Chapter 26 - The Mask of Hatred

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December 30th

After recieving info from Zane we decided to head out to the jungle in search of the third mask.
Mei made us an off-road camper. Although only 5 people fit inside comfortably, so that means we're leaving the Jade Siblings in the city along with Zane, Cole and Mei.
Hope we survive.

January 4th

After quick packing and a long travel?? by Destiny's Bounty we have arrived at the rainforest streching out for thousands of miles. The air here was humid and hot (around 30°C), which was honestly better than the 10°C in the city.

We're lucky we're here during the winter. Normally the temperatures here reach to 50°C the rest of the year.

January 5th

We left the Bounty and the rest of our team behind today, and ventured into the jungle in Betsy (our camper).
Honestly I never thought I would ever see Sky with a small turtle sitting a baby sling, pressed to her chest.
Yes. Leo is coming with us.

January 7th

I saw a bird today. It was very colorful. Will try to find out what species it was.

January 9th

I owe Jay pizza for taking the night shift for me today.

January 10th

Lloyd shall not be allowed to drive anymore. He got Betsy stuck for five hours.

January 12th

Kai accidentally deleted the image of the map Zane sent us. We would get lost if not for Sky who had the map on her phone.
I will not ask how she got such a good shot.

January 13th

Jay started infodumping and wouldn't stop. As much as I love gaining new information, after 5 hours his voice started annoying me.

January 15th

Sky says we're close, but I just feel like we're going around in circles.
January 16th
Kai burnt our dinner. He shall be banished from the kitchen.

January 18th

Leo got lost. Sky started full on panicking and turning the whole camper upside down, only to find the bastard an hour later in the glove compartment.

January 20th

Saw a river. We're following it downstream.

January 21st

Jay and Lloyd rebelled against everyone else and, as a form of protest, barricaded themselves in the bathroom.
They agreed to come out only when Sky gave them the Bintendo Change she brought with her. Now they are playing Wario Kart.

January 23rd

We arrived at our destination. It's a face-temple thingy carved into the stone cliff behind a waterfall. Looks ominous but also pretty in a way.

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