Chapter Twenty-Two

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We've been home for 2 weeks now. Chloé has been the perfect baby so far and I know that's a stretch to say. She loves to lay on Emily's chest when they are taking a nap, it's the cutest sight ever. Emily has been wonderful with Chloé.

They are currently upstairs sleeping while I wait downstairs for Garcia to come over. We are trying to make final plans for the wedding since the baby is here now. She arrives 20 minutes later with breakfast and my favorite coffee.

"Good morning my favorite mommy" I laugh as we make our way to the kitchen.

"Haha good morning Pen, thank you for breakfast and the coffee, I've missed it so much" we sat down and I took a sip of coffee letting out an embarrassingly loud moan. My face turned red as I blushed.

"Not the only thing you miss.." she said smirking. I rolled my eyes as she got her laptop out, she's been the best maid of honor I could ask for.

"Anyways, on to the wedding planning"


I woke up to little cries around 8 that morning and no Jennifer in bed. I rolled over to the bassinet on Jennifer's side to find my little girl crying softly as she started waking up.

"Aw Chloé, what's wrong baby? Sad because mommy left us alone again? That's mean of her I know." We are used to Jennifer getting up early and going downstairs to sit outside drinking her tea. I get up and use the bathroom quickly before going to get Chloé.

I change her diaper and lay her against my chest, the only thing that calms her down. She immediately goes back to sleep once she feels the warmth of my skin. I've spent the past two weeks in nothing but a sports bra and boxers, well before the boys wake up of course. I've spoiled her with skin to skin contact.

I got into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, all with one hand, it's a sight to see I'll tell you that. I put her down and make the bed quickly before laying her back on my chest. Next, we head to Michael's room to check on him then Henry's next. They're both still fast asleep.

Now, off to find mommy.


"So, how's Chloé been doing? Does she cry at all?" Garcia asked as we took a break from wedding planning.

"She hardly cries and if she does Emily is right there to save her" I roll my eyes smiling "She's literally been the lifesaver the past 2 weeks. My body is so drained and she hardly lets me lift a finger. She's been cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday. I can't wait to marry her" Garcia placed her hand over her heart.

"That's so beautiful. I knew Emily had a soft side under all that tough guy act"

"Ha she really does, I caught her giving Chloé a back massage the other day! She doesn't even do that for me" we shared a laugh.

We were sitting there when I heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs, I already knew it was Emily. I can't leave the room without them both waking up either an hour or two after that. A soft smile graces my face as she comes into view. She hasn't noticed us yet. She has Chloé laid against her chest as she comes downstairs. I blush as I see she hasn't put on pants yet, so her bulge is kind of noticeable.

I hear Garcia gasp and look back down at her laptop. "This is why y'all had Chloé in the first place, walking around all naked and stuff" I laugh quietly at the redness on her face.

"Oh, good morning guys," Emily said as she finally noticed us. She walked over to me, leaning down to give me a kiss. "Mm good morning baby. Good morning Chloé" I said as she held her carefully out for me to kiss her head.

"Good morning Emily, now let me see my goddaughter" Garcia stood up and took Chloé into her arms. I stood up and wrapped my arms around Emily's neck pulling her into another kiss.

"Have you already eaten breakfast?" She asks. I nod my head.

"Yes, but can you make the boys something? They'll be up soon. Also, your robe is in the laundry room, go throw it on" I winked at her.

"Of course baby" she gave me one last kiss before going to grab her robe. She went to the kitchen next to make the boys breakfast like always.

"Here JJ I think your little peanut is hungry." I look over and see Chloé sucking on her little fist. I smile and lean over taking her from Garcia. Luckily I wore a hoodie so I could breastfeed. I got her situated to eat while we discussed some more wedding stuff.


Garcia left around 11 that morning after finally finishing the wedding planning, all we have to do now is pick a date and order everything.

We are laying in Emily's and I bed, Chloé on her chest of course and the boys cuddled up against me. They're making us watch some animal shows.

"Momma, can we go to Target later?" Henry asked Emily while a commercial was on.

"What for buddy?"

"There's a new game I wanna get, Jack got it last week and said that we can play it together"

"Yeah I don't see why not, go put some real clothes on and we will go now" he jumped up running out the room cheering. I rolled over towards Emily.

"You spoil him too much" I took Chloé from her as she got up to get ready.

"I don't think so. I might bring you something back" she winked at me and I smiled wide as I laid Chloé on the bed surrounded by pillows. I got off the bed following Emily into our closet.

"Oh really? What are you gonna get me?" She came over to me and pulled me into her arms smiling.

"Hm, how about I get you that new desktop you've been wanting for your office? With you being home for 9 weeks you're gonna need something to pass the time with"

"Shut up, are you serious?!"

"Deadass serious" I pulled her into a kiss.

"Once the kids are down tonight, I'm gonna give you the best blowjob ever" she groans against my mouth and grabs my ass pulling me closer, a whimper slips past my lips.

"Jesus Jennifer.." I pulled away and let her finish getting ready so her and Henry could leave. I laid down with Chloé and Michael so we could take a much needed nap while they were gone.


The Prentiss wedding is VERY soon. Make sure yalls outfits are ready! ❤️

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