Chapter 17 - Nightmarekhan

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They began falling down to the ocean once again. Sky didn't catch herself up. She didn't turn into a dragon. She was just free falling towards the cold depths of water below them. She was probably too weak to react. Too exauhsted to save herself. 

Mei took it upon herself to save them both. She quickly changed into her dragon form and caught the other in her giant paws. Sky let out a small, surprised yelp, as she stopped falling. 

It was comforting, to know, that she was okay. The dragon flew straight to dr. Julien's lighthouse. It was a semi-safe space, where the two could rest for a while. 

Upon landing, Mei changed back into human shape. She now carried unconscious Sky in her arms, bridal style to the lighthouse. Strands of her, now messy, brown hair, falling lightly on her closed eyes looked gorgeous enough to distract Mei from Sky's dirty, ragged clothes and wounds that were definitely not treated right. 

After laying the sleeping beuty on a bed, Mei got to clening up the wounds. The first few she started with weren't anything bad. Just a few cuts. One was definitely inflicted by a saber, there were another two, that suggested something smaller and sharper, a dagger probably. But then she got to the stomach. Upon unwrapping the bandages Mei saw hell. Wound on a wound on a scar, with some of them looking like they reopened more than once. 

So much pain and suffering sitting silently before her. She took a deep breath and got back to work.


Sky woke up three hours later, to Mei's surprise. She thought that after all that happened, brunette will sleep more.

"You okay?" raven haired girl asked softly. Sky only nodded quietly in response. Then her eyes suddenly widened a bit, as if she remembered something, and she reached into a little pocket on the inside of her pants. She took something out and put it in Mei's hand. Mei opened her palm to check what it was. 

It was travellers tea. Not much. Only two leaves. It would barely do for a portal for one person, but it was something! There was hope!

She thanked Sky for this and ran to the kettle to make that tea.


Mei barely had time to set the teapot for the water to boil, when a knock on the door could be heard in the lighthouse. It was followed by muffled voices. "What are you doing?!" "Knocking. It's not nice to just barge in." "We're trying to capture them, not have a tea party! We don't want to be nice!" 

That was the girl's que to leave. If only the tea was ready.

 A minute later a horde of sky pirates, led by none other that Nadakhan, was already surrounding them. 

The captain stepped up to the front, and said, in a victorious voice "You have nowhere left to run. You can surrender now and live, or keep fighting and die." Mei looked back at the small teapot, where their getaway was just boiling. Only a little moment more, and it'll be ready. She had to buy them time somehow. 

Sky turned out to be faster than her "I actually have a wish for you." Her voice came out rasped and weak. What was she getting herself into?! Mei noticed everything. Her fists clenched a bit too hard, her nails digging into her skin, the shake in her voice, the fear, still hidden in her eyes behind the brave facade. Sky wasn't scared. She was terrified. 

"Go on."-Nadakhan got interested. He wandered what could possibly be so important, that this girl, the first person he has ever seen to not wish for anything, the first one who could resist him, would actually make a wish, without even being tortured at a moment.

Sky took a deep breath. Mei shot her a look, that said "are you sure?". In response shook her head a little. Mei knew that she didn't wanna do that. That she thought that it was too late to turn back now. 

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