Chapter Two

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Morning came fast for me, the best sleep I have gotten in months, right there in Emily's arms. I couldn't believe that I got the girl I have been dreaming about for years. I rolled over feeling for Emily, only to be met by the cold sheets. I sat up looking around confused, when I noticed a note on Emily's pillow and a yellow rose. I sniffed the rose as I read the note:


I went out for a few hours, so that you can get settled for our date today. I have left money in my bag for you to use, I hope it is enough. Get your nails and feet done, hair if needed. Buy a dress that's going to make me die. Pen will text me the color you pick out and I will go and purchase an outfit. Take your time my love. Please understand that I want to do this the right way and make you feel like a Queen.

This is only the beginning ma reine.

Xoxo, Em.

I could not help the grin I broke out into. I laid back holding the rose to my chest, letting my mind drift to last night. I could not wait until tonight to see what Emily had planned. As I got up from the bed, I heard a knock at the door. It is only 9 in the morning, who could be knocking now. I checked my clothes and hair when I heard Pen yell.

"My blue-eyed Barbie open this door!" I opened the door and a flash of color ran in.

"Well good morning to you too, what did I do to deserve this visit?" I rolled my eyes as I sat back on the bed.

"You and I are going to this fancy nail salon, not too far from here. We are going to get you ready for your fellow raven-haired butch beauty!! I am so excited JJ, I have been dreaming of this moment for years! She's like a charming prince coming to sweep you off your feet! I mean have you seen her bank account; I have! This woman has loads, like if I took money she wouldn't recognize! -" I cut her off before she ran out of breath.

"GARCIA! Calm down! And stop hacking her accounts!" I got up laughing as I started going through my morning routine "So you saw Emily this morning?" I turned to look at her biting my lip "Did she say where she was going?"

"My sugar plum I cannot disclose any of that information. I put my hand on a Bible and took an oath. You will have to wait until tonight! But, for now, we have to go. The nice gentleman is going to drive us to the salon! This hotel has Tesla's as their taxi!" I grabbed the money out of Em's bag. I grabbed my purse and we headed for the elevators.

"I'm afraid to see what tonight has in store for me." I huffed some more thinking of everything that Emily could possibly do for this date, but as long as I'm with her that's all that matters right? Or do I want to get treated the Prentiss way and be shown off like a trophy?

Hell, I am not used to this dating thing. Will and I never went on dates expect to the movies and got something from a fast food place; this is an actual date! Like wine and dine. I was snapped out of my thoughts as the elevator dinged. Pen and I got off and walked to the entrance where the car was waiting.

"This is amazing! They have free champagne in the car JJ, we might have to move to Nashville!" Pen said as we slid into the car. I rolled my eyes at my very chipper friend, she was always so happy and bright every morning

"Please pass me a glass, I am going to need it!" I giggled as the car pulled away from the hotel. I looked out the window while Pen was talking to the driver about everything there is to do here. We pulled up to this nail bar and I gasped when we walked inside. The place was black and white with crystal lights hanging from the ceiling, it was so beautiful.

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