Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Emily woke to the sound of a phone ringing, she ignored it as best as she could as she held Jennifer tighter to her. It rang again immediately after it cut off the first time.

"Jennifer your phone is ringing" Emily said into her back, trying to block out the sound. She felt Jennifer move to grab the phone. She took that time to check the clock. 10:30AM. They must have been too tired for them to sleep that late in the day.

"Hello?" She heard JJ rasp out, she was barely awake.

"Yes, that is fine. Yes please. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Love you too momma, bye" JJ hung up the phone then laid there before turning over towards me. Her leg was thrown over me and her head on my chest. I leaned down and pressed my lips against her head.

"Everything okay?" I asked playing with her hair.

"Yeah, my mom is gonna keep the kids for a few more days because they are currently in East Allegheny visiting family"

"That's the best news ever" we chuckled and laid in bed for another 2 hours before we decided to get up and finally unpack our bags. Jennifer started on the clothes while I put everything else away, we ordered sushi for dinner. It felt so good to be in our own home, everything is ours.

Later that night we sat around the fire as we looked up at the stars. Jennifer was tucked into my side.

"Thank you," she said quietly.

"What was that?"

"I said thank you."

"For what?" I looked down at her confused.

"For loving me, for wanting me, for wanting the boys. You treat us like we are the most important things in the world. I'm so thankful to have you.. I love you so much Emily."

"I love you Jennifer so much.. Thank you for changing me, for making me the person I was meant to be. You and the kids are the most important things in this world. Y'all keep me going everyday." She sat up and turned to look at me.

"You're the most amazing human being ever to walk the earth. You're so special"

"Are you trying to make me cry?"

"Is it working?" She said, smirking.

"Nah I'm tough" she rolled her eyes and gave me a kiss.

"How about we go upstairs and have some fun.." I raised my eyebrows looking at her.

"Oh yeah?"


"Well lead the way." She stood and grabbed my hand pulling me to our bedroom.


The kids come home today and I was excited to see them. Emily and I spent the night before cleaning and getting the house ready for guests and the kids.

We met them outside when my parents arrived. I opened the back door pulling each other the boys into a hug while Emily grabbed Chloé. I let the boys down then greeted my parents. We grabbed everything and headed inside so we could catch up.

"How were they? Any issues?" I asked as soon as I sat down in the living room.

"They were angels, Jennifer. Henry is so helpful with his siblings. Michael follows him around everywhere. They did everything we asked, no issues."

"See Jen I told you" Emily said, bumping my shoulder. I rolled my eyes, bumping her back. Chloé was laying against Emily's chest as she slept, Emily's hair wrapped tight in her little fist.

"I've missed them so much" I ran my hand down Chloés back.

"They missed you too. Michael kept asking about his mommy and momma and where they were at, every second of the day. But luckily Henry was there to distract him" we talked for about an hour before my parents headed home to get unpacked. Emily and I took the boys into the movie room so we could relax for the rest of the day.


Later that night Emily and I laid in California king with all three of the kids. Henry and Michael were snuggled into Emily while Chloé laid on her chest. They were all sound asleep. I had a few papers to sign for work and I only left them for 30 minutes, so here I am awake by myself. I took a few pictures of them and left the room going outside to the pool.

I sat on the edge with my feet in the water. Life has been crazy ever since that case in Nashville. From coworkers to girlfriends to mothers now we are married. We have three of the most amazing children, amazing jobs, and an amazing new house. Yeah we had a few bumps along the way but what relationship doesn't. I'm so overjoyed with the way my life is going.

I play with the water with my toe, swirling it around it. I listen to the crickets and frogs that sing around me. After spending 30 minutes out there, I head back inside. I make sure everything is locked up and go upstairs to the bedroom. They're still sound asleep, I don't see how she is comfortable like that.

I lay down and curl up staring at them sleeping. I run my eyes over each of them ending with Chloé, our newest creation. I scoot over to them and pull Henry into my arms falling asleep.


Two more chapters and the book is over. Any ideas on how I should end it?

Leave your comments and let me know ♥️

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