Chapter Twenty

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Any day now. Our baby girl will be arriving soon. We've been on edge with Emily getting a case then I go into labor. My mom has been staying with me while Emily is at work. She came down to be with me. We have two weeks until Thanksgiving and I'm currently only able to waddle around. Hopefully she's here before then.

We finally got her nursery set up, Derek helped Emily paint it a few weeks back and get all the furniture built. I wanted everything ready for her when she arrives.

I'm currently in my home office working on a few reports to help my fill in. I've been having sharp pains for the last few days, they come and go. Nothing serious to me, I've had two kids already.

I'm rubbing circles around on my stomach trying to settle the baby down when I get a sharp pain that makes me stop breathing. "Calm down Princess, you're hurting mommy" I get up and decide to go sit with my mom in the living room.

"Hey mom, whatcha watching?"

"This lifetime movie, you know I love this network." Another sharp pain makes me breath slowly and deeply.

"You okay?" My mom asks, worry laced in her voice.

"Yeah, just some pressure. I'm fine." She keeps an eye on me for the next 30 minutes. I ended up falling asleep on the couch, I've been so tired lately. A few pains here and there as I slept.


I got up two hours later, still tired. My body aches. I get up slowly and waddle into the kitchen, both hands under my stomach. My movements are slow as I walk. My mom is in the kitchen with Michael making some lunch.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Just a little tired." As I go to sit down a pain shoots up my back making me stop. I shake my head, I can't go into labor right now. Emily and the team are away at a conference about 3 hours away. It's a two day event Strauss made them go to.

"What's wrong?" My mom rushed to my side. I breathe deeply trying to calm down.

"Just a sharp kick is all, nothing to worry about" I sit down and rub my stomach trying to ease the pain.

"You know I watched you for a little bit while you slept, you were in pain also. Do you think you could be in labor?"

"No no no I can't be in labor because Emily isn't here . I'm not in labor, mom" I chuckled nervously, running a hand through my hair. She made us some lunch and we ate while we talked about anything and everything. After that we went upstairs to the baby's room to clean up a little bit more. Michael went down for a nap at that time.

I could feel my mom watching my every move. We decided to go to the mall after we picked up Henry, there's a few more things I wanna get for the baby's room. My mom grabbed the hospital bag even after being told no.


I hate being away from Jen right now, the baby is due any day now and Strauss has us 3 hours away to talk a stupid conference. I've been checking my watch throughout the day for messages from either Jennifer or her mom. I have a gut feeling that our child will be coming within the next day or so.

My nerves have been at an all time high. Derek has been keeping an eye on me and I roll my eyes because he isn't subtle about it either.

My thoughts are broken when the announcer calls my name to speak. I smile and stand walking over to the podium. I clear my throat and begin to talk. There's questions here and there from students from all different schools and colleges.

Halfway through my speech, my watch vibrates, I try to ignore it but it keeps going off. I reach my hand down and casually slip my phone out of my pocket. I hold it out to Derek without breaking from talking. He gets the hint and grabs it.

As I go to answer another question, I feel him come up beside me and cover the mic, what he tells me makes time freeze. I turn to the audience.

"I apologize but I have an important phone call to take but my partner Derek Morgan will take over" I grab my phone and practically run from the room. Once I'm outside I put the phone to my ear.

"Hey baby, what's going on?"

"My water broke..."

"WHAT?! Um okay, we are finishing up and we will be on the way okay? Are you heading to the hospital or what?" I'm pacing around biting at my nails.

"It's not time, we still have a few hours hopefully. I'm thinking she should be here in the next 6 hours give or take. Just stay calm okay? I have my mom and I'll be fine."

"Okay uh.. We will be there as soon as we can, okay? I love you so much Jennifer"

"I love you too Emily" I stayed outside for a few more seconds to calm down then went back inside taking my seat beside Hotch. He leaned over to me.

"Everything okay?" I bit my lip and threw my right leg over my left leg to keep from bouncing it.

"Uh.. Jennifer's in labor.. Her water broke." his eyes went wide for a second. He could tell I was freaking out on the inside. I was picking at my nails and not focused at all. As soon as Reid was done speaking we ran out of the building to the SUV's. I called Jen back as soon as we got in the car.

"How are you feeling? Any progress?"

"Just got out of the shower, it helped a little bit, I'm laying down in your clothes right now. I'm gonna take a nap until you guys get here. I'll call if anything changes okay?"

"Okay baby, I love you"

"I love you too" I hung up and sighed.

"How is she?" Derek asked, looking over at me.

"She's okay, she's about to lay down for a nap until we get there."


We make it back to the BAU in under two hours. As soon as we get there I'm out of the car getting into my own racing home.

I haven't heard from Jennifer since we last spoke. I made it home in record time. I quietly walk upstairs in case she's still sleeping. She's curled up on the bed, a hand resting against her stomach, Michael laying on my side of the bed, sleeping. I walk over to her.

"Baby.. I'm home" she moves a little and her eyes flutter open.

"Hi" she gives me a small smile and I get in bed behind her.

"How are you feeling?" I kiss her shoulder and lay my hand against her stomach, I feel a kick to my palm and I smile.

"We are okay, nothing new. She's been moving a little bit." I hum against her shoulder and we fall asleep, about an hour into our nap I feel Jennifer tense up and whimper softly.

"What's wrong?"

"We need to go to the hospital, they're getting closer"

My eyes widen and I jump up. "Okay yeah we can do that! Uh, MOM!" I hear Susan running to the room.

"What's going on girls?"

"We are going to the hospital, can you watch the boys while we are gone or I can call my mom. I can also call Garcia or Hotch. I'm pretty sure Dave wouldn't mind. Mayb--"

"Emily! Get your wife to the hospital okay?" They both chuckle at me.

"Yeah okay, I can do that right?" I'm so nervous, my hands are sweaty as hell.

I help Jennifer stand up and get changed. Luckily the hospital bag was already in the truck. We slowly made our way downstairs where the boys were waiting.

"We will be back before you know it, okay? Mommy's having your baby sister" each of the boys gives us a kiss before we head to the car. I helped her get in. As soon as I pull out of our drive I flip the lights racing to the hospital.

We are having a baby!

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