Tonks's Regret

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Over the weeks at Hogwarts, Tonks noticed the sincere efforts Bellarose was making to distance herself from her dark heritage. These observations unfolded in various moments and situations, confirming to Tonks that Bellarose wasn't what she had originally thought, which only deepened her sense of guilt.

For example, Tonks witnessed the following scene.

A young Hufflepuff student was cornered against a wall by two older Slytherin students who were mocking him. The distress in his voice was evident.

Hufflepuff student: "Leave me alone!"

She saw Bellarose passing by who saw the scene and quickly approached. She stood in front of the Hufflepuff student, defying the Slytherin students. In a firm tone, she addressed the two students.

Bellarose: "Leave him alone, now!"

The Slytherin students looked at her in surprise, but Bellarose didn't back down. She stared at them with determination, showing that she wouldn't tolerate the harassment. The two students, seeing that Bellarose wasn't backing down, exhibited annoyance in their voices.

Slytherin Student 1: "And who are you to give us orders?"

Slytherin Student 2: "Yeah, why should we listen to you?"

Tonks could see that, Bellarose was terrified with confidence, she said.

Bellarose: "I am Bellarose Lestrang, and if you don't walk away, you will feel what I can do."

The Slytherin students exchanged worried glances and eventually left, not without making a few derogatory remarks about Bellarose's. Tim was both grateful but also somewhat afraid.

Hufflepuff student: "Thank you, Bellarose. They always back off when they hear the name Lestrang."

He ran off after thanking her.

Another time, Tonks entered the library to search for a book when she found Bellarose surrounded by stacks of books, diligently taking notes.

Tonks could see that she was deeply engrossed in her studies, and from time to time, she could hear Bellarose murmuring like a mantra.

Bellarose: "I will succeed, I will show everyone that I am not what they think."

Tonks observed her, feeling Bellarose's determination, and was moved by her desire to improve herself.

She also noticed on several occasions that Bellarose was trying to spend time with students from different houses, showing her willingness to break down the barriers between the houses and create bonds with other students. Few people seemed to give her this chance, but Bellarose persisted in her efforts to make friends from all around.

One day, Tonks saw that Bellarose's efforts were rewarded when she was approached by a group of students from Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor.

Ravenclaw Student: "Hey, Bellarose, we're organizing a small study session in the library. Would you like to join us?"

Bellarose appeared surprised and asked with a shy smile.

Bellarose: "I would really appreciate that, but are you sure it's okay with you all?"

The Hufflepuff student replied in a friendly tone.

Hufflepuff Student: "Of course, otherwise we wouldn't have come to ask you."

The Gryffindor student nodded in agreement with the Hufflepuff student. Bellarose responded with a beautiful smile.

Bellarose: "I would be delighted to join you then."

Tonks, who had discreetly observed the scene, was impressed by the way Bellarose genuinely seemed to want to befriend students from other houses despite the prejudices. Tonks felt encouraged and decided that she needed to apologize for her behavior as she didn't deserve it.

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