Chapter Fifteen

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I lift my hand up touching her face, my thumb smooths over her bottom lip. She has dark circles under her eyes.

"Hi.." I whisper never taking my eyes off of her.

"Hi baby... God I've missed you" tears well up in my eyes.

"I've missed you too Em, the boys have too. Henry keeps asking about you. It's been hard." She touches my cheek and wipes a tear away that slides down my cheek. "I need you Em.."

"I'm here baby, I'm not going anywhere" she pulls me closer into her, I wrap my arms around her.

"I have something to tell you..." I sit up and look at her biting my lip. She looks at me.

"Okay.. Is everything okay?"

"I'm pregnant... 2 months along. It got confirmed last month. I didn't know how to tell you, I didn't know if you would want it... I didn't know if you had changed. Pen kept me updated on you, she told me you struggled a lot. I wanted to come home so bad Emily, I really did. But I needed you to know that I was serious. We can't bring a baby into this lifestyle you have, I can't...--"

"BABY?! What, are you serious?" She looked at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah.. We're having a baby.."

"Holy shit! We're having a baby.." she there's a little bit longer staring into space then she jumps up.

"Oh my god we're having a baby!" She leans down and grabs my face kissing me, I wrap my arms around her neck standing up. She runs her hands up and down my sides then around to my stomach.

I see tears in her eyes and I place my hands on her face, wiping them away as they roll down.

"Oh my god, I have to call my parents, we have to find the best doctors, we gotta get your room at the hospital. I have to find a house! We can't raise a baby in a penthouse suite! Oh my god, I'm gonna be a mom, you're gonna be mom. We are having a baby, holy shit!!" I chuckle at her and kiss her again.

"You're rambling, baby. We will get everything situated I promise. We don't need a house Emily. But we do have to figure out living agreements before the baby gets here. Maybe we can stay at your place? I mean that's if you want us there? I can stay here--"

"No I'm getting a moving company right now and you are moving in with me. You're the love of my life and we are in this together." We talked a little bit more before we went to bed. She's laying her head on my stomach falling asleep. I knew we would be okay, it's gonna take time but we are in this together.


"Emily, will you stop hovering over me? I can pack boxes, you know?" I snapped as Emily kept hovering around me as we packed my apartment up. I got rid of a lot of stuff, I gave away a lot of furniture.

"I'm sorry, just making sure you're okay" she kissed my head and went into the boys room to help them.


"Jennifer, I'm gonna take the boys to the store so we can get some stuff for their rooms" Emily said as she walked into the living room holding Michael and Henry behind her.

"Emily do not spoil them, we have a baby to think about now" I rolled my eyes because I knew she would spoil them anyways.

"Yeah yeah yeah, want ice cream back?" I smiled wide at that.

"Of course I do" I walked over to them and gave each of the boys a kiss.

"Do I get one too?" Emily asked, I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Come back with the ice cream and I'll give one better than that" I winked at her.

She rushed out of the apartment with the boys. I knew she was gonna be taking them to Target and I knew that our apartment would soon be filled with bags.

It's been a few day's since we've been living with Emily, it's different. We are a normal couple, she's made us breakfast 2 days in a row, gave the boys baths and put them to sleep. Washed clothes. I'm loving the domesticated Emily.


"Emily... What did you buy?" I asked as her, the boys, and both of the front desk came walking into the apartment with countless bags.

"Uh... I got your ice cream." She walked over and handed me Michael and tipped the workers before they left.

"I know what you're gonna say. Yes, I spoiled them, mostly Henry because he can talk and pick out his own stuff. Michael chewed on a lot of sh- stuff so I had to buy it right?" I rolled my eyes and started playing with Michael as Henry and her started taking his bags in his room. She gave him the bedroom that had a bathroom. She obviously bought him some stuff for the bathroom, and a desk that's getting delivered tomorrow.

"Emily Elizabeth Prentiss, get in here now!" I yelled to her, I heard her let out a curse then her and Henry speaking.

"Coming!" More talking, then footsteps running downstairs.

"Yes my beautiful Queen?" I was pointing at the Xbox and PlayStation that now sat on the coffee table.


"Yeah, oh, that's right. Emily you can't spoil him like this, he's about to go back to school, this will distract him."

"No no no, they're staying in the living room so we can monitor him. I've already talked to him about the rules. One hour a day after homework is done and checked. One hour after chores if there's no homework. On the weekend 2 hours max. I even got him a tutor that comes by 2 days a week and on those days he doesn't play" she walked over to me taking my hands. "I wouldn't do anything that I didn't think he could handle, he's a smart kid, give him a little credit"

I sighed "Okay but if it causes trouble BOTH of y'all are in trouble." She nodded her head and gave me a kiss.

"I love you Jennifer, I'm the happiest I've been in months, years if we are being honest. Our little family is perfect, you're perfect. You're carrying my child, you're living with me. I couldn't ask for more" I wrapped my arms around her neck, she grabbed my waist pulling me closer.

"Mmm I love you Emily, just wait until the boys go to bed, I'll give you that kiss you wanted." She sat on the couch and pulled me on top of her.

"Oh really?" She leaned forward and started kissing my neck, I groaned and leaned my head back.

"You're not playing a fair game... You know we can't do anything, my hormones have been all over the place... I'm gonna make you pay tonight" I got off her lap and went to Henry's room to help.

"Jesus.." I heard Emily say as I walked away swaying my hips. "She's gonna kill me"

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