Chapter 21

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After a long work day, it was finally time to close the pie shop for the night. Nellie smiled and waved goodbye to the last of the customers as they left the shop. Her face fell and she sighed. "I still have to clean up." She muttered. "I can help!" Toby exclaimed, smiling. "Thank you, dear." Nellie replied. "I can help too, if you want." Johanna said. Nellie nodded. "You can help me with the dishes. Toby, you can wipe down the counter and tables." "Alright!" Toby replied. Nellie walked to the sink, and Johanna followed. "How was business today?" Johanna asked. "It seemed rather busy." "It was." Nellie said. "Which is wonderful, of course! I really am glad that things are finally better! It can be rather exhausting though." "I bet." Johanna replied.
   "So you talked things out with Mr. Todd?" Nellie asked. Johanna nodded. "I think he's a bit more calm now." "That's good." Nellie responded. "He really had me worried, you know." "Don't worry, he seems to be mostly alright now." Johanna said. "Are you alright?" She then asked. "I mean, after everything that happened yesterday. Dad says you seemed quite shaken." "I'm alright now." Nellie reassured. "I was just a bit frightened, having a reminder of what had happened in the past." "Yeah, dad told me a little bit about it." Johanna said.
   "I also heard that he gave you a kiss." She added, giggling. Nellie felt her heart skip a beat. "Yeah, he gave me a little goodnight kiss on the forehead before going upstairs." She said. "Did he tell you about that?" "He mentioned it." Johanna responded. Nellie smiled and quickly looked away, trying to hide her excitement. Could it really be that Sweeney was thinking about that moment too? Was it possible that it meant as much to him as it did to her? She found herself thinking about it once again. That moment, and the entirety of that day in general, was potentially the most affectionate he had been towards her in a while, and the way he spoke to her sounded so sweet. "Come here, my love." She recalled him saying in a voice so soft, so filled with tenderness. "He'll never hurt you ever again." She remembered how he had pulled her close, and held her without letting go until he absolutely had to. She could almost feel his arms around her as she thought about it. How nice and warm it had felt.
   "Mum?" She heard Johanna say, bringing her back to reality. "Sorry, dear." She said. "I got a bit lost in my thoughts." "It's alright." Johanna replied, laughing a little. "You were thinking of dad, weren't you?" "I- Well, I..." Nellie stammered. "I didn't know he was also thinking about that moment." "He's definitely thinking about it." Johanna said. "He's still dealing with a lot, but he really does enjoy the time he spends with you." "That's nice to know." Nellie replied. "Don't tell him I told you this, but he told me he doesn't know what he'd do without you." "Oh, really?" Nellie asked. Johanna nodded. "I think you should spend more time together." She said. "You know, really solidify that bond you have." Nellie laughed a little. "You don't have to tell me twice."
   She then froze for a moment, and her face fell. "I'm sorry if it's weird for you to hear me ramble on about how in love I am with your father." "It's alright, mum. No worries." Johanna replied. "Besides, I want you both to be happy, and I want us all to be a family." "I want that too." Nellie said. "You, Toby, and Mr. T all truly mean the world to me." Johanna smiled. "You all mean the world to me too." Nellie couldn't deny that her insecurities were something she'd be working through for a while, but she refused to let them stop her from fully enjoying moments like these. Spending time with her daughter was always a delight, even when doing draining tasks like washing dishes, and she absolutely adored her sweet words. Maybe this happy life surrounded by loved ones that she dreamed of was closer than she had realized. Maybe it was actually within reach.

"Thank you both for helping clean up." Nellie said. "No problem!" Johanna replied. "Yeah, of course we'd help you out!" Toby chimed in. "Mrs. Lovett." She heard a familiar voice say. How she adored that voice. She glanced over and saw Sweeney walking down the stairs. "Hello, Mr. Todd." She said. "Hey there, dad." Johanna said. "Oh, hello there, Johanna." Sweeney replied. "How was it today?" Johanna asked. "Fine, I suppose. Decent amount of customers." Sweeney responded. He turned his gaze to Nellie. "How was it for you?" "Very busy." Nellie said, laughing a little. "I can imagine." Sweeney replied. "Do you think about yesterday too?" Nellie asked. Sweeney had a confused expression on his face. "I mean, how nice it was yesterday, just spending time together." Nellie explained. "And I heard you also think about that kiss." She tried to be subtle, but she couldn't help but smile.
   "What?" Toby asked. "On the forehead." Johanna clarified. "Did you hear this from Johanna?" Sweeney asked. "Johanna, what did you tell her?" "Not much." Johanna replied. Sweeney sighed. "I did briefly mention that moment when talking to Johanna earlier." Nellie could've sworn that she saw him get red in the face. She figured she probably looked similar. "It was quite nice." She said. "I suppose it was." Sweeney mumbled. "We're going to head to our rooms now." Johanna said. "Yeah, it's getting quite late." Toby yawned. "Alright. Goodnight, you two!" Nellie said. "Goodnight!" They both replied, walking away towards their rooms.
   "Such sweet kids, they are." Nellie said. Sweeney nodded. "How much did Johanna tell you?" He asked. "Not much. Just that you mentioned the nice little moments from yesterday." Nellie responded. "It really is nice to know that you think about it too." "I'll admit, it was nice." Sweeney said. "You were absolutely lovely to spend time with, as always." Nellie's heart soared upon hearing his words. How lovely he was. How absolutely lovely and adorable. "As were you, my dear." She said. "What about today?" She then asked. "Is everything alright now?" "Yeah, I guess." Sweeney replied. "I've talked through things with Johanna, so that's good." He said. "And I'm still dealing with a lot of issues regarding grief and guilt and anger, but I really was happy with you today." "I'm glad you and Johanna were able to talk things over." Nellie said. "And I was happy with you too." She added. "I wish things could always be like that." Sweeney nodded. "That'd be nice." He muttered. "I mean, I suppose that wouldn't be too bad."
   Nellie sighed. "I know you're still dealing with a lot, and you're still grieving, and I don't want to rush that process, but you can admit to being happy with me." She said. "I did, did I not?" Sweeney replied. "I mean, yes." Nellie paused for a moment, then spoke up again. "You just seem to still feel weird about admitting it." "I know." Sweeney said. "There's so much going on still, and I'm still figuring out how to say this without it feeling weird, but I do admit that I was happy today, and I was yesterday too, and that one time about a month or so ago, when we first started our business collaboration." Nellie recalled what he had said about that moment from a month ago. "It was just you and me, and nothing else mattered." His voice echoed in her mind. How wonderful it was to hear him say such words. It had felt that way to her too. All of those moments he mentioned were ones that she cherished.
   "Those were all such wonderful moments, weren't they?" She then said. "They were." Sweeney replied. "It just feels so strange admitting it out loud. I suppose I should though." "Just say whatever you feel comfortable with saying." Nellie said. "I just hope you know that so many of my happiest moments are the ones I spent with you." "I've said this before, but you are far too kind to me." Sweeney said. "You deserve all the kindness in the world." Nellie responded. "Some of my happiest moments are the ones I spent with you as well." Sweeney said. "When I first arrived home after all those years, I never thought I'd be happy again. I had almost forgotten what it felt like. You've reminded me, you and Johanna both." "Oh, Mr. Todd." Nellie muttered, walking closer to him. "Yes, Mrs. Lovett?" He replied. "Oh, it's nothing." Nellie said. "I'm just so happy!"
   She grabbed his hands, gently squeezing them. "I'm always happy to be with you, my love." "It's getting late, dear." Sweeney said. "You should get some rest, and lord knows I should too. It's been so hard to fall asleep lately, but I really am tired." "Alright." Nellie mumbled, letting go of his hands. "Won't you give me a kiss goodnight again?" Sweeney's eyes widened. "I- Well, I- I mean..." He stammered. "You're adorable." Nellie said, giggling. Sweeney brought his hand to her cheek, gently caressing it, and gave her a kiss on the forehead, just as he had the previous night. "Goodnight, Mrs. Lovett." He said. "I'll see you tomorrow." "Goodnight, love." Nellie replied.
   Sweeney walked upstairs, and she watched until he was completely out of sight. She could feel her heart racing as she thought about everything that had just happened. His sweet words, his affectionate touch, the way he had kissed her once again. Deep down, she knew that he probably didn't mean it, at least not in the way she had hoped, but she chose to push those thoughts away for now. Maybe there was hope. Maybe deep down, there was at least a little bit of love for her in his heart.

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