Chapter Twelve

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of laughter. I looked around confused until I noticed I was at my moms house, the last few hours coming back to me. I slipped Emily's sweatshirt over my head and made my way downstairs. As I got to the kitchen I heard the sound of Henry's voice and Michael laughing. Henry was standing on a chair hovering over Michael's car seat making faces at him.

"Good morning Jennifer" my mom said looking up at me, I gave her a small smile then went over to Henry hugging him close to me then I picked Michael up.

"Good morning, you could have woken me up mom" she rolled her eyes and waved her hand at me.

"Oh hush it's not every day I get to see my grand babies for more than 2 weeks." I rolled my eyes playing with Michael.

"So, Emily called this morning.." She said, looking at me. I sighed.

"What did she want?"

"She wanted to know where you guys were and if I had seen you. I told her no but if I did I'll let her know. You know she's not gonna believe that. You need to call her Jenny.." I looked down at Michael with tears in my eyes.

"I don't know mom... She cheated on me, what's there to talk about?"

"Just call her Jenny, after breakfast." I rolled my eyes as she brought the food to the table. We all sat there and ate breakfast listening to Henry talk about a cartoon show he had seen. I chuckle at him ruffling his hair. After eating I went into my room to feed Michael. I reached over and turned my phone back on, it started buzzing with notifications, 99 percent of them from Emily. I scrolled through them with tears in my eyes. I clicked on her name and held it to my ear waiting. I looked down at Michael as I nursed, smiling.

"Hello? Jennifer?" The tears rolled down my face as I heard her voice. I miss her so much.

"Hi," I whispered.

"Hi baby.. Are you okay? Are you safe?"

"Yeah, we are okay. I just need time to think and just clear my head.. I'm sorry for ignoring you."

"It's okay Jennifer. I want to apologize for ignoring you and then just leaving. I don't know how to make you trust or believe me but those messages weren't me cheating on you. I was meeting with someone I shouldn't have been but I needed to speak to someone about you. I love you so much and I want so much for us. I want to wake up to you everyday, I want to watch the boys grow up. I want to give up this lifestyle that I have. I want a real relationship, no hiding, no signing our lives away. I want you, the real you. I love you so much Jennifer and I need you here with me. I'll do anything to make you forgive me, I'll have the cameras pulled, you can see the location on my phone. Anything but I need you Jennifer." I was crying at this point as they spoke.

"I need you too, so bad."

"I'm here baby, I'm here. I'm driving to you now. Get some rest and I'll be there before you know. We will talk more once I get there." We hung up and I finished feeding and burping Michael. I cut all the lights off and we laid down going back to sleep.


I woke up a few hours later and noticed Michael wasn't beside me anymore, I figured my mom has him. I grabbed my robe and went to the bathroom to shower. I took the hottest shower I could stand just washing the last few days away. I got out and went back to my room to get dressed. I slid on a pair of leggings and shirt with Emily's hoodie again.

I heard my mom and dad talking to someone but I couldn't hear them clearly. I went downstairs to see. There she was. I wanted to turn around so bad and go upstairs but I knew we needed to talk. I walked into the living room and she looked at me.

"Jennifer..." she stood coming over to me.

"Hi..." I looked down at my feet.

"Can we go upstairs and talk? Please" I nodded my head and made sure the boys were okay with my parents before we headed upstairs. Once we got in the room I sat in the bed against the headboard hugging my legs to my chest.

"What do you wanna talk about?" I asked, she stayed standing.

"I.. I did a lot of thinking and I know it's too early to get married or even move in together. I know I love you so much and I love the boys. I can't picture my life without you guys in it. But, I spoke to an old friend of mine and I've decided to leave the lifestyle. I want a real relationship with you and a real life. I want us to have another baby, I want to just be a couple." She pulled something from her pocket, twisting it around in her hands. "I never thought I would buy someone something so meaningful, so special. I saw this in the window and I had to get it for you." She walked over to me and sat down taking my hands into hers.

"This isn't an engagement ring but it's more of a promise ring. It's a promise to you that I'll always be here through whatever we go. It's a promise to love you through the good and the bad. A promise to treat you with nothing but respect and to love the boys until the day I die. It's a promise that one day this ring will be a wedding ring." I took the box and opened it. It was a simple ring with a single diamond. I loved it.

"Put it on me?" She took the box and took the ring out sliding it onto my right ring finger. She kissed it.

"I love you Jennifer"

"I love you too Em. I forgive you" she sighed and pulled me into her lap, I wrapped my arms and legs around her. "Take me home Em." I whispered into her ear. She nodded and we laid down to take a nap. Would everything be okay? Or will something or someone else ruin what they have.

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