Chapter 22 - The Fights of The Past

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Rope may have worked on Sky and his father, but Kai won't let himself be held down by something as outdated and flammable. So when that wierd snake lady (who is also the supreme commander apparently) finally stopped paying attention to him, he took the chance and escaped.

Then it was time to pay Krux back.

So now the two were wrestling on the ground, with about 13 people staring at them, processing what is going on.

"Wait, waitwait wait. aren't they the same guys we just defeated? How did they come back?" The master of lightning, judging from her outfit, asked utterly confused. "Oh, yeah they are! But Krux looks... older." Guy who looked low-key like master Wu if he was  young pointed out.
Krux had enough of people standing around, watching him defend himself from a child. He had to end this. And he did with two swift kicks to teenager's stomach. The older of Time Twins got up and dusted himself off. He lowered his shoulders and kept his head up. "Engage the protocol 'Iron Doom'!" He shouted, seemingly to the giant mech behind him, which, to terror of everyone present, started crawling with snakes and moving on it's own.

Krux smiled proudly. His baby was working.


It hurt like hell.

Kai suspected one of his ribs might be broken. Agh, he'll have to ask Sky to fix it for him back home. It's really wierd that she just happens to posess some weird, useful knowledge. Because come on! A month ago she literally stiched his wound up with dental floss from lack of proper materials!
A metal creaking cauth his attention, snapping him back to reality. Krux's mech was moving. It's metal plates working and colliding with each other, controlled probably by the snakes who's heads were sticking out of the space between them.They could take the machine down by getting the snakes out of it. But how? Come on what's a thing snakes hate? Frogs? No. Maybe something accessible, something around him. Bricks? No. Too big.

His gaze landed on the master of lightning. Yeah, that could be it. Sky told him about conductors some time ago. She said that metals are good with electricity. Let's see if it'll work.Master of Lightning was a bit surprised when he ran up to her, but agreed to execute his plan nonetheless.It turns out that the only thing they needed to disarm the mech was to zap it with electricity to scare all the snakes out.


Krux was furious. He has waited 10 years for this! The plan was supposed to be perfect, and now, because of that stupid kid it was ruined! Liv saw him pacing around angrily, while his regrouped army was attacking the elemental masters.

She never saw h̶e̶r̶ ̶d̶a̶d̶ Krux in such state. Sure, he sometimes got angry at someone, but he usually kept a calm facade. Now he wasn't simply angry. He was fuming.


He just needed something to let out his anger on. Or someone... Suddenly supreme commander Machia appeared before his eyes to inform about the battle taking place a few meters away. "They found a way to defeat our troops." Machia's words sank into him and started a forest fire at the bottom of his soul.

10 years of planning. Ten years of sleepless nights! TEN YEARS OF BUILDING AN ARMY AND TRAINING DOZENS OF WARRIORS WASTED IN A SPAN OF A SECOND! Because some stupid, entitled brat decided to follow him here?! He just wanted to improve the world! Is that so much to ask for?! IS IT?!!

Blinded by rage he grasped his pocket knife and pushed it right into stomach of whoever was even standing before him. Then he pulled it out and stabbed again, this time tearing thru that persons flesh like a feral beast tearing the skin and meat of it's prey. He didn't see anything besides blood. He didn't hear anything besides his own heartbeat, so loud in his ears, so powerful, so right. He saw the pool of blood and the life dying in his prey's eyes. It was... beatiful. It was liberating.It was perfect.It was right.


It was awful. Brutal, terrifying, frightening, vile, abominable and horrific. It was making Liv nauseous.

The man who has raised her just lashed out, trying to literally murder her sister. She could only watch in horror as her father figure repeatedly stabbed the only person who saw her as more than a weapon. The one who used to read to her when she was little, the one who would sometimes sing songs with her, the one who would train with her every day, the one who was always proud of her. She couldn't just let her die. She couldn't.


It was a split second. She didn't even realize when her dagger had found it's way to her hand. When it touched Krux's neck.What she did realize was her sister, now lifeless, laying before her. What she did realize was the fact she was kneeling next to the body of her closest friend and family member, hugging her.She didn't pay any mind to Uncle Nix, who was starring at this scene in silent horror, nor to the tears flowing down her face like a river.The circle of strangers around her didn't mean anything. Someone's hand on her shoulder neither.Now mattered only Machia. Her sister who wasn't breathing. Wasn't whispering assurance words into her ear, wasn't there for her. Because she wasn't anymore at all.

She didn't really care about Acronix, awkwardly leading her and Kai back to the Iron Doom. She didn't even look how time travelling looked this time. In fact she didn't look up from her hands, in which she craddled her sister's body, even for a second.


The waiting was killing them. What was happening? How can they help? No one knew.

Suddenly a memory popped up in his head. Cole was sure he didn't have it before. Maybe. "Hey, guys! I just remembered! My mom used to tell me a story her father told her. About one of the weirdest battles he has been in. She told me about a powerful man, who came from the future and was tackled to the ground by some crazy kid mid-speech. I think that...  might be Kai." He couldn't believe he had just called Kai a 'crazy kid', but he kinda fit the description. He was reckless enough to jump at Krux in the middle of someone else's battle, without any warning.
The rest just made surprised expressions at him a a few seconds and then got back to playing 4-player chess they made up with Borg on the spot a few hours ago. The only one who wasn't playing with them, and was instead sitting on her phone a few seconds ago - Sky - asked "Do you remember anything else?"He reached back into his memory. Yes, there was something alse. "Yeah. She also said something about a little girl crying over one of the snakes they were fighting with, like it was her friend or something." Cole said. "Do you think that might be Liv?!" He shouted in realization.

"We're about to find out!" Sky responded, pointing at a colorful vortex forming in the sky.From it came down the Iron Doom. It landed in the exact same spot it started from, and from it came out three figures. Acronix and trailing behind him Kai and Livinia. She was carrying something in her arms and Cole will never be able to forget that sight.

The thing- or rather person Liv was craddling in her arms was a massacred body of one of the vermilion warriors. The stomach looked as thogh someone stabbed it with a working chainsaw, so it tore thru the body of every snake the person's abdomen was made of, and they, trying to escape, crushed and injured every other reptile in their body. The only one still breathing, sat in Kai's hands, coiled up.Jay and Lloyd couldn't handle it and ran off to vomit somewhere in the bushes. Sky only covered her mouth with her hand in horror. Zane and Borg did the same.No one dared to question why Acronix was suddenly not an enemy.


After a proper funeral for Machia, the ninja returned to the temple, with Liv and Acronix following. They didn't know where to go, or how to make money in this world, so they asked to stay with the team for a few days.

Of course Sky accepted it. There was more than enough guest rooms in their house, and, let's be honest, Sky was thrilled to study Nya's bahavior from afar.

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