is Fleur. She is over there." Gabrielle pointed, and Bellarose's heart skipped a beat as she saw Fleur making her way towards them.

"Nice to meet you, Gabrielle. Your sister must be very proud of you," Bellarose said, trying to keep the conversation light.

Gabrielle's eyes flicked to the scar on Bellarose's face, curiosity evident in her gaze. "How did you get that scar?" she asked innocently.

Before Bellarose could respond, Fleur arrived and gently placed a hand on Gabrielle's shoulder. "Gabrielle, we do not ask such personal questions," she said, her voice firm yet kind.

Bellarose felt a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. "It's okay," she said softly.

Fleur smiled warmly at Bellarose, her eyes softening. "I am sorry for my sister's curiosity. I am Fleur Delacour."

"Bellarose Lestrange," she replied, feeling a flutter of nerves. "Welcome to Hogwarts."

"Merci, Bellarose. It is very different from Beauxbatons, but I am looking forward to ze Tournament," Fleur replied with a smile that seemed to light up her whole face.

Bellarose nodded, feeling a bit shy under Fleur's gaze. "I'm sure it will be amazing."

The Great Hall was abuzz with the mingling of students from the three schools. As everyone settled down, Dumbledore stood at the front, his arms raised to call for silence. "Welcome, everyone, to another year at Hogwarts. This year is particularly special as we host the Triwizard Tournament. We are honored to have our friends from Beauxbatons Academy and Durmstrang Institute joining us."

The hall filled with applause as Dumbledore continued. "The Tournament is a tradition that tests the bravery, intelligence, and magical skill of its champions. In a few days, the Goblet of Fire will be placed in the Great Hall, and those who wish to compete may submit their names. The Goblet will select one champion from each school, and these champions will face three challenging tasks."

The students listened with rapt attention, the air thick with excitement and curiosity.

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as he concluded, "May the best school win, and may the spirit of friendship and cooperation guide us all through this exciting time."

The feast began, and Bellarose found herself glancing frequently towards Fleur, who was chatting with her sister and some friends. She felt a mix of admiration and curiosity, wondering what it would be like to get to know her better.

As the evening wore on, Bellarose couldn't shake the feeling that this year was going to be unlike any other.

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