Chapter 27

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To say that the days following the kiss that almost happened were awkward would be an understatement. As the days went on, Nellie noticed that Sweeney was hiding away more often, and they only seemed to talk to each other in passing. She was incredibly saddened by this. She missed seeing him more often, and actually getting to spend time with him. She missed hearing from him, she missed dancing with him, she missed his affection. He hadn't even bothered to give her a goodnight kiss, which had basically become routine. She feared that things would only get worse, and that they'd grow apart. She also worried about his mental health, for he seemed to just be throwing himself into his work, and focusing on nothing aside from revenge, just like he had when he first returned to London. She glanced upstairs and sighed sadly. "Maybe I really did ruin things." She thought to herself.
   She tried to remember what Johanna had told her, that maybe he just wasn't ready to love again, and that she didn't know how he was truly feeling about the whole situation. Even so, she couldn't help but fear for the worst. "Why did I have to go and tell him I love him?" She thought. She found herself thinking back to that moment. What a wonderful moment it had been, at least it was before he ran off. Just the two of them, holding each other and smiling as they leaned in close. It was as if everything else had faded away, and nothing else mattered. For that moment, she had forgotten the reality of things, but when he ran away, she was suddenly reminded of the truth, and ever since then, the reminder only seemed to feel more cruel.
   "Mum?" She heard a voice say. She turned around and saw Johanna standing before her. "Hello, dear." She said. "How are you today?" "I'm fine, I suppose." Johanna replied. "Are you alright?" "I'm fine." Nellie lied. "Are you sure?" Johanna asked. "You were staring at the door to dad's shop again." Nellie sighed. "I miss him." "I know you do." Johanna said. "He misses you too." "You really think so?" Nellie asked. "He's been so distant for almost a month now!" "I think he's just still processing everything." Johanna responded.
   Nellie sighed again. "I just want my friend back." She said softly. "I miss him so much, and I don't have other friends. He's all I've got." "I'm sure you two will figure things out." Johanna reassured. "And I can help you find other friends too, just so you have more than one." "I don't know of many people who want to be my friend." Nellie said. "I'm sure there's many! You're a wonderful person, and very easy to talk to!" Johanna responded. "You really think so?" Nellie asked. "Of course!" Johanna replied. "As for dad, I just know he misses you too! You'll be close again soon, trust me!" "I hope so." Nellie mumbled. "Well, I suppose I should get ready to open the shop." Johanna nodded. "I can help you and Toby, if you'd like." "That'd be nice." Nellie said. "Thank you." "No problem." Johanna replied, smiling.
   Nellie smiled back at her. She was always grateful for Johanna. She was such a wonderful, compassionate young woman. She felt bad that she seemed to be burdening her with her troubles recently, but Johanna didn't seem to mind. She always seemed eager to help. Nellie appreciated that about her. "I'll be right back. I'm gonna go tell Mr. Todd that we're opening soon." She said, walking towards the stairs. "Alright." Johanna replied. Nellie walked upstairs, and took some deep breaths before knocking on Sweeney's door. "Yes?" She heard him say. She could feel her heart begin to race upon hearing his voice. How she missed hearing that voice as often as she used to. "Just wanted to let you know that I'll be opening the shop soon." She said. "Alright." He replied. "I'll see you after work." Nellie's eyes widened. Had she been hearing him correctly? Was he really wanting to see her again? She couldn't believe it. "Really?" "Yes." Sweeney responded. Nellie couldn't help but smile. "I'll see you then."

"Here you go, sir!" Nellie said, handing a pie to a customer. "Would you like a refill on your ale?" "Sure." The man responded. "Alrighty! I'll be right back with that!" Nellie said, taking the man's cup. As she walked over to the counter, she found herself looking up at the balcony. How long this work day had felt. She wished the hours would go by faster, so she could finally close the shop and talk to Sweeney. She wondered what he had wanted to talk about? Maybe it was nothing in particular, and he really did just want to see her again. Either way, it made her happy to think about finally spending time with him again. She forced herself to look away, remembering that she had a job to do.
   She quickly poured some ale into the cup, then brought it back to the table. "Here's your ale, sir." She said. "Thank you, ma'am." The man responded. "This is a nice shop you've got here." "Thank you!" Nellie said with a smile. "I am quite proud of it!" "You should be." The man replied. "I'm Charles Thompson, by the way." "Nice to meet you, Mr. Thompson." Nellie said. "I'm Nellie Lovett." "I figured, your name's on the sign." Charles responded. "Well, your surname, anyway. Nellie is a pretty name." "Thank you!" Nellie said. "That's very kind!" She added. "I mean... I'm sorry, I'm not good at accepting compliments." She laughed a little. "It's alright." Charles said with a smile. "Well, I have to go now. It was nice meeting you, Mrs. Lovett. I'll definitely be coming back." "Have a great rest of your day!" Nellie responded, waving goodbye. What a nice man he seemed to be. Maybe Johanna was right, and she did have hope for finding friends. "Don't jump to conclusions, Nellie! You just met the guy!" She thought to herself. Regardless of it being rather soon though, she couldn't help but hope that maybe she would eventually have a new friend.

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