Chapter 2 - Mei

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Sky never had a 'way with children', so teaching her four younger brothers required a lot of effort.

And the topic wasn't even that boring. She, personally, would've killed to learn about snake fighting techniques in school.

"Come on, I know you're stronger, now that Zane apparently unlocked his true potential, but Wu disappeared for his journey. You all need to be stronger!" Her speech did nothing. These four were still bored out of their minds. Okay, quick, what do they like? Fighting and video games (well, on top of cooking, playfighting, tinkering, poetry and, apparently, driving?? or smth)

So, now she has a few possible strategies: present everything to them as though they were playing a game (that would require stats of every enemy though. And she didn't have it??), turn into every species of snake they will be fighting and let them learn through fight (there was a risk she'll reveal her secret identity) or capture a few snakes and make them fight in a controlled environment.

Even though the last option was probably the best, Sky chose to quickly create the required materials to make the fight a game to four teens. "You have a ten minute break! Be here when I come back!" With those words the girl dashed out of the room to go get creative.


When Sky returned to the 'class', as she called it, she started showing the guys character sheets of every of the snake generals with stats. Now that's something Jay understood!

Hypnobrai were fast and weak on the defensive, their special ability was hypnotizing their opponents.

Constrictai were slow and good on defense. Their main weapon was their strength. As for special ability they could burrow in the ground and even break bones with their strong tails.

He grabbed his mug to drink and took a long sip of his tea. It tasted weird. Maybe because he added sugar instead of his usual honey because they ran out? Who knows.

Anyway, Venomari are very similar to hypnobrai, except their venom makes people hallucinate.

Anacondrai were generally strong and fast, relied heavily on their sharp swords, but had no special abilities.

And the most interesting - Fangpyre. Their venom, when injected to human bloodstream, would start mutating human cells into snake cells. Besides that, this species was fast and relatively good one defence. Just about human level-

Frick! His arms started itching. Bad. What in the world was happening?


"Has anyone seen the container with green substance?! I can't find it anywhere!" Sky shouted to the guys, while searching around for it. The venom had to be here!

"Uh, yeah! Kai poured it into Jay's tea! Oh, it's gonna be so funny when he starts having hallucinations!" Cole shouted. What. NO. No no no no no! Those idiots thought- They- Ugh!

Breathe in. Breathe out. "It wasn't Venomari venom. It was Fangpyre venom. He's gonna mutate into a snake." Sky sighed, facepalming. "I'm gonna go get painkillers, you get him to the med bay. Please." She was stressed, yes. But also tired. Okay, mainly tired.

This was the thirteenth prank resulting in someone landing in med bay this week. If only she had an opportunity to relax a bit...

Her phone rang, startling her. A bit. Just a little bit.

She pressed a button and brought the cellphone to her ear. "You're conversing with Sky Walker." Familiar laugh filled her head when she said those words. It was Mei. Of course it was Mei, who else could it be? She smiled.

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