Chapter 20 - A new ninja?

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Being raised in an army of Vermilion warriors by a historian who wants to take over the world, Livinia saw and heard of crazy things. Nothing, however, was crazy enough to prepare her for chaos taking place at ninjas' secret hideout.

The girl she was fighting before - Sky was getting scolded by the Black and White ninjas, while saying something about red one's sister and water powers. Red ninja was looking their kidnapee up and down, muttering something about hair colour difference, while the blue one laughed his ass off. Green ninja looked absolutely unbothered by whatever was happening, running from one room to another, presumably stealing from everyone's stashes of junk food.

Loud "What the fuck!?" could be heard across the room, as a raven haired girl dressed in green entered through the door, the mug of coffee she had in her hand landing on the floor.


Mei just wanted one normal afternoon after a long day of fighting demons and a particularly stressful dinner in Ao Guangs' palace. She wanted to drink her coffee, watch YouTube and maybe a movie with Sky and to go to sleep.

Unfortunately those were only beautiful dreams, as in this house relaxation was almost never achievable.

"Okay, so who is this, again?" She asked.
"Nya. At least that's my theory. You see, she has water powers, and- " Sky started rambling. Usually Mei would just let her and listen, but that wasn't one of those times. Now a girl, potentially a spy, was sitting in their living room.
"So, she has powers? And you just tied her to the chair? No security? Nothing? Even right now she's saying something to herself while her eye is glowing. How do you know if she's not using any powers right now? Hm?"
"Well, she can't use her elemental powers, see I made custom vengestone bracelets- WHAT DO YOU MEAN HER EYE IS GLOWING!!!" Sky sprung towards Livinia at the speed of light, hunger for knowledge in her eyes.
"Wait, custom vengestone bracelets?" Kai asked, interested
"Oh, yeah I made them for everyone on the team plus a spare one." Sky responded between questions she was currently drowning Liv in.
"How do they even work? And where did you get the vengestone from?" Lloyd asked, a bit concerned.
"Oh, you know. The gems are so small that they are able to block powers only when touching skin. I even wore mine for a while before the tournament of elements." Sky didn't even take her eyes off the person she was interrogating.
"And where did you get the vengestone from?" Lloyd repeated his question, growing more suspicious.
"Eeehh... Don'tworryaboutit." Sky blurted out, finally prying her eyes off Liv only to direct them awkwardly to the side.
"Anyway. We better find Nya a place to sleep." Everyone shot a questioning look at Sky. "Oh, come on, she's not gonna spend the night tied to this old chair!"


Livinia was dumbfounded. That's absolutely not how dad Krux was describing kidnapping. He said it would be awful. Scary people doing horrible things to you to get what they want, sleeping on a cold floor, ropes digging into your skin bruising it even more.

And yet this was nothing like the description. A bunch of weird people tied her to a chair, yes, but the girl- Sky made sure the rope wasn't too tight, they gave Liv her own room and a comfortable bed for the night. Room was absolutely windowless, and ninja locked the doors, but they left her new clothes, and the room had its own bathroom.It was more like a forced stay in one of these "hotels" Krux once told her about than a kidnapping.But it still didn't change the fact, that Livinia didn't want to be here. And she knew who could get her out.She focused on the hive mind connection she had with her older sister and sent her a message."Hey Machs, can you come pick me up? Those ninjas are insufferable."


Meanwhile the ninja were trying to figure out the Time Blade and a very important question related to it. Who will get to use it as their weapon?

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