Chapter Twenty-One

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Baby Prentiss is finally arriving!


When we made it to the hospital they were already waiting for us. We had Jennifer a room reserved months ago, I wanted her to be as comfortable as possible. They get her set up and hooked up to all the machines while I call everybody else. Garcia is already on her way.

"How are you feeling?" I ask Jennifer as I come back into the room.

"Doing okay for now, they haven't really hit me yet. Have you called everybody? Is Garcia on her way?"

"Yeah she's on her way along with Derek, the team said they will be here once it gets closer to her arriving." I take my shoes off and get in bed behind her rubbing her back as we watch something on the tv.


Garcia and Derek arrive 30 minutes later with balloons in hand and shirts that say godmother and godfather. We laugh and shake our heads.

"She made me put this shirt on," Derek said as he walked over, giving Jennifer a kiss on the head and me a hug.

"How are you feeling?" Garcia asked Jennifer as she came to the other side of the bed.

"Just some pressure, that's all. I'm ready for her to get here, as much as I love being pregnant this is the worst part" she stopped and breathed deeply as a contraction ran through her. We all waited until it was over to start talking again.

"Garcia, will you stay here with us during the delivery?"

"Are you serious?! Of course!"


I'm 10cm now, time for action. Everybody was here awaiting the newest addition to our BAU family, the first baby girl.

Emily was by my side through everything. We are about to become parents.

"You ready?" I heard her ask as they got me ready to start pushing. I looked up at her with a tired smile.

"I've been ready"

"Okay JJ whenever you're ready to push you go for it" I nodded my head and laid back breathing deeply as a contraction started, Emily helped me sit up and I bared down pushing.

"I hate you Emily, I swear I do!" Garcia chuckled at my side.

"I love you too baby" I tried to push her away but she stayed put talking me through each contraction.

"I see the baby's head! Give me one more big push JJ!" I laid back crying in pain.

"I can't! It hurts so bad!" Emily leaned down her forehead against mine.

"You got this baby okay? One more big push and our little girl will be here, do it for her okay?" I sat up and waited for the contraction. I pushed with everything I had until I felt her slide out and her cries echoed off the walls, I laid back and they laid her on my chest.

"She's beautiful..."

"Hey mom, come cut the umbilical cord" I watched as Emily cut the cord, tears streaming down her face. They took the baby and started doing their process as the other nurses helped me. Emily leaned down so our foreheads were together.

"You did an amazing job baby. I love you so much!" We shared a few soft kisses as Garcia made sure to get footage and pictures of everything.


We didn't tell everyone the baby was here until they had us both cleaned up and presentable. We had someone come in and take newborn pictures and of course we did an extensive background check on them before doing so.

"Are you ready for me to tell the team?" Emily asked as I stared at our little girl. She was the perfect mix of us.

"Yeah, I can't wait for them to meet her!" Garcia was standing beside me cooing softly over her new goddaughter.


I leaned against the wall outside the room before I went to tell the family about our newest arrival. I can't believe I'm a mom. This feels so surreal. I walk to the waiting room where everyone is waiting, Susan is the first person to notice me.

"How is Jennifer? Is the baby here?" I had tears swimming in my eyes as she walked over to me.

"God she's beautiful" she grabbed my face and whipped my tears away with her thumbs.

"Congratulations Emily" she gave me a tight hug as did everyone else. I bent down and picked Michael up.

"Hey monkey ready to see your sister?" He clapped his hands smiling.

"Momma!!" I took Henry into my other arm, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"Are you ready to see your little sister?" He nodded his head smiling wide.

"Yeah let's go!" I led the team and our families down to the room and I knocked before entering. "Come in" we heard from inside. I pushed the door open and everyone filed into the room. I'm glad we got a big room to accommodate everyone.

"Oh my god... She's beautiful, Jenny..." Susan said as she kissed Jennifer's head taking a peek at the baby.

"Would you like to hold her?"

"Of course I would." We all watched as Susan carefully took the newborn into her arms holding her close.

"Does this princess have a name?" Derek asked as he stood by Garcia keeping an eye on his first goddaughter. I nodded towards Jennifer.

"Chloé Penelope Rose Prentiss." Garcia gasped and looked between us with tears running down her face.

"Are you guys serious right now?" We smiled and I grabbed her hand.

"Penelope, you are always the person I go to whenever anything is wrong. You knew about Chloé before anybody else. You deserve to have her named after you. You're like a sister to me and I love you so much" we chuckled as Garcia blotted her face trying to keep her makeup together.

"That means the world to me and as her fairy godmother she will get anything she wants no matter what, ain't that right Godfather?"

"Yeah for sure, you know we got her" I rolled my eyes at them and smiled.

"Baby?" Michael said, we looked at him with shocked expressions.

"Did he just say baby?" Jennifer asked as she sat up some more to take him in her arms. I lifted him up and put him in her lap.

"Yeah that's your baby sister" I took Chloé from Susan and sat down beside him. He leaned his little head over looking at her.

"Baby" He reached his little hand out touching her head, she moved her little head towards him.

"This is so adorable!" Garcia said, taking a picture of us. Henry was on the other side of Jennifer leaned against her side as we watched Michael with Chloé.


"This was an eventful day" I said as we settled in the hospital room for the night. Everybody had finally left, the boys going home with their grandparents.

"It was, I can't believe she's here" Emily was by my side in the bed, I had my head leaned against her as she held Chloé in her arms. Her little hand was wrapped around my index finger.

"I know she's so beautiful"

We laid her down in her bassinet for the night. Emily had helped me change into some of my own clothes so I was comfortable. Emily stayed with me in my hospital bed, we tangled up into one another in the small bed.

Smiles permanent on our faces as we slept.

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