Chapter 43

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Nellie figured that Judge Turpin was entirely dead now, though she continued to kick him away from her a few more times. Just a moment ago, he still seemed to somehow have a little bit of life left in him, enough to grab onto her skirt. She was able to fight him off, but for that moment, she was terrified. Who knew how much life he had left in him? Who knew what he could've done? "Mrs. Lovett!" She heard Sweeney's voice calling from a distance. She then heard the voices of the children, "Mum!" They called out. She turned around and saw all three of them running to her. "Are you alright, mum?" Toby asked. "What happened?" Johanna chimed in. "Why did you scream?" Sweeney asked. "It was the Judge." Nellie said. "He was clutching onto my skirt, but he's finished now." "You're sure he's dead?" Sweeney asked. "He is now, yes." Nellie replied. "Why was he grabbing onto your skirt like that?" Toby asked. "I don't know." Nellie mumbled. "Thank goodness you're okay!" Johanna exclaimed. "Thank you for your concern." Nellie said. "Of course!" Toby replied. "Any time!" Johanna added. Nellie glanced over at Sweeney, who hadn't said anything. He seemed to just be standing there, staring. "Mr. Todd?" She said. "Is everything alright?"
   There was a brief moment of silence, but then Sweeney pulled her close, holding her tighter than he ever had before. "You had me so worried there for a moment!" She wrapped her arms around him, clinging onto him tightly. "Don't you worry, love." She said. "I'm alright." "We'll meet you upstairs." Johanna said. She gestured towards Toby to follow her, and the two of them walked away. "So he didn't hurt you at all?" Sweeney asked. "All he did was grab onto my skirt." Nellie responded. "It startled me, but I don't think he had enough life left in him to do much else." "He's gone now. He can't hurt anyone ever again." Sweeney said. "And I'd never let him, or anyone else hurt you. You're safe here with me, love. I got you." For a little while, the two of them stood there in silence, continuing to hold each other. All the fear that Nellie had felt earlier melted away. All that mattered now was that she was with Sweeney.
   "So, you finally got rid of the Judge." She said, breaking the silence. "Yeah." Sweeney replied. "What now?" Nellie asked. "Well, I still need to get to the Beadle, but I suppose that'll happen when it happens." Sweeney responded. "When I first got back home after all those years in prison, I thought there was nothing I wanted more than revenge. I didn't have a plan for what would come after. Of course there were people for me to come home to, I still had you and Johanna, but I thought I would be miserable forever. I thought that things would never be the same again, that I'd never have a family again. For a while, I kept telling myself I didn't want a family, because that would mean letting go of the family I used to have. I was right about things not being the same, but I suppose I don't need them to be the same. I've grown to care about what I've got now for what it is, I don't want it to simply be a replacement." He paused for a moment. "And I've realized that there is something I want more than revenge, and I hope I can actually keep it this time." He paused again, seemingly unsure of what to say next.
   "What is it, dear?" Nellie asked. "That happy little family that you've talked about, that Johanna had talked about, I find myself actually wanting something like that. I really do want a family again, more than anything. I suppose I tried to push away just how much pain I was truly in, and just how much I missed having a normal life with people I care about. I mean, I know there's no guarantee everything will be entirely normal, I suppose that's not exactly what I ask for, I just want to be happy again, and strangely enough, this family I've got now really makes me happy." He reached out and began to caress Nellie's face, and she couldn't help but smile, though she was rather shocked at what she was hearing. Were they finally going to have a life together? "I just want a good home life for the kids, and I want us to raise them together. I want us to always stick together, I don't want to leave your side." "You mean that?" Nellie asked. "Yes, dear." Sweeney replied.
   He began to lean in a little, and she leaned in until their foreheads touched. "You really want a life with me?" She asked. "More than anything." Sweeney said. Nellie felt tears begin to form in her eyes, though she tried to hold them back. She leaned in a little bit closer, then stared at him, as if to ask, "May I?" He nodded. Nellie recalled the time that they had almost kissed, and how he had ran away before they were able to. She couldn't believe that this time, he wasn't running away, nor did he seem to want to. She also recalled how not too long ago, he had kissed her under the mistletoe, though it was a very short peck. It was lovely, but very brief, and since then, she had thought about how much she wanted to pull him into a longer kiss, and how maybe someday she would. This time, such a moment seemed like it was actually possible, and best of all, he actually wanted to have a life with her.
   For so long, she wanted so badly for them to be together. She wanted to spend the rest of her days by his side. She wanted to be able to hold him and kiss him every day, she wanted to always be the one he danced with and laughed with, she wanted them to build a new life together, and for the two of them, along with Toby and Johanna, to be a happy family. She wanted the two of them to grow old together, and remain happy and in love even in their final moments. Ever since she was only fifteen years old, there was nothing she wanted more than him, the love of her life. It all seemed within reach now, after all those years. He was so close. Now, after spending so much time only being able to dream of such a moment, Nellie leaned in and kissed him. He kissed back, and she could feel her heart begin to race. Everything felt so nice and warm. She felt as though she could've melted right then and there.
   She held onto him even tighter, as if he were her lifeline, as if he would disappear if she let go. Everything else seemed to fade away, all that mattered was this moment, and this soft, warm, and fuzzy feeling. She felt as though her heart could burst from how much happiness and love she was feeling. She felt a tear run down her face. She couldn't believe this was really happening. They were really going to spend their lives together. More moments like this were possible. Maybe this meant he loved her too. Was that the case? Was she finally going to hear such words from him at last? She felt an overwhelming wave of joy rush over her. She had almost forgotten about everything that had happened before, she had even forgotten that the Judge's body was still lying there in the background. The only thing on her mind in that moment was her beloved Sweeney. She loved him so much, more than most words could describe, and she had loved him for so long. For many years, she waited for him. Finally, he was there with her, seemingly willing to start a new life. "Finally!" She thought to herself. "Finally, we'll be together!"
   Sweeney pulled away, and for a moment, the two of them stared at each other in silence. Nellie noticed that he also had tears running down his face. "Mr. Todd?" She muttered. He smiled through the tears. "I love you, Mrs. Lovett." Her eyes widened, and her heart skipped a beat. "You really do?" "Yes!" Sweeney replied. "Yes, I do!" Tears continued to stream down Nellie's face. "I have waited so long to hear you say that!" She said. "I love you too, Mr. Todd!" She leaned her head on him and cried even more. It all felt so unreal, like it could easily just be a dream that she'd soon wake up from. It wasn't just a dream though, it truly was real. She really was there with the love of her life, who had just told her that he loved her. This was by far one of the happiest days of Nellie's life.
   "Oh Mr. T, I love you so much!" She gave him a kiss on the cheek, then another, and another. "I love you so, so much!" She continued to sob. After all this time, after so many years spent yearning for him, they were finally together. "I've always dreamed of a moment like this." She muttered. "I always hoped that maybe one day..." Her voice wavered a little as she cried even more. "One day, I'd be with you at last." Whatever emotions Sweeney was still holding back seemed to pour out, for now they were both sobbing. "I never thought I'd feel this way again." He said softly. "I've been alone so long, I didn't even realize how lonely I was." He gave her a kiss on the forehead. "For so long, all I've known was darkness, but then you came along. You've always made it so easy to forget just how dark and cold life can be. You've always been here for me when I needed you most, and I want to be here for you too."
   He paused for a moment, trying to calm himself down, though he continued to cry. "And I realized that I'll always need you, and I'll always want you here with me. How I've lived without you all these years, I'll never know." "Oh, love." Nellie muttered. "I don't ever want to live without you again! Please, say that we'll stay with each other, that things will always be like this!" "I promise you, it'll always be like this." Sweeney replied. "I'll be yours forever." "And I'll always be yours." Nellie said with a smile. "I love you, Mr. T!" "I love you too, Mrs. Lovett!" Sweeney responded. "My dear, sweet Mrs. Lovett." "Oh Mr. Todd, my one and only." Nellie said softly. She suddenly remembered everything that had happened earlier, and the fact that the Judge was still lying there. She knew they'd have to dispose of the body soon, but for now, she chose to ignore it, for she still wanted to live in this moment. She didn't want to let go of Sweeney just yet.
   She thought about how long she had wanted to be with him, how long she had dreamed of being with him. She recalled how she had been too scared to tell him about her feelings in the past, and how she had always regretted not telling him, how she had feared that they'd never get to be together. Now though, they finally were, and she wasn't going to let him go this time. "I'll never let you go." She muttered. He kissed her forehead. "I won't let you go either." He replied. "I'll stay with you forever, my love." Nellie kissed him on the cheek. "And I'll always stay with you, dear."
   The two of them stared at each other for a moment and laughed a little, though they were both still sobbing messes, tearful yet happy as they continued to hold each other. So deeply in love, the two of them were. "I'll love you forever, Mr. T." Nellie said. "And I'll love you forever, Mrs. Lovett." Sweeney responded, giving her another kiss on the forehead. "Forever and always." Nellie gave him several more kisses on the cheek, and smiled. "Forever and always." She repeated. "You and me forever."

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