Chapter 3

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Two years had passed. Nellie couldn't believe it had now been nine years since her friend was sent away. It was Johanna's tenth birthday. She needed to be happy, at least for the day, but she couldn't help but think about how many birthdays Benjamin had to miss. She could tell that Johanna was also sad about the situation, but refused to let that stop her from celebrating her birthday.
"Mum!" Johanna exclaimed. "Guess what?" "What?" Nellie asked. "I'm ten now!" Johanna announced. Nellie smiled. "Yes you are." She replied. "What kind of cake would you like?" Nellie asked. "Chocolate!" Johanna replied excitedly. "Alright." Nellie said. "You know, that was your father's favorite too." "Looks like we have that in common." Johanna said. Nellie nodded. "My friends all thought I was the best baker in the group, so I always made their birthday cakes. Benjamin would help every now and then. I wonder where my baking skills went. I seem to have none now." She said. "Then again, it probably has to do with the ingredients. Business has been running low, I'm not making enough money, and I can't afford real meat for the pies, so I'm stuck making pies with bad ingredients, which is also why business is so bad." She ranted.
Johanna didn't seem to know how to respond. Nellie sighed. "Enough about that though. It's your birthday! Today's a happy day!" She exclaimed. Johanna smiled. "Can I help make the cake?" She asked. "Of course." Nellie replied. Johanna smiled, and rushed to get some ingredients. Nellie grabbed a few ingredients from the cupboard, and began to pour them into a bowl. "I got the sugar!" Johanna exclaimed. "Thanks." Nellie said. "Do you want to add some of these to the mix?" She asked. "Sure!" Johanna replied. She poured sugar into the bowl. "I thought these ingredients were expensive." She said. "They were, but I mentioned that it was your tenth birthday, and they let me buy it for less money." Nellie responded. "Is that legal?" Johanna asked. "Probably not." Nellie replied. Johanna looked concerned.
"Do you wanna mix this?" Nellie asked, quickly switching the subject. Johanna nodded, and began mixing. "I did it!" She exclaimed once she was done. "Good job!" Nellie replied. She poured the mix into a cake pan, and put it in the oven. "Now we wait." She said. "How long will it take?" Johanna asked. "About thirty to thirty-five minutes." Nellie responded. Johanna sighed. "That's a long time." She said. "It's not too long." Nellie replied. "It sounds like a long time, but that time will pass before you know it." She added. "I guess." Johanna mumbled. "I mean, it feels like just yesterday, you were still a baby. Now you're ten. Ten years have passed." Nellie said. "And nine years without my dad." Johanna replied.
   "Don't worry about that, dear. He'll be back before you know it." Nellie reassured. "I know. It's just... It's already been nine years. How much longer will it be?" Johanna asked. "I don't know." Nellie replied. "But it won't be too long. Who knows? Maybe he'll be here tomorrow." She added. "Maybe." Johanna said. "You're very patient. Do you ever get tired of waiting?" She asked. "Yes, but sometimes, waiting is all you can do." Nellie said. Johanna sighed. "I guess you're right." She replied. "I just can't help but wish he'd walk through the door right now." She added. "Trust me, I wish that too." Nellie said.

"Looks like the cake is done." Nellie said, taking it out of the oven. "It looks amazing!" Johanna exclaimed. "It does." Nellie agreed. "It's really hot right now though, so how about you open your present first." She suggested. Johanna nodded. Nellie handed her a gift. "I wasn't able to get much this year." She said. "It's alright. I don't need much." Johanna replied. She opened her present, and smiled. "Art stuff!" She exclaimed. Nellie giggled. "Well, I knew how much you liked painting, so..." She didn't finish her sentence. "Thanks, mum!" Johanna exclaimed. "You're welcome." Nellie replied. "I actually have something to show you!" Johanna said excitedly. "I'll be right back!" She added, running to her room.
Not even a minute later, she ran back, holding a piece of paper. "I drew this." She said with a smile. Nellie looked at the picture. It was a picture of three people, a man, a woman, and a child, all standing in front of a house. "It's me, you, and dad." Johanna said. "It's beautiful." Nellie replied. "Thanks." Johanna said. "Do you think dad would like it?" She asked. "Of course." Nellie replied. Johanna smiled. "Can I have cake now?" She asked. Nellie nodded. "Can I cut it?" Johanna asked. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I want you using a knife just yet." Nellie responded. "Please?" Johanna asked. "How about I teach you how to cut the cake so you can do it in the future." Nellie suggested. "Okay." Johanna replied.
"Watch me." Nellie said. She grabbed a knife, and cut a slice. "Remember to always have the blade down, so you cut the cake and not yourself. And make sure the tip is facing away from you." She explained, handing Johanna the slice of cake. "I know how to not cut myself." Johanna replied. "I know, I just want to make sure you know to be extra careful." Nellie said. "Got it." Johanna stated. She took a bite of the cake. "Wow! This turned out great!" She exclaimed. "Thanks for illegally getting good ingredients!" Nellie laughed. "You're welcome, I guess."

"It's getting late. You should get some rest." Nellie said. Johanna yawned. "I actually am a bit tired." "Did you have fun today?" Nellie asked. "Yeah." Johanna replied. "I hope dad's here for my next birthday." She added. "I hope so too." Nellie replied. Johanna yawned again. "I'm gonna go to sleep. Goodnight." "Goodnight." Nellie said. She walked to her room, but rather than sleeping, she got out a piece of paper, and began to write.

My dearest Benjamin,
Johanna turned ten today! It's strange to think she's ten already! We both wish you could've been here. She drew a beautiful picture of the three of us. I can't wait until you come back. Then we can raise Johanna together. I know you both would much rather have Lucy here. I hope you both know that I would never try to replace her. But I would love to be a part of your life. Maybe you could love me just as much. If you want affection, my arms are open. My heart will always be yours. I'll love you forever. I miss you so much, my love. I can't wait to see you again. I hope I'll get to see you again. I still have hope that you'll come home, but I can't help but worry about the possibility that you may not. I miss you. Johanna and I both miss you. I really hope you're able to come home soon.
Love, Nellie

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