Chapter 14 - Dragons and Snakes

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After a quick update for everyone, the elemental masters headed outside. But they had no transport to go after Chen. Just as everyone started to lose hope, Sky chimed in.-"Not only Lloyd has a dragon. Everyone has their elemental dragons. You just have to defeat your fear to summon them"
"Wait, really?"-Asked Jay, surprised.
"Yeah! Try it!"-After confirmation from Sky the blue ninja decided to try.

"If I die, tell my parents I love them."-Jay faked a cry. "And for Cole I leave my comic book colection. Sniff." He was scared. Anyone would be. But he decided to cover this fact up using the best method there is. Being overdramatic.

He took a deep breath, pressing all his worries and fears down, and jumped.

Eyelids pressed together, he focused on images of dragons in his head, instead of the sickening sensation of falling, air around him like a nuseating wind. But suddenly it stopped. 

There was no pain. No sensation of a broken bone. Was he in the cursed realm?

Carefully opening one eye, to find out he was, in fact sitting on a dragon, appearing to be made out of lightning, made the wave of nusea dissapear. "Guys it works!!" He started laughing, washed over by serotonin his brain gave him for, you know, not dying.

The rest of elemental masters followed, jumping down, making their own dragons.

 Every dragon was original, one of a kind. Some were vywerns while other had four legs. They were varying in color, shape, even number of wings.

The problem now was, Sky,  didn't, in fact, have her Elemental Dragon, since all of them were just dragon forms of their owners that had lost connection to them. Sky was still connected with her dragon form, so she couldn't just poof it into existance to travel on it. What about the water dragon? Well, that one was made entirely using her powers. There's a pretty good chance she will get exauhsted and fall into the sea mid-flight.

Luckily for her, Mei noticed her worry.
"Want a ride?"-She asked, changing into her own dragon form so big Sky could literally sit on her forehead, and look tiny. She accepted the offer, and soon, everyone was flying over the ocean, talking with each other. 

"Hey, out of curiosity, how long have you known each other? You and her I mean."-Neuro flew over to Mei and Sky.
"Oh my... erm... 3 years...?"-Sky guessed, looking down on her watch, like it held the correct answer. Mei let out a soft, loud murmur that sounded like answering Sky's unspoken question.
"4 years? Already?! Oh my!" She appeared to have just now realized the speed of passing time.
"How did you guys even meet?"-Neuro asked again.
"Oh, it's actually a funny story." Sky started, sounding a bit distant. "When I was around 14, I got lost, and- she found me. If you could say that." That technically wasn't a lie.

She remembers it like it was yesterday. The fear following her every step in that bar. The dense, almost unbreathable because of the perfumes and smell of acohol air swirling around her, making her little girl brain fuzzy and dizzy. The blinding lights, the overwhelming sound, wave of nausea swirling around her stomach when she stepped in the wrong direction, and found herself in front of nearly everyone. The thin string of panic tying her up, restreining any movement, freezing her in place. And then a soft, kind laugh sounding  from beside her, the safe, welcoming smile, like a ray of sunshine in a cloudy day. All the sounds and scents fading into the background, like they didn't matter at all, and the calming sound of a familiar melody entering the stage, pushing all the negativity away. The sound of two voices, singing together the song she now knew by heart. 

Mei roared quietly.
"Yeah, but he doesn't need to know that." Sky responded. It seemed like they could understand each other, despite Mei not even speaking.
"If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here today." The dragon roared happily. 

When they got to ninjago, and landed in the Dragon Cave, they met with Wu and Garmadon, who had changed into snake, just like Chen's army.
"Okay, so Chen hasn't attacked yet. The spell says you have to have the essence of a true Anacondrai, of else the spell will start to wear off. And I know where to find the one, and last true anacondrai."-Having said this, Sky walked out to go on a quick trip to Kryptarium prison, with Mei and Lloyd following her.

Warden Noble let them in, and they went straight for Pythors cell, where he was enjoying tea in his dollhouse. They had to be quick, so Sky didn't even tell him what was happening and why, until they were out. 

"So, there's this crazy guy, who turned into anacondrai and now has an army, and he wants to invade ninjago, but he needs you, because the effects are wearing off."-She said to the snake that was currently in her hands, hurrying back to the Bounty they flew here with.
"I don't care. I will never trust you."-Pythor scoffed at Sky.
"You don't really have a choice."-She shrugged, starting up the engines, to fly away, before whoever's in charge of the prison, figures out, that Pythor dissapeared.

The next week was hard.  Chen attacked at least  eleven times looking for Pythor, so everyone was exauhsted. Oh, and Pythor actually escaped the second day. Rumors say he's working with Rain now.

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