Chapter Sixteen

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It's been 2 months since JJ and the boys moved in with Emily. Everything has been going so well. Henry is loving his classes, he's been doing well with chores and managing his time on the video games. Michael is starting to stand up on his own.

JJ is 4 months pregnant and starting to show, the boys have been whispering lately about her mood swings. We have a doctor's appointment to find out the sex during lunch. If all goes well then we are telling the team tonight.


"What do you want the baby to be?" Jennifer asks me as I drive to the appointment.

"I would love to see a little Jennifer Jr running around, you birth some pretty cute kids" I wink at her chuckling "I'm honestly happy with whatever gender we get"

"I'm kinda hoping for a girl too, I can't do anymore boys, they're a handful plus I wanna buy her cute outfits" I shake my head laughing as we continue the drive. Once we get there I get her signed in and we wait.

"So you have the same doctor right?"

"Yeah, Dr. Greene, she delivered both Henry and Michael." We wait some more before the nurse calls Jennifer back. They do all the pre doctor stuff like weight, height, heart rate, blood pressure, and the fun stuff. We talk a little between waiting when we hear a knock.

"JJ it's good to see you again, no Will?" Dr. Greene asks.

"Uh, no. We are no longer together. This is my girlfriend Emily" she says, introducing me.

"Yes I remember, you came a few times during the pregnancy with Michael. If you don't mind me asking who's the father? Is he gonna be active? Or.." JJ started blushing and I chuckled.

"I'm technically the father and mother. I was born with a penis." She nodded her head.

"Okay well congratulations! I'm assuming this is your first child (Emily nods). We are gonna run more tests since that is the case. Standard procedures for a case like this. I have a few patients that are in your place and they have the healthiest baby around." She pulls up Jennifer's file on the computer. "Okay, so last time you were checked they did the genetic screening, everything is looking good so far, nothing alarming. The baby is right on track. Your weight is a little concerning, I know from your house visit you were a little underweight. I'm not telling you to pig out but eat, don't skip a meal. Now, let's take a look at this baby. Maybe we can get a gender" she gets all the equipment ready. I scoot closer, grabbing Jennifer's hand.

"This is gonna be cold" she squirts the gel on Jennifer's stomach and puts the wand on her stomach moving it around trying to find our baby. A few minutes later a noise fills the room.

"Is that--?" I look at the doctor with tears in my eyes.

"That's your baby. The heartbeat sounds amazing." She moves it around and takes a few pictures. "Would you like to know the gender?" I look at Jennifer.

"Yes" we both say.

"Congratulations it's a-"


Once we finish at the doctors and have our ultrasound pictures we head back to work to finish with the day. It's so hard to keep the smile off my face when I know the gender of my first child.

The rest of the day is spent doing countless numbers of reports. I had sent out an instant message earlier letting everybody know to meet at my apartment. Nobody knows Jennifer moved in with me. So tonight will be filled with excitement.


Once we finish with the work day, Jennifer and I head out. She went to get the boys while I picked up food. She beat me home so she could get the boys cleaned up and Henry started on his homework before everyone got here. 10 minutes after I got home the doorbell rang. We all went into the living room. Garcia got our parents on her laptop so they could hear everything too.

"Okay, so Jennifer and I have a couple of announcements. One, we have moved in together. And number two is--" we stopped for a dramatic pause.

"We're having a baby girl!!" Garcia jumped up and pulled us into a hug.

"I knew it, I knew it!! Omg I'm so happy for you guys!!"

"Well damn princess! I'm supposed to be your partner, how come I didn't know this" I rolled my eyes at Derek.

"Don't be a sour puss, that's not a good look for a little girl's Godfather" he looked at me confused then his face turned into a shocked expression.

"What the hell did you say? Godfather?! Emily.." he pulled me into a hug.

"That's right, Reid has both Henry and Michael, it's only right to give the jock the princess and see his soft side" I show him the ultrasound pictures and he has tears swimming in his eyes.

"Is big bad Derek Morgan about to cry?" He coughs and tries to cover it up.

"Psh girl I don't cry, better go on somewhere" I roll my eyes and we dig into the food while watching Bad Boys for Life. Derek and I are obsessed with this movie, both wishing that our jobs were like that. Jennifer and Garcia left us an hour ago to go to her office and plan the baby's room. I'm so lucky that this apartment has a few bedrooms and each with their own bathrooms.


"So how are you feeling about the baby?" Rossi asked me as we sat on the balcony drinking a beer.

"It feels different... I mean besides Jennifer, Garcia, my parents, and her mom. You're the only one that knows about my situation. I didn't think that I could help make a baby. She's perfect Dave.. The doctors said she's healthy, no genetic problems, she's growing fine... I'm gonna be a mom." I let the tears finally fall down my face. I wipe them away, chuckling.

"How does it feel to be a grandpa again?"

"It feels amazing, we needed a little girl around here to spoil. Don't get me wrong I love those 3 little guys but a man can only handle so much rough housing at an old age" we laugh and talk some more before Henry comes and finds me to help with homework.

Around 11 o'clock everyone starts heading home, the boys are in bed for the night.

Jennifer and I are in the living room looking out the window over the city.

"I can't believe we're here.. I never imagined life like this. Us together having a baby. I'm growing a human again, a little girl at that." I stand behind her with my hands resting on her stomach, hers on top of mine.

"I know, this is so unreal.." I pull away from her and she turns around to find me on one knee holding a black box.

"What are you doing Emily?"

"What I should've done when I first got you.." I take her hand looking up into her eyes.

"I know I gave you a promise ring months ago before I found out you were pregnant but now that it's real I want to make a honest woman out of you. You've put up with so much of my shit and past. You've had to save my ass more than I can count but yet you stayed. I never imagined my life to be a family person. I never wanted kids or a wife. I wanted to be a player all my life but life is too short not to want that. Henry and Michael have changed that for me. Henry is my mini best friend. That little boy teaches me so much everyday. Since I joined the team many years ago I knew that I wanted you, you are so special to me. You make my darkest days bright. You're the only one to tear down my walls, the one that makes me break. I need you in my life. So, I'm asking you Jennifer, will you become my wife? Will you make me the happiest woman alive?"

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