Chapter 6 - Wrong Universe Wrong Time

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After all the crap with turning into children, everyone was tired. MK and Mei returned to Megapolis, but the trouble remained. The ninjas just wanted to train Lloyd, which became more difficult when he had to get used to his adult body. Sky, on the other hand, didn't care about this. She wanted to let him be a child and was going out with him often to the movies and arcade. This time, however, they were not prepared for a random Garmadon attack. They were just watching a movie when the villain blew up a hole in the wall and began laughing maniacally to the accompaniment of terrified screams from civilians. Ninja showed up within seconds and started fighting Garmadon, of course yelling insults at each other. Normally Sky would have watched the scene with delight, but this time Garmadon was not alone. Rain was with him. She was unusually quiet and was definitely planning something. "Ugh, you ninjas are driving me crazy! It would be better if you never existed!"-shouted the Lord of Darkness and then Sky realized what was about to happen in a few minutes. Before the girl could do anything, Rain leaned closer to Garmadon and whispered something in his ear. Suddenly, both of them dashed to escape through the corridors of the cinema building. After passing several pairs of doors, they ran into one of the rooms and locked the door from the inside. 

When Cole finally kicked it down, all that was left of the antagonists was a purple portal. Without thinking, Sky grabbed the ninjas and dragged them into it.

When she finally got up from the ground, she saw Ignacia. When the others finally stood up, Sky greeted them.-"Welcome to the Past! Come on, maybe we can still catch a conversation between Kai and Wu!"-The girl invited them toward a small building standing nearby. All five of them hid behind a large stone and listened to the conversation that was just taking place in front of the store. "Hey, it wasn't like that!"-Kai and Sky shouted evenly when past Kai refused to go with Wu. Something was wrong. Skyl looked out from behind the boulder and understood, that they were in the wrong past. Well, right next to Kai, stood she. A drape of messy black hair brushing against her shoulders. It was Nya."Hey, who's that?"-Jay asked suddenly, leaning out from behind a rock, pointing at someone in the garden. It was the original ninja team. Great! I guess it can't get any better!Just as Sky, ironically, thought this, she spotted a pair of Garmadons in the bushes planning something together with Rain. "Okay, fuck it! Fuck planning!"-Sky shouted and walked out into the courtyard around which everything was taking place and approached Kai from the past. "Hey you, yes, you Kai! Do you see that old man? If you go with him, you'll become a super cool fighter and learn to do cool tricks. Kai show him!"-Kai jumped out from behind a stone and showed off some punches and his powers. "And don't worry about your sister. She is is better at this than you. Come on, go!"-At these words, Kai grabbed Nya and rushed after Master Wu, who was just leaving. "Okay, everyone out! Now!"-the girl shouted, when the three walked away, and two sets of ninjas in colorful outfits appeared in front of her. "Okay, we have a total of three Garmadons to defeat! We need to work together!"-Sky was now sounding like on a soldier's briefing. "Who knows me, hands up!"-When four people raised their hands, she pointed to the other four and announced.-"You guys will be group 1. The others are group 2. Any questions?"
"Emm... Who are you?"-asked Jay 1.
"Name's Sky, 18 years old, don't try anything because I just wanna know what we're getting ourselves into won't work on me. Any other questions?"
"What's the plan?"-asked Cole 1.
"Excellent question. You get a star. Now everyone sit down in a circle, we need to figure out a plan."-Saying this, Sky pulled a small silver star from her pocket and pinned it to Cole's GI. When everyone sat down on the ground, the girl filled everyone in.-"Okay. The Garmadons will probably try to kidnap Nya so that Kai will give up being a ninja. Any ideas on how to stop them?"
"We could kidnap her first so they can't, and then, after everything, put her back."-Proposed Jay 2, to which Jay and Kai 1 began to protest.
"Jay, stop. You love her, we get it, but if they kidnap her, FSM only knows what they will do to her. Besides, I wouldn't get too involved, much less before of Djin. Pursuit only leads to one thing. To pain."-Sky was too tired for Jay1's shit.
"So that means I have a younger sister in this world?"-Kai 2 still needed some time to get used to it.
"Yep. Now. Does anyone have a better idea than kidnapping Nya?"-No one spoke up.-"That's what I thought. Now you need to get a rope and some skeleton masks. And, one more thing. Under no circumstances attack the girl who works with Garmadons. Do not provoke her in any way. She is powerful and unpredictable."-Sky warned, before the whole team set off to the city to buy the necessary things. 

"Is she always so bossy?"- Kai 1 asked Kai 2 in a whisper. "No. Only when I panic or am freaking out."-Sky, leading the group to city, answered. She was hella nervous. Rain was driving her crazy. Anything could go wrong. The girl didn't know how to deal with her feeling powerless and helpless.

When the sun set, the action began. Group 2, with Jay 1, was distracting Kai while Group 1 was kidnapping Nya. Sky, meanwhile, was sitting on the roof, making sure everything went according to plan and without any problems. For some reason, everything played out perfectly as the girl had planned. The distraction squad even had time to assure Kai that they will give him his sister back at the end. The mission went even better than Sky had hoped.

For the next few days, the whole team watched Kai, making sure nothing bad happened to him. Some fool might even say that everything was going too well, too quiet, but honestly? Sky liked this. She loved observing from afar how her plans worked, and when they worked perfectly and no one messed them up, she was always very satisfied. The past ninja were looking for the golden weapons and the big day, or perhaps rather the night, when everything could go wrong, was coming.

Sword of Fire. The last weapon the past Ninja had to acquire. Of course, before, they had a little party in the forest and had a bit of sleep. The Group was still watching over them, to not do anything wrong, or get themselves killed. At night they were sleeping On trees, while one person will watch everyone. All Three teams. Maybe it was a stupid idea, but Sky didn't have time to change it right now. It was around midnight, when she just saw past Kai running off towards the volcano. Ah Yes, the fuckening. She quickly woke the rest up and together, all nine of them ran after the past Red Ninja. They found him in the temple, fighting his own shadow and the Garmadons, while someone looking very Nya-like was hanging from the ceiling, tied up in chains. Sky could bet that it was Rain.

Everyone immediately jumped in to help Kai, who had very little idea about what was going on. "You have to combine the power of four Golden Weapons to destroy the Mega weapon!"-The real heroes here were the Jays, who stole the weapons and brought them in when Sky wasn't looking. Interestingly enough, the first Mega weapon shot into space, the second simply disintegrated into the four Golden weapons. Group 2 grabbed them and then suddenly everything went white, like a flash of light. All five found themselves back in the theater, along with their Golden Weapons, of course. Sky began to wonder what had happened to Rain. Had she evaporated, like the rest of the clones? Or had she stayed in canon and was now causing problems there?

Her thoughts were interrupted by Rain rising to her feet. The ninja caught her rather quickly. "Ha, she will sit in prison for the rest of her life!"-Kai stated proudly. Rain herself looked rather pathetic and hopeless. The glamour, concealing her tail faded, her hair was visibly lighter and she was breathing heavily. "I'll whisper a word to put you in a cell with Pythor."-Sky made it sound like a threat, but Rain knew that they'd both love to have tea with the snake.

Not even a week had passed when news of Rain's escape came from the Kryptarium. Well, that's what was left of sitting in jail for the rest of her life.

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