Chapter Three

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As I opened the door everything in me headed south to my core. I gasped so loud I'm pretty sure the whole floor heard me. In front of me stood the most breathtaking woman I've ever laid eyes on. Green sure does look good on her. The gold accessories stand out so well, her cologne is swirling around me, that tight bun on the back of her head is asking me to unravel it! That bowtie she is wearing, god how I wish I could pull her into this room and have her fuck me senseless.

"Em.. Jesus.. You're so.. God!" I grabbed her by her neck and kissed her so hard, I couldn't stop myself; I had to taste her. I pulled back and ran my hand down her chest, over her stomach stopping at her new belt, still off center. "You look so good baby, if we didn't have plans we would stay in this room all night" I bit my lip to stop from moaning. Seeing her dressed up does all kinds of things to me.


Beautiful. Sexy. Breathtaking. Phenomenal. That's how I describe Jennifer tonight. This dress, oh my god. That split up the leg. The lace dress is killing me. Pen was right, I think I creamed my pants. I could barely think, my heart is stopping. My head is spinning. If I wasn't in love before I am now.

"Jennifer..." that's all I could say as I took in her beauty. The dress hugging those delicious curves I crave, her boobs are pushed up to the gods and those heels, yeah she's not taking those off tonight. "You look absolutely amazing, so phenomenal, so elegant" I took her hand and stepped back so she could do a turn for me. "si belle" I let the French roll off my tongue before I took her into another kiss running my hands over her arms then around her back.

"Are you ready to go baby?" I asked, taking her hand. She nodded yes and closed the door. We got into the elevator and took it down to the first floor. I hired a driver for the night as I wanted all my attention on her.

"So, how do you feel about a party at a winery?" I asked Jennifer as we went into our ride for the night.

"Party, what kind of party Em?" She looked at me, raising a brow.

"You know, nothing too extravagant, just a few diplomatic people, celebrities" I cough and said quietly "Chris Stapleton" I smirked, smiling softly as I looked at her.

"WHAT! Chris Stapleton?!" She looked at me confused and shocked.

"Yes baby, we are going to a party hosted by Chris and his wife. We kind of got lucky having a case here, I never would've met up with Chris again" before I could even finish my sentence, lips were on my lips kissing with so much passion I could've taken her right then and there in this SUV.

"Oh my god, I could marry you Emily Elizabeth Prentiss! You are a goddess I swear! Chris Stapleton back to back, my heart can not take this! I hope he will sing a song for me! Do you think he will Em?!" JJ was talking a mile a minute, practically bouncing in her seat with so much excitement.

The rest of the ride was spent talking and joking with one another, stealing kisses here and there. Emily spent most of her time running her fingers along Jennifer's thigh loving the way that she felt under her fingers.

"Oh. My. God." JJ gasped as they pulled up to the most beautiful mansion she has ever laid eyes on. They were greeted to the sound of music playing under a black tent off to the side of the mansion. As they pulled up and exited the car Emily was pulled into a hug, JJ could've sworn it was Faith Hill.

"Emily Prentiss, It's so good to see you!" Yup, it was Faith Hill.

"Hello, Mrs. Hill, mother sends her regards, you know she's busy around this time of year." Emily hugged her back "This is my girlfriend Jennifer, Jennifer this is Faith Hill" she was frozen in shock and awe as she looked at her "This isn't normal for her, she's in shock, I apologize" Faith laughed and waved her off pulling JJ Into a hug.

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